From professional translators, enterprises, web pages and freely available translation repositories.
before trusting this ca for any purpose, you should examine its certificate and its policy and procedures (if available).
send ad tesentmeḍ adabu-yagi n uselken ca, issefk ad ittusekyed, ad ttusekeydent tarrayin ines d tisekkirin ines (ma yella wamek).
executes the current statement and then stops at the next statement. if the current statement is a function call then the debugger executes the whole function, and it stops at the next statement after the function call
ad iselkem tanaṭ tamirant sakin ad yeḥbes di tanaṭ d-iteddun. ma yella tanaṭ d asiwel n twuri, ihi tamseγtayt ad tesselkem akk tawuri, sakin ad tesseḥbes di tanaṭ d-iteddun seld asiwel n twuri
web literacy should be as foundational to education as reading, writing, and math – and it should be taught everywhere learning happens.
aselmed web yessefk ad yili d lsas n usegmi am tγuri, tira, akked tusnakt - yessefk daγen ad yettwasγeṛ sekra wanida qqaṛen yimdanen.
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