Results for discrimnatory translation from English to Maltese

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taking into account the fact that in most equipment markets there is typically a large range of telecommunication equipment markets there is typically a large range of telecommunication equipment, and the likely development of the markets in which there are as yet a limited number of manufacturers, any specialy right which directly or indirectly - for example by not providing for an open and non-discrimnatory authorization procedure - limits the number of the undertakings authorized to import, market, connect, bring into service and maintain such equipment, is liable to have the same kind of effect as the grant of exclusive rights.


meta wieħed iqis il-fatt li fil-biċa l-kbira tas-swieq tat-tagħmir hemm varjeta kbira ta' swieq ta' t-tagħmir elettroniku, hemm varjeta kbitra ta' tagħmir tat-telekomunikazzjoni, u l-potenzal għall-iżvilupp tas-swieq li fih s'issa hemm numru limitat ta'manifatturi, kwalunkwe dritt speċjali li direttament jew indirettament - per eżempju billi ma jipprovdux għal proċedura ta' awtorizzazzjoni miftuħa u mhux diskriminatorja - tillimita l-għadd ta' impriżi awtorizzati li jimpurtaw, ibiegħu, jikkonnettjaw, idaħħlu fis-servizz u jsewwu tagħmir bħal dan, jista' jkollu l-stess xorta ta' effetti bħall-għotja ta' drittijiet esklusivi.

Last Update: 2014-11-21
Usage Frequency: 2

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