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Last Update: 2011-05-21
Usage Frequency: 6

Reference: Wikipedia


socx 2007 interpretive guide (anglais )


• socx 2007 interpretive guide (english)

Last Update: 2015-05-14
Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Wikipedia


la socx est actuellement limitée aux dépenses publiques.


the present scope of socx is limited to public expenditures.

Last Update: 2016-11-30
Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Wikipedia


toutes nos offres de hôtels économique et hôtels de luxe à socx, france.


accommodations in socx, france: b&b and hotels at low internet rates.

Last Update: 2018-02-13
Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Wikipedia
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les composantes de la socx sont des chiffres détaillés des dépenses sociales au niveau des programmes.


the building blocks of socx are detailed data on social expenditures at programme level.

Last Update: 2016-11-30
Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Wikipedia


socx 2007 - net social expenditure estimates for 2003 (anglais )


• socx 2007 - net social expenditure estimates for 2003 (english)

Last Update: 2015-05-14
Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Wikipedia


ocde > acronyms and abbreviations a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z a aacu aap aasp aau acer ace acld acn acr acu adm adr aee aegl aele aen afa agcs agr ahelo aiea aie air aiss aiu aleec alena amad amd ame ami anase apdi apd ape app aq at/rclc aucc b b2b b2c bafd bafta basd bdp bdrcc bee berd bgh biac bicar bit bm bpl brics bric briics btd c c2c cad cae caf canr carat ca cba cccc ccet ccf ccnm ccp ccrt cdb cdh cdi cea-onu ceap cea cea cec cedeao cedefop cee-onu cei cemac cemb cemt cepalc-onu cepes ceri cesao-onu cesap-onu ce cfm cfo cge chem cib ciee cilss cime cite-97 cites cite citi cli cmf cmit cng cnp cns cnuced coe cog comesa comitÉ edr comp cop cpac cpdc (rÉseau) cpe cpg cpp cpst cpu crb cre crii crpph crp csao csd csee csin cslp csn ctci ctm ctpa cvs d daf dcd derec deseco dev dice dioc dirde dns dp/bgap dpc dsl e eaje ebip eca ecg ech ecoloc eco ectsg ects eda edi ednm edu eecca eee eepe ees eet ehs eie eip elsac els emo ensi environet env eo epoc epr ept erym esc ese esp essg est es eua eurostat exichem f fair fao faq fats fdp fed feme fem ffd fit fms fmt fpa fsc fse fsf fsu g g8 gafi gatt gbde ged gef gendernet genist gep ges gfc gfii gfsd ghs gii gipee gis govnet gov gpp green grh gtb gtcee gtc gtc gtei gtm gttsi h hcr hdp hefce hpv hta i iacc iae ials iat icde icgb icha ide idh iea iem ietmp iet ie ifcs ifed ifp ifp igr igsc iis ila imhe ines inn inprs intrastat investment compact iomc iops ipcc ipcs ipc iph ipm ipp isar isdb iso isuss itb itcs itd itrd j jwp a&e l lafta leed lll lln lmp m maep mdp meda mena mla mne mnt msit n nace nairu nap nawru ndc nehrt neim nei nepad nero nii nlc nml npf npp nso o ocde odm ogm oid oig oim olis omc omr oms ong ont ooe osc otc oui ovm p pacte de stabilitÉ pac pae palop pamt pan paris21 pasp pa pcn pdd pdg pdm pea peb peco peica pet pet pib pie piic pisa pist pi pma pme pmf pnae pnb pnud pnue poe povnet ppa ppp ppte programme rtr pspe ptf ptnc puma q q(sar) r r&d rae rcm reaa reae reao rec rel repin rep riab rnb roppa row rse rtr rwmc s sa ifed sadc sah saicm sbst sca scn scs sdi sdmx sea seefed seepad senddd sft sgcg sge sgp sh sials siam siar sids sigma siren sme snpc socx soe spai spe spm srd ssa ssis stan std steseg ste sti sur swf swic t tad tad tafe talis tdb tdpc tds tefed tgp ticr tic tipa tip ti tps tp tsi tuac tva tvh u ua uemoa ue uia un ecosoc undha unesco unicef unsd ure url usd v verhi vet votec w waltps wbcsd wem weo wgeio wgip wgt wgwmp wgwpr wnt wpdd wpeepi wpep wpgsp wpisp wpnep wpppc wppp wpsp wssd y yepp aacu


oecd > acronyms and abbreviations a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z a aap aau acer ace acld acn acu adb adr aegl aei aen aeo afa afdb agr ahelo aks almp amad anberd apa apdi apec apf aprm asean aucc au b b2b b2c bafta berd biac bop brc brics bric briics bsts btd c c2c carat cba cbd cbss ccet ccf ccnm ccp cdh cdi cdm cea cec cedefop ceec cefta cemac cepes ceri cer cfa cge chem cibe cib cilss cime cirr cis cites cli clp cmf cmit cng cnra coe cog comesa comp cop cpac cpdc network cpg cpi cpp cpu crii crpph crp crs csd cse csni cso cstp ctpa d dac dae daf dcd dda ddr derec deseco dev dice dioc dnme dns dsl e eaa eac eaen eag eap ebip eca ecec ecg ech ecmt ecoloc ecowas eco ectsg ects ec edi edrc edta edu eea eea eeb eecca efta ehs eia eip ei elsac els emef emo ems ensi environet env eo epa epc epoc epr epr erc eru esf esm ete etuce eua eurostat eu exichem f fair fao faq fatf fats fdi fed ffd fmt fsc fsf fsg fsu fte fyrom g g8 gats gatt gbde gdp geepi gendernet gep gfc gfii gfsd ghg ghs gii gis glp gmo gni gnp govnet gov gpp green gsf gsse gst h hbgrd hdi hdp hefce hei he hipc hpi hpv hrm hst hs hta i iacc iaea ials ianb iat iau iccp icde icgb icha ict ic idg ids iea iea iet ifcs ifed ifp igo igsc iis ila ilo imhe ines inprs intrastat investment compact iohe iomc iom iops ipcc ipcs ipm ip irtad isar isced-97 isced isdb isic iso issa isuss itb itcs itd itf itrd it iuu j jtrc jwg jwp a&e jwpte l lafta ldc leed lll lln lmo lmp m mad mai map mcm mdg mdp mea meda mei mena mfa mfn mfp mla mne mps msit msti mtc n nace nac nafta nairu nap nawru ncct ncp ndc neap nea nehrt neim nepad nero nesti ngo nii nis nlc nml npc npp nsc nso ntb ntm o oda odf oecd oer ofc olis omr ooe oof p pac palop pan paris21 pd/gg pdg peb pes pet pfi piaac pisa pmf poe povnet ppi ppp ppp prsp prtr pse pspe pssp puma q q(sar) qa r r&d rds repin rgi ria roppa row rta rtrp rtr rwmc s sa ifed sadc saen sah saicm sa sdmx sea seefed seepad see senddd sft sgcg sge sha sials siam siar sids sigma siren sitc sme sna socx soe spai ssa ssis stability pact stan std steseg ste sti sur swac swf swic t tad tafe tag talis tbt tcbdb tdb tdpc tds tefed tep tfp tipa tip tisp tp trta/cb tse tsi tuac u uia un ecosoc unctad undha undp uneca unece uneclac unep unescap unesco unescwa unfccc unhcr unicef unsd uraa url usd v vat verhi vet votec w waemu waen waltps wbcsd wb wef wei wem weo wgeio wgip wgp wgt wgwmp wgwpr who wmd wnt wpb wpdd wpeepi wpep wpgsp wpie wpisp wpm wpnep wpppc wppp wpsp wssd wto y yepp aap african action plan aau assigned amount units acer australian council for educational research ace american council on education acld

Last Update: 2015-05-14
Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Wikipedia
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