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it is god who issues the irreversible decree and his reckoning is swift.
na mwenyezi mungu huhukumu, na hapana wa kupinga hukumu yake, naye ni mwepesi wa kuhisabu.
Last Update: 2014-07-03
Usage Frequency: 1
the command of your lord has come; they have incurred an irreversible punishment.”
kwa hakika amri ya mola wako mlezi imekwisha kuja, na hakika hao itawafikia adhabu isiyo rudi nyuma.
Last Update: 2014-07-03
Usage Frequency: 1
so set your face towards the straight path before the day arrives from god which is irreversible.
basi uelekeze uso wako kwenye dini iliyo nyooka kabla ya kufika siku hiyo isiyo zuilika, inayo toka kwa mwenyezi mungu.
Last Update: 2014-07-03
Usage Frequency: 1