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interpersonal relations
cysylltiadau rhyngbersonol
Last Update: 2022-05-24
Usage Frequency: 1
these interpersonal skills are lacking among many of the people who suffer the greatest social disadvantage , alienation and exclusion
mae'r sgiliau rhyngbersonol hynny yn brin ymsyg llawer o'r bobl sy'n dioddef yr amddifadedd , y dieithrwch a'r allgáu cymdeithasol mwyaf
the proposals are concerned with how to develop the thread , or the continuum of learning , to include work-focused learning , community and voluntary experiences , wales and the world and the development of personal and interpersonal skills
mae'r cynigion yn ymwneud â sut i greu parhad , neu ddatblygu'r continwwm dysgu , er mwyn cynnwys dysgu sy'n canolbwyntio ar waith , profiadau cymunedol a gwirfoddol , cymru a'r byd a datblygu sgiliau personol a rhyngbersonol
outdoor activities , particularly adventure activities provide significant educational benefits -- as alun outlined -- and assist in developing a broad range of skills such as decision-making , problem-solving , interpersonal skills , developing personal and group responsibility , improving environmental awareness , as well as health
mae gweithgareddau awyr agored , yn enwedig gweithgareddau antur , yn darparu manteision addysgol sylweddol -- fel yr amlinellodd alun -- ac yn cynorthwyo i ddatblygu ystod eang o sgiliau megis gwneud penderfyniadau , datrys problemau , sgiliau rhyngbersonol , datblygu cyfrifoldeb personol a chyfrifoldeb grŵp , gwella ymwybyddiaeth amgylcheddol , yn ogystal ag iechyd