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i remember what happened to those people when their herds went down with foot and mouth disease and were subsequently slaughtered
cofiaf beth ddigwyddodd i'r bobl hynny pan ganfuwyd clwy'r traed a'r genau ar eu gyrroedd ac y cawsant eu difa o ganlyniad
however , the emotional stress on the farmers concerned cannot be underestimated , especially where they have pedigree herds and cows as well
fodd bynnag , ni ellir tanbwysleisio'r straen emosiynol sydd ar y ffermwyr dan sylw , yn enwedig pan fo ganddynt yrr a gwartheg pedigri yn ogystal
the so-called clear red water is not safeguarding our flocks and herds and the health of the residents of the united kingdom
nid yw'r dŵr coch clir fel y'i gelwir yn diogelu ein diadellau na'n buchesi nac iechyd trigolion y deyrnas unedig
the government could ensure that tb99 forms are completed for all infected herds and that the independent husbandry panel's recommendations are implemented on farms
gallai'r llywodraeth sicrhau bod ffurflenni tb99 yn cael eu llenwi ar gyfer pob buches sydd wedi'i heintio a bod argymhellion y panel hwsmonaeth annibynnol yn cael eu rhoi ar waith ar ffermydd
the potential use of the gamma interferon test , as a supplement to the skin test , is being fully explored as part of a trial of eligible herds across wales
ymchwilir yn drwyadl i'r posibilrwydd o ddefnyddio'r prawf am gama interfferon , i ategu'r prawf ar groen , fel rhan o ragbrawf ar fuchesau cymwys ledled cymru
carwyn jones : i refer to the veal cymru project , which is an innovative scheme being developed to pay farmers for the unwanted offspring of dairy herds
carwyn jones : cyfeiriaf at brosiect cig llo cymru , sydd yn gynllun dyfeisgar a ddatblygir i dalu ffermwyr am epil diangen gwartheg godro
of those , five are piloting the gamma interferon tests , five are having extra severe interpretation applied to test results , and the remaining four herds , representing the status quo , are having test results read under severe interpretation
o'r rheini , mae pump yn treialu'r profion gamma interferon , mae canlyniadau profion pump yn cael eu dehongli'n ddifrifol iawn , a darllennir canlyniadau profion y pedair fuches sy'n weddill , sy'n cynrychioli'r status quo , o dan broses ddehongli ddifrifol