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anatomizing of the digestive system of bald coot



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hutovo blato's marshland was created by the underground aquifer system of the krupa river.


močvarno zemljište hutovog blata stvoreno je podzemnim vodama sistema rijeke krupe.

Last Update: 2016-01-20
Usage Frequency: 1


hutovo blato spans about 7,411 hectares, most of which is marshland created by the underground aquifer system of the krupa river.


hutovo blato prostire se na oko 7.411 hektara, a većina toga je močvarno zemljište stvoreno podzemnim vodama sistema rijeke krupe.

Last Update: 2016-01-20
Usage Frequency: 1


steps also have been taken to prevent polluted waters from entering the steam generators of the vidachim power plant and the circulation system of the kozloduy nuclear power plant.


također su preduzeti koraci na sprječavanju ulaska zagađene vode u parne generatore elektrane vidachim i u cirkulacioni sistem nuklearne elektrane kozloduy.

Last Update: 2016-01-20
Usage Frequency: 1


so far, for the management of zeljezara, it is more profitable to pay the fine at the end of the year than create a system of environmental protection," perovic adds.


za sad je upravi Željezare isplativije plaćati kaznu na kraju godine nego uspostaviti sistem za zaštitu okoliša," dodaje perović.

Last Update: 2016-01-20
Usage Frequency: 1

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a group of greek computer programmers hacked into the security system of the european organisation for nuclear research (cern), which is conducting the big bang experiment in geneva.


grupa grčkih kompjuterskih programera upala je u sigurnosni sistem evropske organizacije za nuklearna istraživanja (cern), koja vodi eksperiment velikog praska u Ženevi.

Last Update: 2016-01-20
Usage Frequency: 1


but the complex institutional setup established under the dayton accords turned it into one of the countries with the most cumbersome systems of governance.


međutim, kompleksno institucionalno uređenje ustanovljeno dejtonskim sporazumom ju je pretvorilo u jednu od zemalja s najglomaznijim sistemom upravljanja.

Last Update: 2016-01-20
Usage Frequency: 1


bosnia and herzegovina is marking the 10th anniversary of the peace deal that ended more than three years of bloodshed and split the country into a system of separate but equal entities. [getty images]


bosna i hercegovina obilježava 10. godišnjicu mirovnog sporazuma kojim je okončano krvoproliće koje je trajalo više od tri godine i kojim je zemlja podijeljena na sistem odvojenih, ali jednakih entiteta. [getty images]

Last Update: 2016-01-20
Usage Frequency: 1


"both parties share the ideals of the socialist international, and both advocate social reform, the creation of a system of social justice and equal opportunities for all," the president said.


"obje stranke gaje iste ideale socijalističke internacionale, i obje zagovaraju socijalnu reformu, stvaranje sistema socijalne pravde i jednakosti mogućnosti za sviju," rekao je predsjednik.

Last Update: 2016-01-20
Usage Frequency: 1

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the leaders of the main bosniak, serb and croat parties rejected the proposed package of reforms to improve their country's system of governance and make it a functional state, swedish foreign minister carl bildt and us deputy secretary of state james steinberg said.


lideri glavnih bošnjačkih, srpskih i hrvatskih stranaka odbacili su predloženi paket reformi za poboljšanje sistema uprave u njihovoj zemlji i njene funkcionalnosti kao države, izjavili su švedski ministar vanjskih poslova carl bildt i zamjenik američkog državnog sekretara james steinberg.

Last Update: 2016-01-20
Usage Frequency: 1


the credit aims to support the cabinet's efforts in tackling the global economic downturn, such as fiscal consolidation, better management of public finances, enhanced stability of the financial sector, and a better system of social protection.


svrha kredita je podržati napore kabineta u rješavanju globalnog ekonomskog pada, poput fiskalne konsolidacije, boljeg upravljanja javnim finansijama, pojačane stabilnosti finansijskog sektora i boljeg sistema socijalne zaštite.

Last Update: 2016-01-20
Usage Frequency: 1


ilazi said that situation in northern kosovo is unstable and a new modus vivendi should be found, "which should be a process that leads to the incorporation of the parallel system in the north in the general system of the state of kosovo as it has been done with the municipalities of gracanica and shtime."


ilazi je izjavio da je situacija na sjevernom kosovu nestabilna i da bi se trebao pronaći novi modus vivendi, "koji bi trebao predstavljati proces koji vodi do inkorporacije paralelnog sistema na sjeveru u opći sistem države kosovo, kako je to urađeno s općinama gračanica i shtime."

Last Update: 2016-01-20
Usage Frequency: 1

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albania joins nato's strategic concept for security and protection, aims to be fully part of the military structures and collective defense system of the alliance and will engage its capacities to be part of it, according to a letter that basha sent nato secretary-general jaap de hoop scheffer prior to the signing.


albanija se pridružuje strateškom konceptu nato-a za sigurnost i zaštitu, ima namjeru biti punopravni dio vojnih struktura i sistema kolektivne odbrane alijanse, i angažirat će svoje kapacitete kako bi bila dio toga, kaže se u pismu koje je basha poslao generalnom sekretaru nato-a jaapu de hoop schefferu prije potpisivanja.

Last Update: 2016-01-20
Usage Frequency: 1


the eu and the united states have been urging bih politicians for years to agree on changes to the constitution, which is part of the dayton peace agreement that ended the 1992-1995 conflict, but left the country with one of the most cumbersome systems of governance.


eu i sjedinjene države već godinama pozivaju političare u bih da se usuglase po pitanju promjena ustava, koji predstavlja dio dejtonskog mirovnog sporazuma kojim je okončan sukob iz perioda 1992-1995, ali je njime zemlja ostavljena u jednom od najkompliciranijih sistema upravljanja.

Last Update: 2016-01-20
Usage Frequency: 1


in keeping with this process, next september in banja luka, nato will conduct its joint effort 2009 exercise -- a major drill to verify the interoperability of communications systems of the nato and pfp countries.


u skladu s tim procesom, u septembru naredne godine u banjaluci, nato će održati svoju vježbu združeni napor 2009. -- značajnu vježbu kojom se provjerava interoperabilnost komunikacijskih sistema zemalja nato-a i pfp-a.

Last Update: 2016-01-20
Usage Frequency: 1


the system of state administration of montenegro is, within the methodology used, viewed as a single system consisting of: objectives, functions and mechanisms for functioning and management, unified as a whole of legislative and executive functions of the authorities. resources were viewed as human, financial, information and intellectual innovative.


sistem državne uprave crne gore je u okviru korišćene metodologije, posmatran kao jedinstveni sistem koji se sastoji od: ciljeva, funkcija i mehanizama za funkcionisanje i upravljanje, objedinjen u cjelini zakonodavnih i izvrših funkcija vlasti. resursi su posmatrani kao kadrovsko humani, finansijski, informacioni i intelektualno inovativni.

Last Update: 2022-04-14
Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Anonymous

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