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locus est collectio
neighborhood plaza
Last Update: 2021-05-26
Usage Frequency: 1
hic locus est ubi mors gaudet succurrere vitae
this is the place where death rejoices to succour the living
Last Update: 2014-10-12
Usage Frequency: 1
elf code: 1.treat cottidie sicut nativitas domini 2. locus est omnibus in indice lepido 3. optime ut epulas nativitatis diffundat, magna voce pro omnibus ad audiendum peccat.
the elf code: 1.treat every day like christmas 2. there is room for everyone on the nice list 3. the best way to spread christmas cheer is sining loud for all to hear
Last Update: 2021-11-03
Usage Frequency: 5
octāviāna exclāmat, “ecce! est charta in viā!”1.2cnovella bellātor ad chartam ambulat et circumspectat. charta est in viā prope arborem. fortasse malus chartam relinquit. octāviāna chartam capit et īnspicit. “charta monstrat pompēiōs… sed cūr est charta in viā?” bellātor addit, “ecce! locus significāns est in chartā. fortasse locus est vīlla sextī? tiberius dīcit dē vīllā sextī.” octāviāna intentē cōgitat dum in viā ambulat. bellātor
octaviana exclaims, “behold! there is a card on the way!” 1.2cnovella the warrior walks to the card and looks around. the paper is on the road near the tree. perhaps he leaves a bad paper. octaviana takes the paper and looks at it. "the paper points to pompeius... but where is the paper in the way?" the warrior adds, “behold! it is a significant place in the paper. perhaps the place is the villa sextī? tiberius says about the town of sext. octaviana thinks intently as she walks down the street. warrior
Last Update: 2022-10-25
Usage Frequency: 5
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