From professional translators, enterprises, web pages and freely available translation repositories.
stricter rules governing the transport manager's links with the company are also laid down.
voor een vervoersleider gelden strengere opleidingseisen en er wordt nauwkeuriger aangegeven in welke relatie hij tot de onderneming moet staan.
for the html one, scroll down to see the table of contents link.
hansen, 1970 guide to lunar orbiter photographs (pdf), nasa sp-242* lunar orbiter to the moon national space science data center (nssdc)* lunar orbiter mission profile by nasa's solar system exploration* astronautix on lunar orbiter* exploring the moon: lunar orbiter program lunar and planetary institute* digital lunar orbiter photographic atlas of the moon lunar and planetary institute* lunar orbiter photo gallery over 2,600 high- and moderate-resolution photographs* lunar orbiter digitization project usgs astrogeology science center* lunar orbiter digitized film project usgs astrogeology science center, nasa planetary data system archive* lunar orbiter image recovery project (loirp) overview
commission regulation of 16 january 2009 laying down requirements on data link services for the single european sky
verordening van de commissie van 16 januari 2009 tot vaststelling van de eisen inzake datalinkdiensten voor het gemeenschappelijke europese luchtruim