Results for perjalanan yg menyenangkan translation from Indonesian to English

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perjalanan yg menyenangkan



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liburan di ciracas membuat saya senang,krna sya bisa pergi ke tempat yg menyenangkan bersama keluarga saya.


holiday in ciracas makes me happy,because i can go to a nice place with my family.

Last Update: 2022-03-29
Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Anonymous


ketika aku kecil aku sering bermain bersama sepupuhku. dia sering bermain ke rumahku. kami sering bermain boneka, masak, dll. hari hariku yg menyenangkan diisi dengan bermain dengannya.


when i was little i used to play with my cousin. he often plays at my house. we often play with dolls, cook, etc. my days are fun filled with playing with him.

Last Update: 2022-02-08
Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Anonymous


kemarin hari yang tak kan kulipakan karna saat yg menyenang kan bersama kalian sungguh indahnya persahabatan ini


translation from indonesian to english

Last Update: 2013-03-20
Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Anonymous


mendapatkan masker kemudian masuk lagi.di baru hanya keliling tapi tidak beli apapun setelah terasa capek kami cari makan saja. setelah lama di baru kami pulang. saat mau pulang masihh lewat jalan yang benar, ehh saat sampai tengah jalan menuju arah balik jalan ditutup akhirnya kami cari jalan lain,, setelah dpt jalan lainn ehh ternyata kami malah melawan arus kami pun putar balik lagi melewati jalan yg dilalui tadi dan akhirnya kami lewat jalan yang benar


get a mask then come in new just go around but don't buy anything after feeling tired we just look for food. after a long time in the new we went home. when we wanted to go home still through the right way, ehh when we reached the middle of the road to the direction of returning the road was closed finally we looked for another way, , after getting another road ehh it turned out that we even went against the current we made another u-turn through the road that was passed earlier and finally we passed the right way

Last Update: 2023-01-20
Usage Frequency: 3

Reference: Anonymous

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