Results for barbino translation from Italian to English

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Last Update: 2014-11-14
Usage Frequency: 3

Reference: IATE


comunque, dopo le domande di rito, per cui avevamo pensato ad una risposta registrata da azionare all’occasione ;_; , ed un quiz sui cartoni animati (dove, bisogna ammetterlo, abbiamo fatto una figura barbina... ma possiamo spiegare, insomma noi spongebob - la groviera che si crede una spugna - non lo guardiamo e top cat, famosissimo nel df, da noi è scomparso dai palinsesti da anni!) siamo tornate [...] all’hotel e quindi in fiera, dove siamo state letteralmente assalite dai presenti per tutta la giornata .


by the way, after the usual questions, for which we started thinking of recording an automated answer ;_; , and a quiz about cartoons (in which, let's face it, we didn't perform very well… but we can explain, after all we don't watch spongebob - the swiss cheese who believes he is a sponge - and top cat, very famous in df, is long gone from italian screens!) we got back to the hotel and then we went to the convention, where we got surrounded by the audience all the day long. this was a [...]

Last Update: 2018-02-13
Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: IATE

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