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tapi sayangnya



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tapi sayang, takdir


well it turns out that the bed is also small, if i sleep here it's no problem right?

Last Update: 2024-05-09
Usage Frequency: 1


pengen vc sama ayank tapi sayang nggak online


want to vc with ayank tpi ayank gk online

Last Update: 2024-08-06
Usage Frequency: 1


sebelum masuk universitas umj saya kuliah di pondok pesantren darul muttaqien, setelah lulus dari sana saya mengambil sbmptn, saya mengambil beberapa universitas diantaranya upn dan unj tapi sayangnya saya tidak diterima karena beberapa nilai saya kurang.


before entering umj university i studied at darul muttaqien islamic boarding school, after graduating from there i took the sbmptn, i took several universities including upn and unj but unfortunately i was not accepted because some of my grades were lacking.

Last Update: 2021-10-16
Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Anonymous


hari ini aku belajar online karena kakak kelas 9 sedang ujian sekolah . aku masih mencicil tugas tugasku . tapi sayangnya handphone ku rusak jadi aku harus pergi ke caunter hp untuk memperbaikinnya tapi caunternya tutup, sedangkan besok aku masih membutuhkannya.


today i'm studying online because my 9th grader is studying for the school exam. i'm still doing my job . but unfortunately my phone broke so i have to go to the cell phone counter to fix it but unfortunately the counter is closed, while tomorrow i still need it.

Last Update: 2022-04-26
Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Anonymous


hari berikutnya pada tanggal satu januari dua ribu dua puluh empat saya dan keluarga saya berwisata ke pantai sebuai, keraya, dan bogam karena kami berangkat lewat pangkalan bun atau kumpai batu alhamdulillah kami tidak terkena macet tapi sayangnya waktu pulang kami lewat kumai atau kubu karena ingin mengelilingi pesisir pantai bagian barat kalimantan tengah jadinya terkena macet macet sekitar satu sampai dua jam..


the next day on the first day of january two thousand and twenty-four my family and i took a trip to the beach sebuai, keraya, and bogam because we left through the bun base or met the stone alhamdulillah we were not stuck in traffic but unfortunately when we came home we went through kumai or fort because we wanted to surround the west coast of central kalimantan so we got stuck in traffic for about one to two hours..

Last Update: 2024-02-01
Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Anonymous


pada suatu hari, tepatnya saat saya masih kecil sekisar 6 / 7 tahunan. pagi itu saya bangun pagi pagi, keadaan rumahku tak begitu ramai, hanya ada kakak dan ibuku yang tengah memasak. aku berjalan menghampiri kakakku untuk mengagetinya, tapi sayangnya saat aku berjalan mendekati kakakku


one day, precisely when i was a child around 6/7 years. that morning i woke up early in the morning, the condition of my house was not so crowded, only my brother and mother were cooking. i walked over to my sister to surprise her, but unfortunately when i walked over to my sister

Last Update: 2019-01-04
Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Anonymous

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