Results for blok enjin telah pecah translation from Malay to English

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blok enjin telah pecah



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beg ini telah pecah sampai sis saya kena dikaki 1 tahun lalu


this hotbag was injured my sis 1 yr ago

Last Update: 2019-01-26
Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Anonymous


dan berapa banyak kami telah pecah-belahkan dan binasakan penduduk negeri yang melakukan kezaliman, dan kami telah menjadikan sesudah mereka, kaum yang lain sebagai gantinya.


and how many a city have we overthrown which were doing wrong, and we caused to grow up thereafter anot her nation!

Last Update: 2014-07-03
Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Anonymous


pada 27.5.2021 jam lebih kurang 1245 hrs, saya melakukan kerja mengetatkan hinges shower glass door master bedroom apt. 2908 bersama supervisor saiful muhd atas arahan senior suervisor adizi. ketika sedang melakukan tugas tersebut, secara tiba tiba glass door tersebut telah pecah dan serpihan kaca terkena tangan kanan saya.


on 27.5.2021 at about 1245 hrs, i did the work of tightening the hinges of the shower glass door master bedroom apt. 2908 with supervisor saiful muhd under the direction of senior supervisor adizi. while doing the task, suddenly the glass door was broken and a piece of glass hit my right hand.

Last Update: 2021-06-11
Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Anonymous


saya sudah cek surau staff perempuan bersama sama pihak maintenance dan mendapati dinding surau dalam keadaan lembap dan air bocor mengalir ke lantai surau. untuk pengetahuan anda, surau tersebut bersebelahan dengan tandas staff lelaki. kami suspek ada paip pecah dalam dinding. ini adalah kerana, apabila paip utama yang berada didalam tandas ditutup, tiada air bocor ke lantai surau bermaksud pipe keluar dr valve 30 mm (kedudukan valve didalam toilet staff lelaki) telah pecah di dalam dinding.


i checked the female staff surau together with the maintenance party and found the surau wall in a damp condition and leaked water flowing to the surau floor. for your information, the surau is next to the male staff toilet. we suspect there's a ruptured pipe in the wall. this is because, when the main pipe inside the toilet is closed, no water leaks onto the floor of the surau with the case of the pipe coming out of the valve 30 mm (the position of the valve in the male staff toilet) has been broken inside the wall.

Last Update: 2022-12-24
Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Anonymous

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