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what have been use in oral language



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what have been told to you all just follow it


आप सभी को जो बताया गया है बस उसका पालन करें

Last Update: 2023-10-14
Usage Frequency: 1


we are gratified that indian personnel have been of some use in your plans to build your economy .


हमें संतोष है कि आपको अपनी अर्थव्यवस्था के निर्माण की योजनाओं में भारतीय कार्मिकों से कुछ उपयोगी सहायता मिली है ।

Last Update: 2020-05-24
Usage Frequency: 1


' the scraper seems to have been of particular use in tribal and folk dances , more specially related to exorcism and certain saivite dances .


ऐसा लगता है कि कबीलाई एवं लोक - नृत्यों में इस किरिकिट्टक का विशेष इस्तेमाल रहा है , खासकर उन नृत्यों में जिनका संबंध झाड़फूंक से तथा कुछ विशेष शैवायत नृत्यों से रहता है ।

Last Update: 2020-05-24
Usage Frequency: 1


' years later when the american missionary dr john mott visited the mahatma at his sevagram ashram in central india , he asked him : ' what have been the most creative experiences in your life ?


वर्षों बाद अमरीकी मिशनरी डा . जान मोट जब मध्य भारत स्थित सेवाग्राम आश्रम में गांधी जी से मिले तो उन्होंने पूछा : आपके जीवन के सबसे रचानात्तक अनुभव क्या रहे हैं ?

Last Update: 2020-05-24
Usage Frequency: 1


and david said unto achish, but what have i done? and what hast thou found in thy servant so long as i have been with thee unto this day, that i may not go fight against the enemies of my lord the king?


दाऊद ने आकीश से कहा, मैं ने क्या किया है? और जब से मैं तेरे साम्हने आया तब से आज तक तू ने अपने दास में क्या पाया है कि अपने प्रभु राजा के शत्रुओं से लड़ने न पाऊं?

Last Update: 2019-08-09
Usage Frequency: 1


david said to achish, "but what have i done? what have you found in your servant so long as i have been before you to this day, that i may not go and fight against the enemies of my lord the king?"


दाऊद ने आकीश से कहा, मैं ने क्या किया है? और जब से मैं तेरे साम्हने आया तब से आज तक तू ने अपने दास में क्या पाया है कि अपने प्रभु राजा के शत्रुओं से लड़ने न पाऊं?

Last Update: 2019-08-09
Usage Frequency: 1

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as part of streamlining the regulatory function of central ground water authority , district magistrates have been appointed as authorized officers for grant of permission for extraction of ground water for drinking / domestic uses in 36 out of 43 blocks / talukas notified by cgwa in 10 states for ground water regulation .


केंद्रीय भूजल प्राधिकरण के नियामक कार्यों को निचले स्तर तक पहुंचाने के लिए जिलास्तरों पर मजिस्ट्रेटों की नियुक्ति घरेलू उपयोग और पीने के लिए भूजल के इस्तेमाल की अनुमति प्रदान करने के लिए की गई है । 10 राज्यों के अधिसूचित 43 में से 36 ब्लॉक / तालुकाओं में भूजल नियमन के लिए मजिस्ट्रेट की नियुक्ति की जा चुकी है ।

Last Update: 2020-05-24
Usage Frequency: 1


various anabolic steroids and related compoundssince the discovery and synthesis of testosterone in the 1930s, anabolic steroids have been used by physicians for many purposes, with varying degrees of success, for the treatment of:bone marrow stimulation: for decades, anabolic steroids were the mainstay of therapy for hypoplastic anemias due to leukemia or kidney failure, especially aplastic anemia.[7] anabolic steroids have largely been replaced in this setting by synthetic protein hormones (such as epoetin alfa) that selectively stimulate growth of blood cell precursors.growth stimulation: anabolic steroids can be used by pediatric endocrinologists to treat children with growth failure.[8] however, the availability of synthetic growth hormone, which has fewer side effects, makes this a secondary treatment.stimulation of appetite and preservation and increase of muscle mass: anabolic steroids have been given to people with chronic wasting conditions such as cancer and aids.[9][10]induction of male puberty: androgens are given to many boys distressed about extreme delay of puberty. testosterone is now nearly the only androgen used for this purpose and has been shown to increase height, weight, and fat-free mass in boys with delayed puberty.[11]male contraception, in the form of testosterone enanthate; potential for use in the near-future as a safe, reliable, and reversible male contraceptive.[12][13]stimulation of lean body mass and prevention of bone loss in elderly men, as some studies indicate.[14][15][16] however, a 2006 placebo-controlled trial of low-dose testosterone supplementation in elderly men with low levels of testosterone found no benefit on body composition, physical performance, insulin sensitivity, or quality of life.[17]hormone replacement for men with low levels of testosterone; also effective in improving libido for elderly males.[18][19][20][21]gender dysphoria, by producing secondary male characteristics, such as a deeper voice, increased bone and muscle mass, facial hair, increased levels of red blood cells, and clitoral enlargement in trans man patients,[22] among other people designated female at birth or who develop female secondary sexual characteristics but desire to rather be read as male or look more ambiguous, such as a number of non-binary transgender people,[23][24][25][26] both intersex and dyadic, and dysphoric non-transgender intersex men.[27][28]increased maximum inspiratory pressure: a study in "research in sports medicine" has found that the combination of resistance training and anabolic steroid administration produce a significant increase in mip in a cohort of long-term aas users.[29]


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Last Update: 2016-05-03
Usage Frequency: 4

Reference: Anonymous
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