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wisdom tooth


il quċċija

Last Update: 2019-10-14
Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Anonymous


youth versus wisdom


iż-żgħożija kontra l-għerf

Last Update: 2014-02-06
Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Anonymous


trust in collective wisdom


fiduċja fl-għerf kollettiv

Last Update: 2017-04-06
Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Anonymous


annex 1 – words of wisdom about languages


anness 1 - kliem ta' għerf dwar il-lingwi

Last Update: 2017-04-26
Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Anonymous


5.7 much conventional wisdom needs to be challenged.


5.7 jeħtieġ li jiġi sfidat l-għarfien konvenzjonali.

Last Update: 2017-04-06
Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Anonymous


the wisdom of president napolitano inspires me to take a wider view.


l-għerf tal-president napolitano jispirani biex nadotta perspettiva usa'.

Last Update: 2017-04-26
Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Anonymous


it was as if a lost world of beauty and wisdom had been reborn.


kien daqslikieku reġgħet instabet mill-ġdid dinja mitlufa ta’sbuħija u għerf.

Last Update: 2014-02-06
Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Anonymous


we should look towards the future, but with a wisdom we gained from the past.


jeħtieġ inħarsu lejn il-futur, iżda bl-għerf li akkwistajna mill-passat.

Last Update: 2017-04-26
Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Anonymous


he’s a man who filled my childhood and my youth with his rural wisdom.


tfuliti u ż-żgħożiti huma mimlijin bl-għerf rurali tiegħu.

Last Update: 2017-04-26
Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Anonymous


but we must also have the strength and the wisdom to move forward, in an eu of 27 which is itself an actor on the world stage.


imma jeħtieġ ukoll li jkollna l-kuraġġ u l-għerf li nimxu 'l quddiem, lejn unjoni ta' 27, li hija hija stess attur fid-dinja globalizzata.

Last Update: 2017-04-26
Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Anonymous


the eesc notes that, if this is the case, serious thought is needed regarding the wisdom of increasing the costs for growing economies.


il-kese josserva li, jekk dan huwa l-każ, għandu jkun hemm ħsieb serju fir-rigward ta’ kemm huwa rakkomandabbli li jiżdiedu l-ispejjeż għall-ekonomiji li qegħdin jikbru.

Last Update: 2017-04-06
Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Anonymous


an analysis of this kind might also provide useful indications on the wisdom of the decision to include all cross-border electronic payment instruments in the regulation.


analiżi ta’ dan it-tip għandha mnejn tagħti indikazzjonijiet siewja dwar kemm hija għaqlija d-deċiżjoni li jiġu inklużi fir-regolament l-istrumenti transkonfinali kollha ta’ ħlas elettroniku.

Last Update: 2017-04-06
Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Anonymous


the productivity of wisdom and knowledge is for sure not as measurable as the productivity of manufacturing consumer goods, but african wisdom reminds us that when an older man dies, a library disappears.


tabilħaqq li l-produttività tal-għerf u l-għarfien ma tistax titkejjel bħall-produttività tal-manifattura tal-oġġetti għall-konsum, iżda kif ifakkarna qawl afrikan, hekk kif xiħ imut tgħosfor miegħu librerija.

Last Update: 2017-04-26
Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Anonymous


some delegation questioned the wisdom of re-opening negotiations with mercosur in these circumstances (11496/1/10 rev 1).


xi delegazzjonijiet kellhom dubju dwar kemm kien għaqli li jerġgħu jinfetħu n-negozjati mal-mercosur f'dawn iċ-ċirkostanzi (11496/1/10 rev 1).

Last Update: 2017-04-26
Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Anonymous


sharing a common economic and social space while respecting diversity, the wish to be nourished together and consolidated by the wisdom of standing together: that was, and still is, the aim of the big european market.


li naqsmu flimkien spazju ekonomiku u soċjali komuni filwaqt li nirrispettaw id-diversitajiet tagħna, ix-xewqa li nkunu flimkien, sostnuti u magħqudin permezz tal-interess li nkunu flimkien: din kienet u għadha l-ambizzjoni tas-suq kbir ewropew.

Last Update: 2017-04-06
Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Anonymous


the lovers card is not just about love and sexuality; it has several meanings which are all related to the duality expressed in the image of the card. the image of the two lovers holding hands or intertwined is a powerful symbol for the harmonious union of two beings, but it also stands for the necessity of proper choice, and some interesting concepts about the relationship of our conscious minds to whatever power brings these lovers together. it should be apparent that, in our culture which has so many words and definitions for the simple emotion of love, the image of love as expressed in the tarot can have so many meanings. the lovers is predominantly a card of the emotions, and it often portrays love that is divinely blessed, either by cupid, an angel, or by god himself. this seems to imply that nothing but good can come of this union, though with such a dualistic card there is always the potential for a sad conclusion, despite the best of beginnings. after all, love is like a flame because it can ignite the blaze of passion, but also because it can consume and destroy if used carelessly. love is a wonderful thing, but profane or unrequited love has the power to tear families and lives apart. the lovers has within it the potential for such love and we must always be cautious of it. air is the element which rules the lovers, and we should therefore expect the majority of its meanings to be associated with the spirit and the mind. the notion of choice between positive and negative is first depicted on this card with the old symbology of a man deciding between two lovers. such a moral crossroads is often shown by the lovers card, which now tells us to consider all consequences before acting. the situation could be as simple as a fork in the road with two paths to choose between, or a much more complicated decision by which all of our strongest beliefs and ideals will be tested. in times of such difficult choice we clearly need high guidance. the final meaning of the lovers is perhaps best illustrated by the image of the card in the rider-waite deck, and some of its variants. this image shows the man looking at the woman, who in turn looks at the divine figure above them both. the man cannot see the angel, and he must trust the woman to see it for him. likewise, the conscious mind (the man) cannot directly access higher powers (the angel), whatever you believe those are. the unconscious (the woman) must be the bridge between the physical and spiritual planes. this symbology also shows the true power of love; as discussed on the ten of cups, through love we can get a glimpse of heaven. often, the lovers will refer to a relationship when it appears in a reading, and when it does, that relationship will be a perfect expression of the love between two people. this will almost always be a sexual relationship, though not necessarily. you must always keep in mind, though, the potential for conflict despite happy beginnings. love is a flame that must not be left unattended; it must be fueled and allowed to burn for as long and as brightly as possible. if not a physical pairing of man and woman, the lovers can also show the integration of two conflicting parts of yourself, the masculine and the feminine. through the combination, greater wisdom is revealed. finally, this card carries the meaning of choice, usually on the moral or ethical plane. the most familiar instance of such a choice, sadly, is the choice between your spouse and someone else with whom you have fallen in love. alternatively, it could be between two possible partners, both of whom you love, but only one of whom would be best for you. look inside, and turn to your unconscious for inspiration. through it you can access the wisdom needed to make this choice properly, and for the good of all involved. trust the counsel of your inner voice, and once you have made your decision, do not rescind it no matter how much opposition you face.



Last Update: 2013-01-07
Usage Frequency: 5


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