Results for pity on you translation from English to Galician

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pity on you



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mouse keys has been enabled. from now on, you can use the number pad of your keyboard in order to control the mouse.


activouse o rato por teclado. de agora en diante, pode empregar o teclado numérico para controlar o rato.

Last Update: 2011-10-23
Usage Frequency: 1


enter the date from when on you plan to keep track of the transactions in that account. this is usually the date of the last statement. if uncertain, leave as is.


indique a data desde a que prevé rexistrar as transaccións nesa conta. polo xeral esta é a data do último extracto. se non está certo, déixeo como está.

Last Update: 2011-10-23
Usage Frequency: 1


this is a percent completed pull down menu initially set at 0% complete. later on, you can indicate your progress by adjusting the percent completed in steps of 10%.


este é un menú con porcentaxes de finalización que está inicialmente a 0%. posteriormente pódese indicar o progreso, axustando a porcentaxe finalizada con intervalos de 10%.

Last Update: 2011-10-23
Usage Frequency: 1


select bcc to enter an email address. if blind copies are to be sent to your account on the computer which & kalarm; runs on, you could simply enter your user login name here.


seleccione bcc para introducir un enderezo de correo. se as copias ocultas se han de enviar á súa conta no computador no que se está a executar o & kalarm;, abonda con introducir aquí o seu nome de usuario.

Last Update: 2011-10-23
Usage Frequency: 1

Warning: Contains invisible HTML formatting


enter a long description of the event in the large, untitled rectangle. you can write as many details as you wish here. for example, if the event is, say, planned general repair of your car, you can list all items that need repairing. later on you can print this list and hand it over to the serviceman. if the event is shopping, you should list the goods that you need to buy. print the event and take it to the shop with you.


indique unha descrición extensa do evento no rectángulo grande sen título. pódense escribir aquí tantos detalles como se desexen. se o evento for, por exemplo, unha reparación xeral planeada do vehículo, pódense indicar aquí todos os elementos que necesitan de reparación. posteriormente poderaseimprimir esta lista e entregarlla ao mecánico. se o evento consiste en compras, pódese usar este campo para a lista de compras propriamente dita. imprima o evento e léveo para o supermercado consigo.

Last Update: 2011-10-23
Usage Frequency: 1

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