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you grand daughter of name very cute



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it was the residence of the former kodansha president sawako noma, the grand daughter of its founder, seiji noma.


antes disso, foi a residência da ex-presidente da kodansha, sawako noma, bisneta do fundador, seiji noma.

Last Update: 2016-03-03
Usage Frequency: 1


one in a million was visiting the shrine of sayeda zeinab, grand daughter of prophet mohammed and daughter of imam ali, in damascus - a sacred shrine for shia muslims. طاعن في السن قد جلس ليقرأ الزيارة المفجعة و عيناه تسترسلان بالدموع طالباً رحمة ربه، و هناك نساء من شبه القارة


one in a million visitou o túmulo desayeda zeinab, neta de profeta mohammed e filha de imam ali, em damasco – um túmulo sagrado para muçulmanos do shia .

Last Update: 2016-02-24
Usage Frequency: 1


ammianus marcellinus tells that procopius "always bore with him on a litter the little daughter of constantius and grand daughter of the great constantine, with her mother faustina, both when marching and when preparing for battle, thus exciting the soldiers to fight more resolutely for the imperial family, with which, as he told them, he himself was connected.


amiano marcelino conta que procópio "sempre trazia consigo numa liteira a filha de constâncio e neta do grande constantino, com sua mãe faustina, tanto quando marchava quanto quando se preparava para a batalha, excitando assim os soldados a lutarem de forma obstinadamente pela família imperial com a qual, dizia, ele próprio estava ligado".

Last Update: 2016-03-03
Usage Frequency: 1

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all anacaona's female descendants were to leave their mark on history: higuemota, the daughter of the sovereign and especially mencia, the grand-daughter of anacaona and the wife of the cacique enriquillo, played a decisive role in the revolt which enriquillo, together with the rest of the native population, fomented in the mountains of bahoruco (south-west region of the dominican republic) to defend their own lands and liberty.


toda a descendência feminina de anacaona fica registada na memória histórica: higuemota (filha da soberana) e, sobretudo, meneia (neta de anacaona e esposa do "cacique" enriquillo) desempenharam um papel determinante na revolta que enriquillo, em conjunto com a população indígena, desencadeou nas montanhas de bahoruco (região situada no sudoeste da república dominicana) para defender as suas terras e a iiberdade do seu povo.

Last Update: 2014-02-06
Usage Frequency: 1

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