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recorded millions of thankss


saya merakamkan jutaan terima kasih

Last Update: 2021-08-25
Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Anonymous


among the millions of stars only one bright star among millions of people only one person that i love


diantara berjuta-juta bintang hanya satu bintang yang paling terang diantara berjuta-juta orang hanya satu orang yang aku sayang

Last Update: 2017-01-05
Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Anonymous


as much appreciation and millions of thanks to the prof as the supervisor of this scholarly training who has given a lot of guidance, encouragement and endless cooperation to the author to successfully complete this task.


setinggi perhargaan dan jutaan terima kasih kepada prof selaku penyelia latihan ilmiah ini yang telah banyak memberikan tunjuk ajar, doronganc sokongan seta kerjasama yang tidak terhingga kepada penulis sehingga berjaya menyelesaikan tugasan ini.

Last Update: 2020-09-01
Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Anonymous


recently, the whole world has been hit by outbreaks of infectious diseases such as covid 19 or coronavirus.the pandemic has killed millions of people and the pandemic is also affected the economy,technology,society and so on.


baru-baru ini, seluruh dunia telah dilanda wabak penyakit berjangkit seperti covid 19 atau coronavirus. wabak itu telah membunuh berjuta-juta orang dan wabak itu turut menjejaskan ekonomi, teknologi, masyarakat dan sebagainya.

Last Update: 2021-11-24
Usage Frequency: 2

Reference: Anonymous


the problems arising from plastic pollution show no signs of abating, especially in the oceans where it poses a threat to the lives of millions of marine animals. a practical step towards a plastic free world, has to begin with the banning of the small plastic straw.


masalah yang timbul akibat pencemaran plastik tidak menunjukkan tanda-tanda pertempuran, terutamanya di lautan di mana ia menimbulkan ancaman kepada kehidupan berjuta-juta haiwan marin. langkah praktikal ke arah dunia bebas plastik, perlu bermula dengan pengharaian jerami plastik kecil.

Last Update: 2021-01-30
Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Anonymous


the covid 19 pandemic has affected lives around the world and indirectly it has changed our lives 360 degrees with millions upon millions of people having been infected around the world. covid 19 has claimed thousands of innocent lives and the number is increasing every day. the disease has a huge impact and change on all ages regardless of whether children and adults experience a mixture of emotions.


pandemik covid 19 telah menjejaskan kehidupan di seluruh dunia dan secara tidak langsung ia telah mengubah kehidupan kita 360 darjah dengan berjuta juta orang telah dijangkiti di seluruh dunia. covid 19 telah meragut ribuan nyawa yang tidak berdosa dan jumlahnya semakin meningkat setiap hari. penyakit ini memberi kesan dan perubahan yang besar kepada semua peringkat umur tidak kira sama ada kanak kanak dan orang dewasa mengalami campuran emosi.

Last Update: 2021-11-27
Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Anonymous


look over and see where you might be able to help out. remember, it is easy to get involved and the work you do will be seen by millions of people around the world.


layari dan lihat samada anda mungkin boleh membantunya. ingat, ia sangat mudah untuk libatkan diri dan kerja-kerja yang anda buat akan dilihat oleh berjuta orang di seluruh dunia.

Last Update: 2014-08-15
Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Anonymous


zika virus has now spread to 80 countries or territories [5], including 50 in the americas and the caribbean, causing millions of infections. an enormous body of information about zika has rapidly accumulated and the scientific community is now energetically organizing and translating new data into control and prevention approaches


virus zika kini telah merebak ke 80 negara atau wilayah [5], termasuk 50 di amerika dan caribbean, menyebabkan berjuta-juta jangkitan. sebilangan besar maklumat tentang zika telah terkumpul dengan cepat dan komuniti saintifik kini sedang bersemangat mengatur dan menterjemah data baharu ke dalam pendekatan kawalan dan pencegahan

Last Update: 2021-11-24
Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Anonymous


2 minute read vandalism the intentional and malicious destruction of or damage to the property of another. the intentional destruction of property is popularly referred to as vandalism. it includes behavior such as breaking windows, slashing tires, spray painting a wall with graffiti, and destroying a computer system through the use of a computer virus. vandalism is a malicious act and may reflect personal ill will, although the perpetrators need not know their victim to commit vandalism. the recklessness of the act imputes both intent and malice. because the destruction of public and private property poses a threat to society, modern statutes make vandalism a crime. the penalties upon conviction may be a fine, a jail sentence, an order to pay for repairs or replacement, or all three. in addition, a person who commits vandalism may be sued in a civil tort action for damages so that the damaged property can be repaired or replaced. vandalism is a general term that may not actually appear in criminal statutes. frequently, these statutes employ the terms criminal mischief, malicious mischief, or malicious trespass as opposed to vandalism. a group of individuals can be convicted of conspiring or acting concertedly to commit vandalism. generally, the attempt to commit vandalism is an offense as well, but the penalties for attempted vandalism are not as severe as the penalties for a completed act. penalties also depend on the value of the property destroyed or the cost of repairing it. to obtain a conviction the prosecution must ordinarily prove that the accused damaged or destroyed some property, that the property did not belong to the accused, and that the accused acted willfully and with malice. in the absence of proof of damage, the defendant may be guilty of trespass, but not vandalism. if there is no proof that the defendant intentionally damaged the property, the defendant cannot be convicted of the crime but can be held liable for monetary damages in a civil action. some state statutes impose more stringent penalties for the destruction of certain types of property. such statutes might cover the desecration of a church or synagogue, the destruction of workers in pittsburgh examine spray-painted vandalism on a statue of christopher columbus. though political demonstrators may exercise their freedom of speech, doing so through the defacement of public property can lead to conviction. ap/wide world photos jail or prison property by inmates, and the intentional destruction of property belonging to a public utility. destructive acts will not be excused merely because the defendants acted out of what they thought was a noble purpose. political demonstrators may exercise their first amendment rights of freedom of speech and freedom of association and assembly, but if they deface, for example, government property with spray-painted slogans, they can be convicted of vandalism. the peak period for committing relatively minor property crimes is between the ages of fifteen and twenty-one. in the united states adolescent vandalism, including the wanton destruction of schools, causes millions of dollars of damage each year. apprehending vandals is often difficult, and the costs of repairing the damage are passed on to taxpayers, private property owners, and insurance companies. some states hold parents financially responsible for vandalism committed by their minor children, up to specified limits. these statutes are designed to encourage parental supervision and to shift part of the cost of vandalism from the public to the individuals who are best able to supervise the children who destroyed the property. read more: vandalism - property, destruction, statutes, and penalties - jrank articles


contoh artikel di taman permainan vandalisme

Last Update: 2021-04-11
Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Anonymous

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