Results for guarantee translation from English to Basque

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this message is not signed. there is no guarantee that this message is authentic.


mezu hau ez dago sinatuta. ez dago inolako bermerik, mezu hau benetakoa dela bermatzen duenik.

Last Update: 2014-08-20
Usage Frequency: 7


check this box to perform a full sync when your last sync was performed with another pc or system, to guarantee the completeness of your data.


hautatu hau, azken sinkronizazioa beste ordenagailu edo sistema batekin egin bada, babes- kopia oso bat burutzeko. honek zure babes- kopiaren osotasuna ziurtatuko du.

Last Update: 2011-10-23
Usage Frequency: 1


choose if you want to guarantee a minimum image quality (possibly leading to dropped frames in order not to surpass the bitrate limit) or if you prefer to keep the frame rate


aukeratu irudiaren gutxieneko kalitatea bermatzea nahi duzun (baliteke fotograma batzuk jaregitea bit-emariaren muga ez gainditzeko), edo fotograma-emaria mantentzea nahiago duzun

Last Update: 2014-08-20
Usage Frequency: 12


select the authentication type in the authentication list, or click check for supported types to have evolution check. some servers do not support this, so clicking this button is not a guarantee that available mechanisms actually work.


hautatu 'begiratu zein mota onartzen diren', evolution-ek zein mota onartzen diren begira dezan. zerbitzari batzuek ez dute esaten zein autentifikazio-mekanismo onartzen duten; beraz, botoian klik egite hutsak ez du bermatzen mekanismo horiek ondo lan egitea.

Last Update: 2014-08-20
Usage Frequency: 6


each puzzle has at least one solution. you can undo your moves and try and find the solution, restart this game, or start a new one. you can also try to reshuffle the game, but this does not guarantee a solution.


puzzle bakoitzak gutxienez ebazpen bat dauka. zure mugimenduak desegin ditzakezu eta irtenbidea aurkitzen saiatu denbora galduz, joko hau berrabiarazi edo hasi berri bat. jokoa ausaz nahas dezakezu, baina horrek ez dizu ebazpen bat ziurtatzen.

Last Update: 2014-08-20
Usage Frequency: 7


the licenses for most software are designed to take away your freedom to share and change it. by contrast, the gnu general public licenses are intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change free software - to make sure the software is free for all its users.


softwarea partekatzeko eta aldatzeko askatasuna kentzeko diseinatuta daude software-lizentzia gehienak. aitzitik, software librea partekatu eta aldatzeko duzun askatasuna bermatzea da gnu lizentzia publiko orokorraren xedea, hau da, softwarea erabiltzaile guztientzat librea izango dela ziurtatzea.

Last Update: 2014-08-20
Usage Frequency: 12


s/mime encryption also uses a key-based approach, but it has some significant advantages in convenience and security. s/mime uses certificates, which are similar to keys. the public portion of each certificate is held by the sender of a message and by one of several certificate authorities, who are paid to guarantee the identity of the sender and the security of the message. evolution already recognizes a large number of certificate authorities, so when you get a message with an s/mime certificate, your system automatically receives the public portion of the certificate and decrypts or verifies the message.


s/mime enkriptatzeak tekletan oinarritutako hurbilketa bat ere erabiltzen du; abantaila batzuk eskaintzen ditu komenigarritasun eta segurtasun aldetik. s/mimek ziurtagiriak erabiltzen ditu, gakoen antzekoak. ziurtagiri bakoitzaren zati publikoa mezuaren bidaltzaileak eta ziurtagiri-emaileren batek daukate; konprometituta daude bidaltzailearen identitatea eta mezuaren segurtasuna bermatzeko. evolution-ek ziurtagiri-emaile ugari ezagutzen ditu; beraz, s/mime ziurtagiria duen mezu bat jasotzean, zure sistemak automatikoki jasoko du ziurtagiriaren zati publikoa, eta mezua desenkriptatu edo egiaztatuko du.

Last Update: 2014-08-20
Usage Frequency: 6

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