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micrurus nigrocinctus (iii honduras)


roti snake-necked turtle

Last Update: 2014-11-21
Usage Frequency: 2


| | micrurus nigrocinctus (iii honduras) | zentralamerikanische korallenschlange |


| | micrurus nigrocinctus (iii honduras) | central american coral snake |

Last Update: 2017-02-22
Usage Frequency: 2


in la tigra sind drei amphibien- und dreizehn reptilienarten beheimatet, zwei davon sind äußerst selten und zwei giftig (micrurus nigrocinctus and bothrops godmani).


reptiles form the group with the smallest number of species in la tigra. there are three amphibian and thirteen reptile species, two of which are rare and two poisonous (central american coral snake and bothrops godmani).

Last Update: 2018-02-13
Usage Frequency: 1


== arten ==* "sebastes aleutianus" (jordan & evermann, 1898)* pazifischer rotbarsch ("sebastes alutus") (gilbert, 1890)* "sebastes atrovirens" (jordan & gilbert, 1880)* "sebastes auriculatus" (girard, 1854)* "sebastes aurora" (gilbert, 1890)* "sebastes babcocki" (thompson, 1915)* "sebastes baramenuke" (wakiya, 1917)* "sebastes borealis" (barsukov, 1970)* "sebastes brevispinis" (bean, 1884)* "sebastes capensis" (gmelin, 1789)* "sebastes carnatus" (jordan & gilbert, 1880)* "sebastes caurinus" (richardson, 1844)* "sebastes chlorostictus" (jordan & gilbert, 1880)* "sebastes chrysomelas" (jordan & gilbert, 1881)* "sebastes ciliatus" (tilesius, 1813)* "sebastes constellatus" (jordan & gilbert, 1880)* "sebastes cortezi" (beebe & tee-van, 1938)* "sebastes crameri" (jordan, 1897)* "sebastes dallii" (eigenmann & beeson, 1894)* "sebastes diploproa" (gilbert, 1890)* "sebastes elongatus" (ayres, 1859)* "sebastes emphaeus" (starks, 1911)* "sebastes ensifer" (chen, 1971)* "sebastes entomelas" (jordan & gilbert, 1880)* "sebastes eos" (eigenmann & eigenmann, 1890)* "sebastes exsul" (chen, 1971)* "sebastes fasciatus" (storer, 1856)* "sebastes flammeus" (jordan & starks, 1904)* "sebastes flavidus" (ayres, 1862)* "sebastes gilli" (eigenmann, 1891)* "sebastes glaucus" (hilgendorf, 1880)* "sebastes goodei" (eigenmann & eigenmann, 1890)* "sebastes helvomaculatus" (ayres, 1859)* "sebastes hopkinsi" (cramer, 1895)* "sebastes hubbsi" (matsubara, 1937)* "sebastes ijimae" (jordan & metz, 1913)* "sebastes inermis" (cuvier, 1829)* "sebastes iracundus" (jordan & starks, 1904)* "sebastes itinus" (jordan & starks, 1904)* "sebastes jordani" (gilbert, 1896)* "sebastes joyneri" (günther, 1878)* "sebastes kawaradae" (matsubara, 1934)* "sebastes koreanus" (kim & lee, 1994)* "sebastes lentiginosus" (chen, 1971)* "sebastes levis" (eigenmann & eigenmann, 1889)* "sebastes longispinis" (matsubara, 1934)* "sebastes macdonaldi" (eigenmann & beeson, 1893)* "sebastes maliger" (jordan & gilbert, 1880)* "sebastes matsubarae" (hilgendorf, 1880)* "sebastes melanops" (girard, 1856)* "sebastes melanosema" (lea & fitch, 1979)* "sebastes melanostomus" (eigenmann & eigenmann, 1890)* tiefenrotbarsch ("sebastes mentella") (travin, 1951)* "sebastes miniatus" (jordan & gilbert, 1880)* "sebastes minor" (barsukov, 1972)* "sebastes moseri" (eitner, 1999)* "sebastes mystinus" (jordan & gilbert, 1881)* "sebastes nebulosus" (ayres, 1854)* "sebastes nigrocinctus" (ayres, 1859)* "sebastes nivosus" (hilgendorf, 1880)* rotbarsch ("sebastes norvegicus") (ascanius, 1772)* "sebastes notius" (chen, 1971)* "sebastes oblongus" (günther, 1877)* "sebastes oculatus" (valenciennes, 1833)* "sebastes ovalis" (ayres, 1862)* "sebastes owstoni" (jordan & thompson, 1914)* "sebastes pachycephalus" (temminck & schlegel, 1843)* "sebastes paucispinis" (ayres, 1854)* "sebastes peduncularis" (chen, 1975)* "sebastes phillipsi" (fitch, 1964)* "sebastes pinniger" (gill, 1864)* "sebastes polyspinis" (taranetz & moiseev, 1933)* "sebastes proriger" (jordan & gilbert, 1880)* "sebastes rastrelliger" (jordan & gilbert, 1880)* "sebastes reedi" (westrheim & tsuyuki, 1967)* "sebastes rosaceus" (girard, 1854)* "sebastes rosenblatti" (chen, 1971)* "sebastes ruber" (ayres, 1854)* "sebastes ruberrimus" (cramer, 1895)* "sebastes rubrivinctus" (jordan & gilbert, 1880)* "sebastes rufinanus" (lea & fitch, 1972)* "sebastes rufus" (eigenmann & eigenmann, 1890)* "sebastes saxicola" (gilbert, 1890)* "sebastes schlegelii" (hilgendorf, 1880)* "sebastes scythropus" (jordan & snyder, 1900)* "sebastes semicinctus" (gilbert, 1897)* "sebastes serranoides" (eigenmann & eigenmann, 1890)* "sebastes serriceps" (jordan & gilbert, 1880)* "sebastes simulator" (chen, 1971)* "sebastes sinensis" (gilbert, 1890)* "sebastes spinorbis" (chen, 1975)* "sebastes steindachneri" (hilgendorf, 1880)* "sebastes swifti" (evermann & goldsborough, 1907)* "sebastes taczanowskii" (steindachner, 1880)* "sebastes thompsoni" (jordan & hubbs, 1925)* "sebastes trivittatus" (hilgendorf, 1880)* "sebastes umbrosus" (jordan & gilbert, 1882)* "sebastes variegatus" (quast, 1971)* "sebastes varispinis" (chen, 1975)* "sebastes ventricosus" (temminck & schlegel, 1843)* kleiner rotbarsch ("sebastes viviparus") (krøyer, 1845)* "sebastes vulpes" (döderlein, 1884)* "sebastes wakiyai" (matsubara, 1934)* "sebastes wilsoni" (gilbert, 1915)* "sebastes zacentrus" (gilbert, 1890)* "sebastes zonatus" (chen & barsukov, 1976)== literatur ==* eschmeyer, herald, hamann: "pacific coast fishes", peterson field guides, isbn 0-395-33188-9* james wilder orr, michael a.


==species==there are currently 107 recognized extant species in this genus:* "sebastes aleutianus" (d. s. jordan & evermann, 1898) (rougheye rockfish)* "sebastes alutus" (c. h. gilbert, 1890) (pacific ocean perch)* "sebastes atrovirens" (d. s. jordan & c. h. gilbert, 1880) (kelp rockfish)* "sebastes auriculatus" girard, 1854 (brown rockfish, brown seaperch)* "sebastes aurora" (c. h. gilbert, 1890) (aurora rockfish)* "sebastes babcocki" (w. f. thompson, 1915) (redbanded rockfish)* "sebastes baramenuke" (wakiya, 1917)* "sebastes borealis" barsukov, 1970 (shortraker rockfish)* "sebastes brevispinis" (t. h. bean, 1884) (silvergray rockfish)* "sebastes capensis" (j. f. gmelin, 1789) (cape redfish, jacopever)* "sebastes carnatus" (d. s. jordan & c. h. gilbert, 1880) (gopher rockfish)* "sebastes caurinus" j. richardson, 1844 (copper rockfish)* "sebastes cheni" barsukov, 1988 (japanese white seaperch)* "sebastes chlorostictus" (d. s. jordan & c. h. gilbert, 1880) (greenspotted rockfish)* "sebastes chrysomelas" (d. s. jordan & c. h. gilbert, 1881) (black-and-yellow rockfish)* "sebastes ciliatus" (tilesius, 1813) (dusky rockfish)* "sebastes constellatus" (d. s. jordan & c. h. gilbert, 1880) (starry rockfish)* "sebastes cortezi" (beebe & tee-van, 1938) (cortez rockfish)* "sebastes crameri" (d. s. jordan, 1897) (darkblotched rockfish)* "sebastes dallii" (c. h. eigenmann & beeson, 1894) (calico rockfish)* "sebastes diploproa" (c. h. gilbert, 1890) (splitnose rockfish)* "sebastes elongatus" ayres, 1859 (greenstriped rockfish)* "sebastes emphaeus" (starks, 1911) (puget sound rockfish)* "sebastes ensifer" l. c. chen, 1971 (swordspine rockfish)* "sebastes entomelas" (d. s. jordan & c. h. gilbert, 1880) (widow rockfish)* "sebastes eos" (c. h. eigenmann & r. s. eigenmann, 1890) (pink rockfish)* "sebastes exsul" l. c. chen, 1971 (buccaneer rockfish)* "sebastes fasciatus" d. h. storer (fr), 1854 (acadian redfish, atlantic redfish)* "sebastes flammeus" (d. s. jordan & starks, 1904)* "sebastes flavidus" (ayres, 1862) (yellowtail rockfish)* "sebastes gilli" (r. s. eigenmann, 1891) (bronzespotted rockfish)* "sebastes glaucus" hilgendorf, 1880 (gray rockfish)* "sebastes goodei" (c. h. eigenmann & r. s. eigenmann, 1890) (chilipepper rockfish)* "sebastes helvomaculatus" ayres, 1859 (rosethorn rockfish)* "sebastes hopkinsi" (cramer, 1895) (squarespot rockfish)* "sebastes hubbsi" (matsubara, 1937)* "sebastes ijimae" (d. s. jordan & metz, 1913)* "sebastes inermis" g. cuvier, 1829 (japanese red seaperch)* "sebastes iracundus" (d. s. jordan & starks, 1904)* "sebastes itinus" (d. s. jordan & starks, 1904)* "sebastes jordani" (c. h. gilbert, 1896) (shortbelly rockfish)* "sebastes joyneri" günther, 1878* "sebastes kawaradae" (matsubara, 1934)* "sebastes kiyomatsui" kai & nakabo, 2004* "sebastes koreanus" i. s. kim & w. o. lee, 1994* "sebastes lentiginosus" l. c. chen, 1971 (freckled rockfish)* "sebastes levis" (c. h. eigenmann & r. s. eigenmann, 1889) (cowcod)* "sebastes longispinis" (matsubara, 1934)* "sebastes macdonaldi" (c. h. eigenmann & beeson, 1893) (mexican rockfish)* "sebastes marinus" linnaeus, 1758 (rose fish, atlantic redfish)* "sebastes maliger" (d. s. jordan & c. h. gilbert, 1880) (quillback rockfish)* "sebastes matsubarae" hilgendorf, 1880 (rose fish, red bream)* "sebastes melanops" girard, 1856 (black rockfish, black seaperch)* "sebastes melanosema" r. n. lea & fitch, 1979 (semaphore rockfish)* "sebastes melanostomus" (c. h. eigenmann & r. s. eigenmann, 1890) (blackgill rockfish)* "sebastes mentella" travin, 1951 (deepwater redfish, beaked redfish, atlantic redfish)* "sebastes miniatus" (d. s. jordan & c. h. gilbert, 1880) (vermilion rockfish)* "sebastes minor" barsukov, 1972* "sebastes moseri" eitner, 1999 (whitespeckled rockfish)* "sebastes mystinus" (d. s. jordan & c. h. gilbert, 1881) (blue rockfish)* "sebastes nebulosus" ayres, 1854 (china rockfish)* "sebastes nigrocinctus" ayres, 1859 (tiger rockfish)* "sebastes nivosus" hilgendorf, 1880* "sebastes norvegicus" (ascanius, 1772) (golden redfish, ocean perch, red perch)* "sebastes notius" l. c. chen, 1971* "sebastes oblongus" günther, 1877* "sebastes oculatus" valenciennes, 1833 (patagonian redfish)* "sebastes ovalis" (ayres, 1862) (speckled rockfish)* "sebastes owstoni" (d. s. jordan & w. f. thompson, 1914)* "sebastes pachycephalus" temminck & schlegel, 1843** "sebastes pachycephalus chalcogrammus" matsubara, 1943** "sebastes pachycephalus nigricans" (p. j. schmidt, 1930)** "sebastes pachycephalus nudus" matsubara, 1943** "sebastes pachycephalus pachycephalus" temminck & schlegel, 1843* "sebastes paucispinis" ayres, 1854 (bocaccio rockfish)* "sebastes peduncularis" l. c. chen, 1975* "sebastes phillipsi" (fitch, 1964) (chameleon rockfish)* "sebastes pinniger" (t. n. gill, 1864) (canary rockfish)* "sebastes polyspinis" (taranetz & moiseev, 1933) (northern rockfish, northern seaperch)* "sebastes proriger" (d. s. jordan & c. h. gilbert, 1880) (redstripe rockfish)* "sebastes rastrelliger" (d. s. jordan & c. h. gilbert, 1880) (grass rockfish)* "sebastes reedi" (westrheim & tsuyuki, 1967) (yellowmouth rockfish)* "sebastes rosaceus" ayres, 1854 (rosy rockfish)* "sebastes rosenblatti" l. c. chen, 1971 (greenblotched rockfish)* "sebastes ruberrimus" (cramer, 1895) (yelloweye rockfish)* "sebastes rubrivinctus" (d. s. jordan & c. h. gilbert, 1880) (flag rockfish)* "sebastes rufinanus" r. n. lea & fitch, 1972 (dwarf red rockfish)* "sebastes rufus" (c. h. eigenmann & r. s. eigenmann, 1890) (bank rockfish)* "sebastes saxicola" (c. h. gilbert, 1890) (stripetail rockfish)* "sebastes schlegeli" hilgendorf, 1880 (korean rockfish, northern black seaperch)* "sebastes scythropus" (d. s. jordan & snyder, 1900)* "sebastes semicinctus" (c. h. gilbert, 1897) (halfbanded rockfish)* "sebastes serranoides" (c. h. eigenmann & r. s. eigenmann, 1890) (olive rockfish)* "sebastes serriceps" (d. s. jordan & c. h. gilbert, 1880) (treefish)* "sebastes simulator" l. c. chen, 1971 (pinkrose rockfish)* "sebastes sinensis" (c. h. gilbert, 1890) (blackmouth rockfish)* "sebastes spinorbis" l. c. chen, 1975* "sebastes steindachneri" hilgendorf, 1880* "sebastes swifti" (evermann & goldsborough, 1907)* "sebastes taczanowskii" steindachner, 1880 (white-edged rockfish, ezo seaperch)* "sebastes thompsoni" (d. s. jordan & c. l. hubbs, 1925)* "sebastes trivittatus" hilgendorf, 1880* "sebastes umbrosus" (d. s. jordan & c. h. gilbert, 1882) (honeycomb rockfish)* "sebastes variabilis" (pallas, 1814)* "sebastes variegatus" quast, 1971 (harlequin rockfish)* "sebastes varispinis" l. c. chen, 1975* "sebastes ventricosus" temminck & schlegel, 1843 (japanese black seaperch)* "sebastes viviparus" krøyer, 1845 (norway redfish)* "sebastes vulpes" döderlein (de), 1884 (fox jacopever)* "sebastes wakiyai" (matsubara, 1934)* "sebastes wilsoni" (c. h. gilbert, 1915) (pygmy rockfish)* "sebastes zacentrus" (c. h. gilbert, 1890) (sharpchin rockfish)* "sebastes zonatus" l. c. chen & barsukov, 1976==references==* milton s. love, mary yoklavich, lyman k. thorsteinson, (2002), "the rockfishes of the northeast pacific", university of california press==external links==

Last Update: 2016-03-03
Usage Frequency: 2

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