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sciens animar



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sciens, scientis (gen.), scientior -or -us, scientissimus -a -um conscious of (one's acts); aware/cognizant; knowledgeable/skilled, expert;

Last Update: 2022-11-22
Usage Frequency: 1


plenissime sciens quia quaecumque promisit potens est et facer


and being fully persuaded that, what he had promised, he was able also to perform.

Last Update: 2012-05-06
Usage Frequency: 1


bonus dominus et confortans in die tribulationis et sciens sperantes in s


the lord is good, a strong hold in the day of trouble; and he knoweth them that trust in him.

Last Update: 2012-05-06
Usage Frequency: 1


tu vero permane in his quae didicisti et credita sunt tibi sciens a quo didiceri


but continue thou in the things which thou hast learned and hast been assured of, knowing of whom thou hast learned them;

Last Update: 2012-05-06
Usage Frequency: 1


postea sciens iesus quia iam omnia consummata sunt ut consummaretur scriptura dicit siti


after this, jesus knowing that all things were now accomplished, that the scripture might be fulfilled, saith, i thirst.

Last Update: 2012-05-06
Usage Frequency: 1


et impii in testamentum simulabunt fraudulenter populus autem sciens deum suum obtinebit et facie


and such as do wickedly against the covenant shall he corrupt by flatteries: but the people that do know their god shall be strong, and do exploits.

Last Update: 2012-05-06
Usage Frequency: 1


iesus itaque sciens omnia quae ventura erant super eum processit et dicit eis quem quaeriti


jesus therefore, knowing all things that should come upon him, went forth, and said unto them, whom seek ye?

Last Update: 2012-05-06
Usage Frequency: 1


distulit autem illos felix certissime sciens de via dicens cum tribunus lysias descenderit audiam vo


and when felix heard these things, having more perfect knowledge of that way, he deferred them, and said, when lysias the chief captain shall come down, i will know the uttermost of your matter.

Last Update: 2012-05-06
Usage Frequency: 1


hic erat edoctus viam domini et fervens spiritu loquebatur et docebat diligenter ea quae sunt iesu sciens tantum baptisma iohanni


this man was instructed in the way of the lord; and being fervent in the spirit, he spake and taught diligently the things of the lord, knowing only the baptism of john.

Last Update: 2012-05-06
Usage Frequency: 1


sciens hoc quia iusto lex non est posita sed iniustis et non subditis impiis et peccatoribus sceleratis et contaminatis patricidis et matricidis homicidi


knowing this, that the law is not made for a righteous man, but for the lawless and disobedient, for the ungodly and for sinners, for unholy and profane, for murderers of fathers and murderers of mothers, for manslayers,

Last Update: 2012-05-06
Usage Frequency: 1


iesus autem sciens cogitationes eorum dixit eis omne regnum divisum contra se desolatur et omnis civitas vel domus divisa contra se non stabi


and jesus knew their thoughts, and said unto them, every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation; and every city or house divided against itself shall not stand:

Last Update: 2012-05-06
Usage Frequency: 1


et ait ecce adam factus est quasi unus ex nobis sciens bonum et malum nunc ergo ne forte mittat manum suam et sumat etiam de ligno vitae et comedat et vivat in aeternu


and the lord god said, behold, the man is become as one of us, to know good and evil: and now, lest he put forth his hand, and take also of the tree of life, and eat, and live for ever:

Last Update: 2012-05-06
Usage Frequency: 1


factum est autem in diebus illis congregaverunt philisthim agmina sua ut praepararentur ad bellum contra israhel dixitque achis ad david sciens nunc scito quoniam mecum egredieris in castris tu et viri tu


and it came to pass in those days, that the philistines gathered their armies together for warfare, to fight with israel. and achish said unto david, know thou assuredly, that thou shalt go out with me to battle, thou and thy men.

Last Update: 2012-05-06
Usage Frequency: 1


et sciens dolorem eius descendi ut liberarem eum de manibus aegyptiorum et educerem de terra illa in terram bonam et spatiosam in terram quae fluit lacte et melle ad loca chananei et hetthei et amorrei ferezei et evei et iebuse


and i am come down to deliver them out of the hand of the egyptians, and to bring them up out of that land unto a good land and a large, unto a land flowing with milk and honey; unto the place of the canaanites, and the hittites, and the amorites, and the perizzites, and the hivites, and the jebusites.

Last Update: 2012-05-06
Usage Frequency: 1


1 et signum magnum paruit in caelo mulier amicta sole et luna sub pedibus eius et in capite eius corona stellarum duodecim 2 et in utero habens et clamat parturiens et cruciatur ut pariat 3 et visum est aliud signum in caelo et ecce draco magnus rufus habens capita septem et cornua decem et in capitibus suis septem diademata 4 et cauda eius trahebat tertiam partem stellarum caeli et misit eas in terram et draco stetit ante mulierem quae erat paritura ut cum peperisset filium eius devoraret 5 et peperit filium masculum qui recturus erit omnes gentes in virga ferrea et raptus est filius eius ad deum et ad thronum eius 6 et mulier fugit in solitudinem ubi habet locum paratum a deo ut ibi pascant illam diebus mille ducentis sexaginta 7 et factum est proelium in caelo michahel et angeli eius proeliabantur cum dracone et draco pugnabat et angeli eius 8 et non valuerunt neque locus inventus est eorum amplius in caelo 9 et proiectus est draco ille magnus serpens antiquus qui vocatur diabolus et satanas qui seducit universum orbem proiectus est in terram et angeli eius cum illo missi sunt 10 et audivi vocem magnam in caelo dicentem nunc facta est salus et virtus et regnum dei nostri et potestas christi eius quia proiectus est accusator fratrum nostrorum qui accusabat illos ante conspectum dei nostri die ac nocte 11 et ipsi vicerunt illum propter sanguinem agni et propter verbum testimonii sui et non dilexerunt animam suam usque ad mortem 12 propterea laetamini caeli et qui habitatis in eis vae terrae et mari quia descendit diabolus ad vos habens iram magnam sciens quod modicum tempus habet 13 et postquam vidit draco quod proiectus est in terram persecutus est mulierem quae peperit masculum 14 et datae sunt mulieri duae alae aquilae magnae ut volaret in desertum in locum suum ubi alitur per tempus et tempora et dimidium temporis a facie serpentis 15 et misit serpens ex ore suo post mulierem aquam tamquam flumen ut eam faceret trahi a flumine 16 et adiuvit terra mulierem et aperuit terra os suum et absorbuit flumen quod misit draco de ore suo 17 et iratus est draco in mulierem et abiit facere proelium cum reliquis de semine eius qui custodiunt mandata dei et habent testimonium iesu 18 et stetit super harenam maris


and stood upon the sand of the sea

Last Update: 2022-11-21
Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Anonymous

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