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Last Update: 2024-02-06
Usage Frequency: 1


the international crisis started in the international tanker trade in 1974, and this surprised many observers.


ingxaki ezweni lonke yaqala ngenqanawa yokuthutha ipetroli, eyayiyithengisa ezweni lonke ngo-1974, kwaye lengxaki yamangalisa abaqwalaseli abaninzi.

Last Update: 2018-02-15
Usage Frequency: 1


how is sheshach taken! and how is the praise of the whole earth surprised! how is babylon become an astonishment among the nations!


hayi, ukuthinjwa kwesheshaki, ukubanjwa kweqhayiya lehlabathi lonke! hayi, ukwenziwa ummangaliso kwebhabheli phakathi kweentlanga!

Last Update: 2012-05-05
Usage Frequency: 1


kerioth is taken, and the strong holds are surprised, and the mighty men's hearts in moab at that day shall be as the heart of a woman in her pangs.


ithinjiwe ikeriyoti, zihluthiwe iimboniselo. ngaloo mini intliziyo yamagorha akwamowabhi iya kuba njengentliziyo yomfazi onenimba;

Last Update: 2012-05-05
Usage Frequency: 1


the sinners in zion are afraid; fearfulness hath surprised the hypocrites. who among us shall dwell with the devouring fire? who among us shall dwell with everlasting burnings?


bayankwantya eziyon aboni, abaziintshembenxa babanjwe kukuthuthumela; bathi, ngubani na ke kuthi onokuphambukela emlilweni odlayo? ngubani na ke kuthi onokuphambukela emalangatyeni angunaphakade?

Last Update: 2012-05-05
Usage Frequency: 1


if your ship was surprised by an unseen enemy with, say, torpedo or some other kind of missile attack, what would you do? it is not possible to list all the actions required in different abrupt emergencies such as those described.


ukuba inqanawa yakho yothuswe lutshaba ingema kumgangatho wayo.

Last Update: 2018-02-15
Usage Frequency: 1


file associations this module allows you to choose which applications are associated with a given type of file. file types are also referred to as mime types (mime is an acronym which stands for "multipurpose internet mail extensions"). a file association consists of the following: rules for determining the mime-type of a file, for example the filename pattern *. png, which means'all files with names that end in. png ', is associated with the mime type "image/ png"; a short description of the mime-type, for example the description of the mime type "image/ png" is simply'png image'; an icon to be used for displaying files of the given mime-type, so that you can easily identify the type of file in a file manager or file-selection dialog (at least for the types you use often); a list of the applications which can be used to open files of the given mime-type -- if more than one application can be used then the list is ordered by priority. you may be surprised to find that some mime types have no associated filename patterns; in these cases, kde is able to determine the mime-type by directly examining the contents of the file.


iindibaniso zefayile lo mnqongo wokulinganisela ukuvumela ukuba ukhethe ukuba zeziphi izicelo ezidityaniswe nodidi lwefayile oyinikiweyo. iindidi zefayile zikwa bhekiswa kwiindidi ze mime (mime sisishunqulelo esimele i "multipurpose internet mail extensions".) udityaniso lwefayile lunoku kulandelayo: imithetho yokumisela udidi lwefayile ye- mime. u mzekelo, umlinganiselo wegama lefayile *. kwd, ethetha ukuba 'zonke iifayile ezinamagama agqibela ngo. kwd', adityaniswa nodidi lwe mime "x- kword". inkcazelo emfutshane yodidi lwe- mime. umzekelo, inkcazelo yodidi lwe mime "x- kword" ilula 'kword document'.) i icon ezaku setyenziswa ukubonisa iifayile zodidi olunikiweyo lwe- mime, ukuze ukuba ubenako ngokulula ukwazi ukubona udidi lwefayile, yitsho kwimboniselo ye konqueror (noko ngokweendidi ozisebenzisa rhoqo!) uluhlu lwezicelo ezizakusetyenziswa uku vula iifayile zodidi olunikiweyo lwe- mime. ukuba kungaphezu kwesicelo esinye esinokusetyenziswa, ngoko uluhlu lubekwa ngabaphambili. unokothuka ukufumanisa ukuba ezinye iindidi ze mime azinayo edityanisiweyoimilinganiselo yegama lefayile! kulu mizekelo, konqueror iyakwazi ukumisela udidi lwe- mime ngokuphonononga ngqo imixholo yefayile.

Last Update: 2011-10-23
Usage Frequency: 1

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