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transshipments at sea shall be prohibited.


trasbord fuq il-baħar għandu jkun projbit.

Last Update: 2014-11-21
Usage Frequency: 2


the data shall be recorded as the live weight equivalent of the landings or transshipments, to the nearest tonne.


l-informazzjoni għandha tiġi rrekordjata bħala piż ħaj ekwivalenti għat-tniżżil l-art jew għal dak għat-trasbord, sa l-eqreb tunnellata.

Last Update: 2017-04-06
Usage Frequency: 3


at the end of the transshipment or series of transshipments, the master of the receiving vessel shall transmit these details to the competent authorities referred to above within 24 hours.


fl-aħħar tat-trasbord jew sensiela ta' trasbord, il-kaptan tal-bastiment riċevent għandu jittrasmetti dawn id-dettalji lill-awtoritajiet kompetenti msemmija hawn fuq fi żmien 24 siegħa.

Last Update: 2014-11-21
Usage Frequency: 2


member states shall take the necessary measures to ensure monitoring of the catches of species made by their vessels operating in waters subject to the sovereignty or jurisdiction of third countries and on the high seas, and to ensure verification and recording of transshipments and landings of such catches.


l-istati membri għandhom jieħdu l-miżuri meħtieġa biex jiżguraw is-sorveljar tal-qabdiet ta' l-ispeċi magħmula mill-bastimenti tagħhom li joperaw fl-ibħra suġġetti għas-sovranità jew il-ġurisdizzjoni ta' pajjiżi terżi u fl-ibħra mhux territorjali, u biex jiżguraw il-verifika u r-reġistrazzjoni tat-trasbord u l-inżul ta' qabdiet bħal dawn.

Last Update: 2014-11-21
Usage Frequency: 2


as from that date, it shall provisionally prohibit fishing for that stock or group of stocks by such vessels as well as the retention on board, the transshipment and the landing of fish taken after that date and shall decide on a date up to which transshipments and landings or final declarations of catches are permitted.


minn dik id-data, għandu jipprojbixxi proviżorjament sajd għal dak l-istokk jew grupp ta' stokkijiet minn dawk il-bastimenti kif ukoll iż-żamma tagħhom abbord, it-trasbord u l-inżul ta' ħut meħuda wara dik id-data u għandu jiddeċiedi fuq data sakemm it-trasbord u l-inżul jew dikjarazzjonijiet finali tal-qabdiet huma permessi.

Last Update: 2014-11-21
Usage Frequency: 2


at the latest 24 hours before the beginning and at the end of a transshipment or a series or transshipments, when this takes place in a port or in maritime waters subject to the sovereignty or jurisdiction of a member state, the master of the receiving vessel shall inform the competent authorities of that member state of the quantities of catches of a stock or group of stocks subject to a tac or quota on board his vessel.


mhux anqas tard minn 24 siegħa qabel il-bidu u fl-aħħar ta' trasbord jew sensiela ta' trasbord, meta dan iseħħ f'port jew fl-ibħra marittimi suġġetti għas-sovranità jew ġurisdizzjoni ta' stat membru, il-kaptan tal-bastiment riċevent għandu jinforma l-awtoritajiet kompetenti ta' dak l-istat membru bil-kwantitajiet tal-qabdiet ta' stokk jew grupp ta' stokkijiet suġġetti għal tac jew kwota abbord il-bastiment tiegħu.

Last Update: 2014-11-21
Usage Frequency: 2


3.15 the committee is convinced, that apart from that and to improve co-modality, activities and money should generally be concentrated on the nodes of the transport system such as transshipment platforms, because they are increasingly becoming bottlenecks and therefore deserve particular attention, and to the corridors between them.


3.15 il-kumitat huwa konvint li, apparti minn dan u sabiex titjieb il-komodalità, l-attivitajiet u l-flus għandhom b’mod ġenerali jkunu kkonċentrati fuq in-nodi tas-sistema tat-trasport bħalma huma l-pjattaformi tat-trasbord, peress li dawn qed isiru aktar u aktar ta’ ostakli u għalhekk jeħtieġu attenzjoni partikolari u għall-kurituri ta’ bejniethom.

Last Update: 2017-04-06
Usage Frequency: 1

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