Results for bakarkan ikan itu translation from Malay to English

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bakarkan ikan itu



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tentulah ia akan tinggal di dalam perut ikan itu hingga ke hari manusia dibangkitkan keluar dari kubur.


he would certainly have remained in its belly till the day of resurrection.

Last Update: 2014-07-03
Usage Frequency: 1


biarpun kajian dan ujian dilakukan bagi menghasilkan kesakitan ikan buntal pelega yang membolehkan kita untuk makan ikan itu, tetapi tetap ada risiko yang besar perlu ditanggung kerana ikan buntal tetap mempunyai racun yang bahaya


although studies and tests are done to produce the pain of dosing catalysts that allow us to eat the fish, there is still a great risk to be borne because the catfish still have dangerous poisons

Last Update: 2021-12-13
Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Anonymous


maka apabila mereka berdua sampai ke tempat pertemuan dua laut itu, lupalah mereka akan hal ikan mereka, lalu ikan itu menggelunsur menempuh jalannya di laut, yang merupakan lorong di bawah tanah.


and when the twain reached the confluence of the two, they forgot their fish, and it took its way into the sea freely.

Last Update: 2014-07-03
Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Anonymous


encik zaimi memberitahu bahawa "pallet" makanan ikan itu dibuat sendiri. makanan ikan dibuat daripada habuk beras dan usus ayam. beliau lebih gemar menggunakan bahan organik dan ini membuktikan kenapa ikan beliau semuanya sihat dan cukup besar. hasil temu bual kami, beliau memberitahu bahawa ikan beliau dijaga dengan sangat teliti, kerana beliau memberitahu ikan ini mudah menerima tekanan dan ini akan melambatkan proses pembesaran.


mr zaimi told that the “pallet” of fish food was made himself. fish meal is made from rice dust and chicken intestines. he prefers to use organic ingredients and this proves why his fish are all healthy and big enough. as a result of our interview, he told that his fish are taken care of very carefully, because he told these fish are easy to accept stress and this will slow down the rearing process.

Last Update: 2021-12-26
Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Anonymous
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