From professional translators, enterprises, web pages and freely available translation repositories.
ketua pelaksana acara
chairman of the student council
Last Update: 2024-06-12
Usage Frequency: 1
ketua pelaksana
chairman of the committee
Last Update: 2024-09-01
Usage Frequency: 4
wakil ketua pelaksana
executive vice chairman
Last Update: 2021-05-25
Usage Frequency: 1
( perkemahan sekolah) pembukaan pada hari jumat kemarin murid upt smp 17 gresik melaksanakan acara perkemahan di sekolah isi pada siang hari murid murid wajib mempersiapkan peralatan kemah yang akan dibawa ke sekolah.setelah itu mereka berkumpul ke sekolah untuk melaksanakan apel pembukaan sambutan kemah. pada apel berlangsung siswa siswi tersebut diberikan materi apa saja yang dilakukan pada kemah hari selanjutnya, setelah ituu pada saat malam hari murid murid upt smp 17 gresik m
(school camp) opening on friday, the junior high school students held a camping event at the isi school. during the day, students are required to prepare camp equipment to be brought to school. after that, they gather at the school to carry out the opening apples for the camp celebration. in apel, the students were given any material that was done in the next day's camp, after that at night the students of upt smp 17 gresik m
Last Update: 2024-05-15
Usage Frequency: 1