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"we have had difficulties with the delivery of orders.


"imali smo poteškoća s dostavom.

Last Update: 2016-01-20
Usage Frequency: 1

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how does it co-operate with the local authorities in bih?


kako surađuje s lokalnim vlastima u bih?

Last Update: 2016-01-20
Usage Frequency: 1


it is demonstrated that eu intervention had been both necessary and effective in the delivery of results.


pokazao je da je za ostvarivanje rezultata intervencija eu-a bila i nužna i djelotvorna.

Last Update: 2017-04-06
Usage Frequency: 1


how does it co-operate with the european commission delegation in bih?


kako ono surađuje s izaslanstvom europske komisije u bih?

Last Update: 2016-01-20
Usage Frequency: 2


maybe that isn 't so remarkable , but what is remarkable is how easy it is to make this impatience go away by simply changing when the delivery of these monetary units will happen .


možda to i nije neka naročita stvar , ali je značajno kako ovo nestrpljenje brzo nestaje ako jednostavno promjenimo vrijeme isporuke ovih monetarnih jedinica .

Last Update: 2013-01-10
Usage Frequency: 1


croatia's defence ministry signed a 112m-euro contract with the finnish firm patria on the delivery of 84 armoured vehicles.


hrvatsko ministarstvo obrane potpisalo je s finskom kompanijom patria ugovor o isporuci 84 oklopna vozila ukupne vrijednosti 112 milijuna eura.

Last Update: 2016-01-20
Usage Frequency: 2


1.7 the committee recommends that social and civil dialogue structures and processes be enhanced and improved in partner and host countries to assist with the delivery of the communication.


1.7 kao doprinos provedbi komunikacije, odbor preporučuje poboljšavanje i unapređivanje strukture i procesa građanskog dijaloga u partnerskim zemljama i zemljama domaćinima.

Last Update: 2017-04-06
Usage Frequency: 1


with the communication adopted today, the commission commits to continue to push for full visa reciprocity and will coordinate its activities with the relevant member states to accelerate the delivery of results.


komunikacijom koju je donijela danas komisija se nastavlja zalagati za puni vizni reciprocitet te će koordinirati aktivnosti s relevantnim državama članicama kako bi se brže postigli rezultati.

Last Update: 2017-04-26
Usage Frequency: 1


serious foreign investors are right to express concern when they learn that if they want to stay in production, they will need to first make sure they have bought enough generators as kosovo is still beset by serious problems with the delivery of electricity.


ozbiljni su strani ulagači u pravu kad izražavaju zabrinutost nakon što doznaju da će, žele li održati proizvodnju, najprije morati kupiti dostatnu količinu generatora, budući da se kosovo i dalje suočava s ozbiljnim problemima u isporuci električne energije.

Last Update: 2016-01-20
Usage Frequency: 1


all equipment, including connectors, tubing, and circuits, used in the delivery of nitric oxide must be made of materials compatible with the gas.


sva oprema, uključujući priključke, cijevi i krugove, koja se koristi za dopremu dušikovog (ii) oksida mora biti proizvedena od materijala kompatibilnih s tim plinom.

Last Update: 2017-04-26
Usage Frequency: 1


it is also foreseen that a further administrative decree, based on an agreement between the national government and the regions, will define triennial guidelines and objectives for almps, and the standards for the delivery of services across the national territory.


također je predviđeno da se dodatnim upravnim rješenjem, temeljenim na sporazumu između nacionalne vlade i regija, utvrde trogodišnje smjernice i ciljevi aktivnih politika tržišta rada te norme za pružanje usluga na području cijele zemlje.

Last Update: 2017-04-06
Usage Frequency: 1


therefore, the delivery of eu financial instruments should go hand in hand with the provision of appropriate mentoring and coaching schemes and knowledge-based business services.


stoga bi osiguravanje financijskih instrumenata eu-a trebalo ići ruku pod ruku s odgovarajućim programima mentorstva i obuke te poslovnih usluga zasnovanih na znanju.

Last Update: 2017-04-06
Usage Frequency: 1


universal service providers providing parcel delivery services shall provide the national regulatory authority of the member state in which they are established with the public list of tariffs applicable on 1 january of each calendar year for the delivery of postal items falling within the categories listed in the annex.


davatelji univerzalne usluge koji pružaju usluge dostave paketa dostavljaju nacionalnim regulatornim tijelima države članice u kojoj imaju poslovni nastan javni cjenik koji se primjenjuje od 1. siječnja svake kalendarske godine na dostavu poštanskih pošiljki obuhvaćenih kategorijama navedenima u prilogu.

Last Update: 2017-04-06
Usage Frequency: 1


the marketing authorisation holder (mah) shall agree the content and the delivery of the educational program with the national compentent authority prior to the launch of maci in that member state.


nositelj odobrenja mora sadržaj i isporuku edukacijskog programa dogovoriti s nadležnim nacionalnim tijelom prije stavljanja implantata maci u promet u toj državi članici.

Last Update: 2017-04-26
Usage Frequency: 1


a single sector interoperability perspective is associated with the risk that the adoption of different or incompatible solutions at national or sectoral levels will throw up new e-barriers that impede the proper functioning of the internal market and the associated freedoms of movement, and undermine the openness and competitiveness of markets and the delivery of services of general interest to citizens and enterprises.


perspektiva interoperabilnosti u jednom sektoru povezana je s rizikom da će donošenje različitih ili neusklađenih rješenja na nacionalnoj ili sektorskoj razini stvoriti nove elektroničke prepreke koje otežavaju odgovarajuće funkcioniranje unutarnjeg tržišta i s njime povezanu slobodu kretanja te narušavaju otvorenost i konkurentnost tržišta i pružanje usluga od općeg interesa građanima i poduzetnicima.

Last Update: 2017-04-06
Usage Frequency: 1


if you 've got reflux oesophagitis , there are 15 procedures , and joe schmo does it one way and will blow does it another way , and none of them work , and that 's the way it is with this word , hope .


no ako imate reflux oesophagitis , postoji 15 postupaka , i joe schmo to radi na jedan način , will blow na drugi , i nijedan ne djeluje , a tako je i s riječju nada .

Last Update: 2013-01-10
Usage Frequency: 1


calling for an objective approach to the past, the document also stresses the need for full and unconditional co-operation with the international criminal tribunal for the former yugoslavia (icty), including the delivery of all war crimes indictees to the hague-based court.


u dokumentu, u kojem se poziva na objektivan pristup prošlosti, također se podvlači potreba pune i bezuvjetne suradnje s međunarodnim kaznenim tribunalom za bivšu jugoslaviju (icty), uključujući izručenje svih optuženika za ratne zločine sudu u haagu.

Last Update: 2016-01-20
Usage Frequency: 2


specific challenges addressed by the initiative include a lack of support for the long-term unemployed to obtain work, which lowers the registration with the public employment services in some member states (low coverage), the difficulty of addressing the complexity of unemployment drivers (ensuring that support is relevant to employers' needs and suited to the individual) and the discontinuity in the delivery of services when unemployment benefits end.


posebni izazovi obuhvaćeni inicijativom uključuju nedostatak podrške dugotrajno nezaposlenim osobama u pronalaženju posla, čime se smanjuje broj osoba prijavljenih javnim službama za zapošljavanje u nekim državama članicama (nizak obuhvat), poteškoće u rješavanju problema složenosti pokretača nezaposlenosti (briga oko prilagodbe podrške potrebama poslodavaca i tražitelja zaposlenja) te diskontinuitet pružanja usluga nakon što se naknada za nezaposlenost prestane isplaćivati.

Last Update: 2017-04-06
Usage Frequency: 1

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