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let your life to blaring out in a life of king



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)xv any defect causing part retirement found in a life controlled part before completion of the full life of the part


xv)fejl i en levetidskontrolleret del, som medfører udskiftning af den, før dens levetid er afsluttet

Last Update: 2017-04-06
Usage Frequency: 1


this would allow us to pre-empt the problem of alienating immigrants, which leads to frustration and sometimes to violent disturbances, and very often results in a life of poverty.


dette ville give os mulighed for at foregribe problemet med fremmedgørelse af indvandrere, der fører til frustration og til tider til voldelige optøjer og meget ofte til et liv i fattigdom.

Last Update: 2012-02-29
Usage Frequency: 2


92 funds, and to share out them out in a more equitable fashion between the different modes and types of transport, in order to protect the short-distance transport services that are essential to the daily life of our citizens.


cox transportformer og de forskellige transporttyper med henblik på at beskytte nærtrafikken, der rejser reelle problemer for borgernes hverdag.

Last Update: 2014-02-06
Usage Frequency: 1


it is that solidarity which could make former or retired academics in community states tum to voluntary work —- as our rapporteur points out so well — in a desire to share a life of knowledge with a part of the world which wants to be reborn.


det er denne solidaritet, der kan føre til, at tidligere universitetslærere i fællesskabet tilbyder deres frivillige indsats — sådan som ordføreren meget vel understreger — ud fra ønsket om at sprede deres viden om en del af verden, der ønsker at blive født på ny.

Last Update: 2014-02-06
Usage Frequency: 1


adopting the 'directive of shame' in a bid to create a fortress europe deprives immigrants of their basic human rights and condemns them to a life of illegality.


med vedtagelsen af "skammens direktiv" i et forsøg på at skabe fort europa fratages indvandrernes grundlæggende menneskerettigheder, og de dømmes til et liv i ulovlighed.

Last Update: 2012-02-29
Usage Frequency: 2

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this meeting of the european parliament takes place shortly after the brussels european council whose proceedings marked the very important and construc­tive conclusion of a particular situation in the life of the community, when the community's dynamism appeared to have burned out in a morass of pettyinterests and internecine quarrels.


vi bør arbejde for, at samtlige medlemsstater kan føle sig som deltagere i samme politiske plan og som part havere i samme projekt. intet stort mål kan nås uden overbevisning om, at målets gennemførelse i praksis er i alles interesse.

Last Update: 2014-02-06
Usage Frequency: 1


i emphasize this because, quite frankly, the average woman in a poor country who starts childbearing before she is 20 and continues until she has eight children has little chance of expanding her life beyond a life of manual labour.


et særligt spørgsmål er fysisk hårdt arbejde og børns deltagelse i det, der med en fejlagtig betegnelse kaldes »børnearbejde« i udviklingslandene. det er korrekt, at der finder misbrug sted, og at der forekommer dramatiske eksempler herpå.

Last Update: 2014-02-06
Usage Frequency: 1


this is the sort of lie they tell:' if you took the measures that are necessary we would live in a life of dimming lights, turning off air conditioning, sacrificing our industrial competitiveness and curtailing our economic growth '.


disse personer fortæller følgende løgn: « hvis man tog de nødvendige forholdsregler, ville vi leve et liv, hvor vi skulle dæmpe lyset, slukke for lufkonditioneringsanlæg, ofre industriel konkurrenceevne og begrænse den økonomiske vækst «.

Last Update: 2012-03-23
Usage Frequency: 5


he always had a certain sorrow in his eyes, a sorrow which is easily understood because in a country like turkey you need not only courage, indeed foolhardiness, but also obstinacy to devote your life to the defence of other people 's lives.


der var altid tristhed i hans blik, en tristhed, der er let at forstå, for i et land som tyrkiet kræver det ikke alene mod, eller snarere dumdristighed, men også stædighed at vie sit liv til at forsvare andres.

Last Update: 2012-03-22
Usage Frequency: 5


that, very obviously, is in our economic, industrial and security interests, and as several members of this house have pointed out in the course of this very good debate, it will also help to improve the quality of life of people everywhere in a very great variety of ways.


det tjener naturligvis vores økonomiske, industrielle og sikkerhedsmæssige interesser, og som adskillige medlemmer af parlamentet har påpeget i løbet af en virkelig udmærket forhandling, vil det også hjælpe med til at forbedre folks livskvalitet overalt på en lang række forskellige måder.

Last Update: 2012-03-23
Usage Frequency: 5


in this respect it is irresponsible of the eu constantly to allow in a vast number of unskilled migrants, who are then condemned to a life of unemployment and switch to moonlighting, as a result of which the low-wage sector comes under even greater pressure, who turn to crime or 'just' put pressure on the welfare state.


i den henseende er det uansvarligt af eu at tillade den konstante indvandring af umådeligt mange ufaglærte mennesker, som dømmes til et liv i arbejdsløshed, og som skifter til sort arbejde, hvilket bevirker, at lavtlønsområdet kommer under endnu større pres, som bliver kriminelle, eller som "bare" lægger pres på velfærdsstaten.

Last Update: 2012-02-29
Usage Frequency: 2

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ropirinol has been granted a marketing authorisation by france on 30 june 2004.before the end of a mutual recognition procedure, spain and the netherlands, presented to the emea a referral considering that this medicinal product might present a risk to public health since they were of the opinion that safety and efficacy in long-term treatment of ropinirole in restless legs syndrome had not been demonstrated.the issues discussed included the efficacy data provided in the clinical trials, particularly in the subset of patients having a functional impact and the long-term efficacy and safety as well as the benefit-risk ratio.the mah has defined severe idiopathic rls as those patients who have an international restless legs syndrome rating scale (irls) baseline score of 24 points or more.however, for the chmp, this population of patients should be defined as moderate to severe idiopathic rls.according to the literature, the tolerability profile of ropinirole in this population of patients must be analysed in the context of a physical condition that significantly affects the quality of life of patients mainly due to the fact that rls patients suffer with chronic this context the clinical trial safety data demonstrate that ropinirole has an acceptable tolerability and safety profile in rls patients over the dose range 0.25 -4mg/day.whilst the adverse events of nausea, vomiting, dizziness and somnolence occurred more frequently with ropinirole treatment than with placebo, the majority of patients had events that were mild to moderate in severity.these events were generally first reported during the initial two weeks of treatment and the rate of discontinuation from ropinirole treatment was low and similar to that from placebo treatment.the nature of these events is consistent with the established safety profile of ropinirole and the dopamine agonist class of drugs.a detailed assessment of the most common adverse events in the target population (irls baseline score 24-40 points) has been provided.the adverse events that are specific to rls patients, such as augmentation and rebound effects have been discussed.the analysis of serious adverse events (sae) was unremarkable in the overall group of patients enrolled in the ropinirole clinical studies.a recent study has been conducted by the mah in healthy volunteers on the effects of ropinirole on cardiac clinically significant effect on the qt interval was observed.the data generated from the ropinirole clinical trial programme with studies of up to 52-week duration of ropinirole treatment is reassuring as far as the clinical significance of potential episodes of augmentation reported.the reported rates in the literature of augmentation associated with dopamine agonists including ropinirole are generally lower than the ones reported for levodopa.more importantly the majority of the ropinirole episodes of augmentation had limited clinical significance as generally patients continued on ropinirole treatment without discontinuation and, in the majority of the events the investigators did not increase the dose of ropinirole as a result of the augmentation.a rebound phenomenon following discontinuation of ropinirole treatment (end of treatment rebound) cannot be clinical trials, although the average irls total scores 7-10 days after withdrawal of therapy were higher in ropinirole-treated patients than in placebo-treated patients, the severity of symptoms following withdrawal of therapy generally did not exceed the baseline assessment in ropinirole-treated patients.the mah agreed to revise the spc, sections 4.2 and 5.1, to specify that ropinirole is indicated in moderate to severe idiopathic restless legs syndrome.the mah agreed to revise also section 5.1, to specify that ropinirole treated patients had higher irls scores at follow up assessment compared to placebo treated the moderate to severe rls population the benefit of treating with ropinirole is seen in all outcomes measured in a consistent way.the safety profile although pledged by uncomfortable adverse events like nausea and vomiting is mostly a problem in the early phase of the treatment and is considered19/94 manageable.the benefit-risk assessment is considered favourable for the moderate to severe rls as defined in the spc.therefore the chmp has recommended that there are no objections for the granting of the marketing authorisation for adartel, in the treatment of symptomatic treatment of moderate to severe idiopathic restless legs syndrome.this marketing authorisation is subject to conditions considered essential for the safe and effective use of the medicinal product, which are that a long-term, double-blind, placebo controlled trial should be conducted as a post-marketing commitment (see annexe iv) .the amended spc is endorsed by the chmp.grounds for amendment of the summary of product characteristicswhereas,-the scope of the referral was that the safety and efficacy in long-term treatment of ropinirole inrestless legs syndrome should be demonstrated,-based on the documentation submitted and the scientific discussion within the committee, thesummary of products characteristic proposed by the applicant has been amended as set out in annexe iii.20/94 annex iiisummary of product characteristics, labelling and package leaflet21/94 a.summary of product characteristics22/94 1 name of the medicinal productadartrel 0.25 mg film-coated tablets.2 qualitative and quantitative compositioneach film-coated tablet contains 0.25 mg of ropinirole (as hydrochloride) .excipient(s):lactose for a full list of excipients, see section 6.1.3 pharmaceutical form film-coated tablet.white oval-shaped, marked " gs " on one side and " mle " on the other.4 clinical particulars4.1 therapeutic indicationsadartrel is indicated for the symptomatic treatment of moderate to severe idiopathic restless legs syndrome (see section 5.1) .4.2 posology and method of administrationoral use.adultsindividual dose titration against efficacy and tolerability is recommended.ropinirole should be taken just before bedtime, however the dose can be taken up to 3 hours before retiring.ropinirole may be taken with food, to improve gastrointestinal tolerance.treatment initiation (week 1)the recommended initial dose is 0.25 mg once daily (administered as above) for 2 days.if this dose is well tolerated the dose should be increased to 0.5 mg once daily for the remainder of week 1.therapeutic regimen (week 2 onwards)following treatment initiation, the daily dose should be increased until optimal therapeutic response is achieved.the average dose in clinical trials, in patients with moderate to severe restless legs syndrome, was 2 mg once a day.


filmovertrukket tabletoral anvendelseoral anvendelseoral anvendelseoral anvendelseoral anvendelseoral anvendelseoral anvendelsemedlemsstatmarkedsføringstill delseansøgersærnavnstyrkerlægemiddelformindgivelsesvejroute de versailles, 78163 marly-le-roi cedex, francedet forenede kongerigedet forenede kongerigelaboratoire glaxosmithkline, 100 route de versailles, 78163 marly-le-roi cedex, france laboratoire glaxosmithkline, 100 route de versailles, 78163 marly-le-roi cedex, franceadartreladartrel161, 0 mg2, 0 mgfilmovertrukket tabletfilmovertrukket tabletoral anvendelseoral anvendelsebilag iifaglige konklusioner og begrundelser for Ændring af produktresumeer, etikettering og indlÆgssedler fremlagt af emea9 faglige konklusionersamlet resumÉ af den faglige vurdering af adartrel (se bilag i)der blev udstedt en markedsføringstilladelse for ropirinol af frankrig den 30. juni 2004.inden afslutningen af den gensidige anerkendelses-procedure indbragte spanien og nederlandene en sag for emea ud fra den betragtning, at dette lægemiddel muligvis udgør en risiko for folkesundheden, eftersom sikkerhed og virkning for ropinirol til langtidsbehandling af restless legs syndrome (rls) efter deres opfattelse ikke er på spørgsmål, der blev drøftet, vedrørte oplysninger om virkning i de kliniske undersøgelser, navnlig hos andelen af patienter med en funktionel påvirkning samt langtidsvirkningen, sikkerheden og benefit/risk-forholdet.markedsføringsindehaveren har defineret svær idiopatisk rsl som en tilstand hos patienter, der har opnået et scoringsresultat ved baseline på 24 point eller mere på den internationale rls -graderingsskala (irls) .chmp er imidlertid af den opfattelse, at denne patientpopulations tilstand bør defineres som moderat til svær idiopatisk rsl.tolerabilitetsprofilen for ropinirol skal i denne patientpopulation ifølge dokumentationen analyseres på baggrund af den fysiske tilstand, som i væsentlig grad påvirker patienternes livskvalitet, hvilket navnlig skyldes, at rls-patienter lider af kronisk søvnløshed.på denne baggrund viser de kliniske undersøgelsesdata om sikkerhed, at ropinirol har en acceptabel tolerabilitet og sikkerhedsprofil hos rsl-patienter over det relevante dosisområde 0, 25 -4mg/dag.bivirkninger som kvalme, svimmelhed, søvntrang og opkastning forekom hyppigere ved behandling med ropinirol end med placebo, men bivirkningerne hos størstedelen af patienterne var af mild til moderat sværhedsgrad.disse bivirkninger blev generelt først indberettet i løbet af de første to uger af behandlingen, og seponeringsraten for behandling med ropinirol var lav og svarede til den for behandling med placebo.arten af disse bivirkninger er i overensstemmelse med den etablerede sikkerhedsprofil for ropinirol og lægemiddelklassen af dopaminagonister.der er blevet fremlagt en indgående vurdering af de mest almindelige bivirkninger i målgruppen (scoringsresultat ved baseline på 24-40 point) .de bivirkninger, der er specifikke for rls-patienter, såsom augmentation og reboundeffekter, er blevet drøftet.

Last Update: 2008-03-04
Usage Frequency: 1

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