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weakened immune system



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immune system


प्रतिरक्षा प्रणाली

Last Update: 2018-12-13
Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Anonymous


it has been known that a cytokine storm results from an overreaction of the immune system in sars and mers patients.


sars र mers बिरामीहरूमा प्रतिरक्षा प्रणालीको ज्यादा प्रतिक्रियाबाट साइटोकाइन आँधी हुने थाहा भएको छ।

Last Update: 2020-08-25
Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Anonymous


a second strategy, subunit vaccines, aims to create a vaccine that sensitises the immune system to certain subunits of the virus.


दोस्रो रणनीति, सब युनिट खोपहरूले, भाइरसका केही सब युनिटहरूमा प्रतिरक्षा प्रणालीलाई संवेदनशील बनाउने खोप सिर्जना गर्ने लक्ष्य राख्छन्।

Last Update: 2020-08-25
Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Anonymous


it should also be cautioned that artificial selection can contribute to unintended changes in viral genomes, most likely resulting from relieving viruses from selection pressures exerted, such as by the host immune system.


कृत्रिम चयनले भाइरल जिनोमहरूमा अनावश्यक परिवर्तन गर्न योगदान पुर्‍याउन सक्दछ भने होस्ट प्रतिरक्षा प्रणालीद्वारा अधिकतम सम्भावित चयन दबावहरूमा विषाणुहरूबाट छुटकारा पाउनका लागि सतर्कता अपनाउनु पर्दछ।

Last Update: 2020-08-25
Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Anonymous


those most at risk of covid-19 infection and serious complications are the elderly and those with weakened immune systems or underlying health conditions like cardiovascular disease, diabetes, hypertension, chronic respiratory disease, and cancer.


covid-19 को सङ्क्रमण र गम्भीर जटिलताको खतरामा परेकाहरू मानिसहरू भनेका वृद्धहरू र कमजोर प्रतिरक्षा प्रणाली भएकाहरू वा अन्तर्निहित स्वास्थ्य अवस्था जस्तै हृदय सम्बन्धी रोग, मधुमेह, उच्च रक्तचाप, दीर्घकालीन श्वासन रोग, र क्यान्सर भएकाहरू हुन्।

Last Update: 2020-08-25
Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Anonymous


on the other hand, an overreaction of the immune system generates a large number of free radicals locally that can cause severe damages to the lungs and other organs, and, in the worst scenario, multi-organ failure and even death.


अर्कोतर्फ, रोग प्रतिरोधात्मक प्रणालीको अनावश्यक प्रतिक्रिया स्थानीय रूपमा धेरै सङ्ख्यामा स्वतन्त्र रेडिकल सृजना गर्छ जसले फोक्सो र अन्य अङ्गहरूमा गम्भीर क्षति र सबभन्दा खराब अवस्थामा, बहु-अङ्ग विफलता र मृत्यु पनि हुन सक्छ।

Last Update: 2020-08-25
Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Anonymous


transferring purified and concentrated antibodies produced by the immune systems of those who have recovered from covid-19 to people who need them is being investigated as a non-vaccine method of passive immunisation.


covid-19 बाट निको भएका मानिसहरूको प्रतिरक्षा प्रणालीद्वारा उत्पादन गरिएका शुद्ध पारिएको र मिश्रित एन्टिबडीहरू ती कुरा आवश्यक पर्ने व्यक्तिहरूलाई स्थानान्तरण गर्ने कार्यलाई निष्क्रिय खोपको गैर-खोप विधिको रूपमा अनुसन्धान गरिएको छ।

Last Update: 2020-08-25
Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Anonymous


seek medical advice contact your health care provider, especially if you are: pregnant, elderly, or have a weak immune system, or if the ill person is an infant. any of these circumstances put people at higher risk of getting sick if exposed to foodborne germ, virus or bug (parasite), and at higher risk of serious complications. having severe symptoms such as bloody diarrhea, severe nausea and vomiting or a high fever. save clues for food safety investigators if you think your illness may have been caused by something you ate, follow these steps to help dhec or federal food safety officials investigate your claim: if any of the suspect food remains, wrap it securely, write danger - do not eat on the wrapping or container, and refrigerate it. save all the packaging materials or the container the food came in. if you have any identical unopened products, save them. write down the food type, where you got it, and the date and time of day you ate it. also write down the date and time of day when you first noticed symptoms of illness. report your illness contact us immediately if the food believed to have made you sick was served at a large gathering (such as a church supper) or came from a restaurant, cafeteria, or other type of food service establishment, especially if others have also become sick from the same source. how to file a complaint file an online complaint about sanitation or food handling procedures at a s.c. food service establishment. complain about sanitation or unsafe procedures involving food served by a hospital, nursing home or other regulated medical facility. to file a complaint about an out-of-state food businesses, please contact the public health department in that state. health care professionals must follow the procedure listed in south carolina's 2013 list of reportable conditions (pdf) to notify dhec of certain foodborne diseases. seek medical advice contact your health care provider, especially if you are: pregnant, elderly, or have a weak immune system, or if the ill person is an infant. any of these circumstances put people at higher risk of getting sick if exposed to foodborne germ, virus or bug (parasite), and at higher risk of serious complications. having severe symptoms such as bloody diarrhea, severe nausea and vomiting or a high fever. save clues for food safety investigators if you think your illness may have been caused by something you ate, follow these steps to help dhec or federal food safety officials investigate your claim: if any of the suspect food remains, wrap it securely, write danger - do not eat on the wrapping or container, and refrigerate it. save all the packaging materials or the container the food came in. if you have any identical unopened products, save them. write down the food type, where you got it, and the date and time of day you ate it. also write down the date and time of day when you first noticed symptoms of illness. report your illness contact us immediately if the food believed to have made you sick was served at a large gathering (such as a church supper) or came from a restaurant, cafeteria, or other type of food service establishment, especially if others have also become sick from the same source. how to file a complaint file an online complaint about sanitation or food handling procedures at a s.c. food service establishment. complain about sanitation or unsafe procedures involving food served by a hospital, nursing home or other regulated medical facility. to file a complaint about an out-of-state food businesses, please contact the public health department in that state. health care professionals must follow the procedure listed in south carolina's 2013 list of reportable conditions (pdf) to notify dhec of certain foodborne diseases. tags


खाना विषाक्तता

Last Update: 2021-07-23
Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Anonymous

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