Results for korteriühistu translation from Estonian to English

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kui korteriühistu ka tekkis, siis võis see jälle kaduda, sest seadus võimaldas moodustatud korteriühistu ka likvideerida.


even if an apartment association was founded, it could just as easily disappear, as the law allowed for apartment associations to be liquidated.

Last Update: 2018-02-21
Usage Frequency: 1


käesolevas artiklis analüüsitakse, kuidas suhestub eelnõus sätestatud korteriühistu pandiõigus kehtiva õigusega ning milline saab olema tema mõju eri osapoolte, eelkõige korteriomaniku, korteriühistu ja hüpoteegipidaja huvidele uue seaduse jõustumisel.


this article analyses the way the right of security of an apartment association provided in the draft relates to the valid law, and what would be its impact on the interests of different parties, mainly the apartment owners, apartment associations, and the mortgagees upon entry into force of the new act. for that, the article analyses the differences in enforcement of apartment ownership management expenditure in the valid act and the draft.

Last Update: 2018-02-21
Usage Frequency: 1


kas see tähendab, et seadusandja kavatsus kõrvaldada korteriühistu kaudu toimuva majandamise (uue seaduse sõnastuse kohaselt „valitsemise“) regulatsiooni puudused selle asendamisega korteriomanike ühisuse regulatsiooniga on läbi kukkunud? kui see tõesti nii on, mis on siis põhjuseks, miks saksamaal, austrias ja Šveitsis äraproovitud, hästi rakendunud ning tunnustust leidnud regulatsioon korteriomanike ühisuse kaudu eestis ei rakendu?


does this mean that legislators have failed to eliminate the problems relating to management of an apartment association (or “administration”, as set out in the new act) despite replacing this regulation with the rules governing communities of apartment owners? if this is the case, why is it that a system that has been tried, successfully implemented and favoured in germany, austria and switzerland is not successfully implemented in estonia in the form of communities of apartment owners?

Last Update: 2018-02-21
Usage Frequency: 1

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