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pollution is the introduction of harmful materials



Last Update: 2022-08-28
Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Anonymous


introduction of harmful materials into the environment


leer al die spelwoorde hieronder en berei voor vir jou weeklikse spel en diktee toets. sterkte

Last Update: 2024-03-07
Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Anonymous


pollution is the source


Last Update: 2024-05-01
Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Anonymous


(f) aim at providing opportunities for the introduction of the widest range of


(f) poog om geleenthede te bied vir die invoering van die wydste verskeidenheid

Last Update: 2011-10-24
Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Anonymous


we have begun to act to reduce job losses. there is an agreement in principle between government and the social partners on the introduction of a training layoff.


ons het begin met optrede om werksverliese te verminder. in beginsel is ´n ooreenkoms tussen die regering en maatskaplike vennote aangegaan om ´n afwenteling van opleiding te keer.

Last Update: 2011-10-24
Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Anonymous


the future is a place with endless possobility and no limitations where we are allowed to chase our dreams. have you ever wondered what the future will look like and how it will affect you and me? i have thought about and i imagine that there will beiong flying cars that will be able to drive themselves. according to we will be seeing these flying vehicles as early as 2025. due to the development of technology,we will be migrating into a digital world and we have even seen this through the introduction of crypto currency. this worldwide phenomenon will continue to spread until it is the only acceptable currency.we will also see an introduction to wearable technology,mainly smartphones that are wearable and flexible made of synthetic foldable glass. in the coming years,modern medicine will thrive as doctors,scientists and researchers will unlock key medical procedures that will benefit the human race incredibly.according to the biggest breakthroughs in the medical world will be creating a process to help the human immune system rebuild itself extremely fast,this process will be called cell donar science and it will be introduced in 2026. secondly we will also see the trialling and testing phase of human bionic improvements which will allow the paralyzed to walk and the blind to see with the help of technology.this technology is only expected be showcased in 2030 according to it has taken scientists 6 million dollars worth of research to create 50% of what is needed to create a bionic human. hopefully before 2032 a proper combat strategy has been discovered on how to effectively abolish covid-19 forever lastly there has been rumour of third world war taking the superpowers of the world by storm.the prediction was made that the war would consist of a ukrainian resistance that would stand up against russia. this had almost happened earlier in this year.this resistence will cause superpowers such as america to get involve as they are new found allies of ukraine.this will be the driving force for world war three. in conclusion alot will happen in the years to come and we need to be prepared for a tremendous shift in how we go about our daily lives. the future is both exiting and terrifiying thank you


mondelinge onderwerpe

Last Update: 2022-05-07
Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Anonymous

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