Trying to learn how to translate from the human translation examples.
From professional translators, enterprises, web pages and freely available translation repositories.
abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzall of the letters of the alphabet, lowercase
aĀbcČdeĒfgĢhiĪjkĶlĻmnŅoŌprŖsŠtuŪvzŽall of the letters of the alphabet, lowercase
Last Update: 2011-10-23
Usage Frequency: 1
tak ada karakter yang ditemukan. a sentence that uses all of the letters of the alphabet
rakstzīmes nav atrastas. a sentence that uses all of the letters of the alphabet
Last Update: 2011-10-23
Usage Frequency: 1
the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dogall of the letters of the alphabet, uppercase
glāžšķūņa ŗūķēļī aŗ šķērēm griež šķiņķiall of the letters of the alphabet, uppercase
Last Update: 2011-10-23
Usage Frequency: 1
aaall letters of the alphabet (in upper/ lower case pairs), followed by numbers
aaall letters of the alphabet (in upper/ lower case pairs), followed by numbers
Last Update: 2011-10-23
Usage Frequency: 1
save all currently mounted volumes and their drive letters to the favorite volumes list?note: if no volumes are mounted, the favorite volumes list will be deleted.
vai saglabāt visus pašlaik uzstādītos apgabalus un to diskburtus izvēlēto apgabalu sarakstā? ja pašlaik neviens apgabals nav uzstādīts, izvēlēto apgabalu saraksts tiks nodzēsts.
Last Update: 2009-09-24
Usage Frequency: 1