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melaporkan pelupusan tersebut kepada lhdnm



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potongan cukai bulanan (pcb) yang dibayar kepada lhdnm


tax pcb

Last Update: 2019-05-25
Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Anonymous


potongan cukai bulanan (pcb) tahun semasa yang dibayar kepada lhdnm


gross salary, wages or leave pay

Last Update: 2024-07-02
Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Anonymous


. potongan cukai bulanan (pcb) tahun semasa yang dibayar kepada lhdnm


payment of tax / equipment / government / extent extent tax

Last Update: 2020-02-20
Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Anonymous


majikan bertanggungjawab untuk menyumbang peratusan tertentu dari gaji pekerja kepada kwsp dan perkeso bagi pihak pekerja dan menundukkan upah tersebut kepada potongan cukai pendapatan


the concept of vicarious liability exists. the employer is liable in tort for the wrongdoing committed by the employee while at work

Last Update: 2021-06-17
Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Anonymous


terma dan syarat pelantikan anda dengan syarikat adalah tertakluk kepada perubahan dalam pematuhan syarikat semasa dan tatacara dan segala pindaan tersebut kepada syarikat tersebut dan tatacara


terms and conditions of your appointment with the company is subjected to change in compliance to the current company policies and procedures and to all amendments thereof to the said company policies and procedures

Last Update: 2017-05-11
Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Anonymous


pihak akan menfailkan writ saman apabila semua dokumen kami telahpun lengkap dan kami akan menghantar sesalinan writ saman tersebut kepada pihak tuan selaku peguamcara bagi pihak defendan setelah writ saman tersebut difailkan


the parties will file a writ of summons when all our documents are completed and we will send a copy of the writ of summons to you as a solicitor on behalf of the defendant after the writ of the suit is filed

Last Update: 2023-01-13
Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Anonymous


36.adakah mana mana dokumen dalam ikatan dokumen yang boleh anda rujuk kepada mahkamah untuk mengkukuhkan keterangan kamu mengenai penjualan hartanah brickfields tersebut kepada pihak ketiga?


36. are there any documents in the deed of documents that you can refer to the court to corroborate your evidence on the sale of the brickfields property to a third par

Last Update: 2021-09-21
Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Anonymous


setelah tular berita tentang abang viva ini, banyak agensi agensi swasta turut memberikan sumbangan kepada abang viva namun beliau menolaknya malah memberikan duit dan sumbangan tersebut kepada mangsa yang lebih memerlukan.


after spreading the news about abang viva, many private agencies also gave donations to abang viva but he refused and even gave the money and donations to the victims who are more in need.

Last Update: 2022-01-20
Usage Frequency: 2

Reference: Anonymous


gerakan bentuk '% 1' telah diuntukkan kepada tindakan "% 2". adakah anda ingin menugaskannya semula daripada tindakan tersebut kepada tindakan semasa?


the '%1'shape gesture has already been allocated to the "%2" action. do you want to reassign it from that action to the current one?

Last Update: 2011-10-23
Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Anonymous
Warning: Contains invisible HTML formatting


gerakan goyangan '% 1' telah diuntukkan kepada tindakan "% 2". adakah anda ingin menugaskannya semula daripada tindakan tersebut kepada tindakan semasa? header for an applications shortcut list


the '%1' rocker gesture has already been allocated to the "%2" action. do you want to reassign it from that action to the current one?

Last Update: 2011-10-23
Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Anonymous
Warning: Contains invisible HTML formatting


di sebalik semua faktor positif, terdapat juga punca negatif yang dapat menjatuhkan watak superhero superhero sebagai watak yang diminati dan ditontoni ramai. superhero superhero yang lebih ganas dalam aksinya dapat memberi kesan negatif kepada para penonton terutamanya kanak kanak. perkara tersebut berkemungkinan dapat menghalang ibu bapa daripada menayangkan filem filem superhero tersebut kepada kanak kanak.


behind all the positive factors, there are also negative causes that can bring down a superhero character as a character that is loved and watched by many. superheroes who are more violent in their actions can have a negative impact on the audience especially children. that is likely to prevent parents from showing the superhero movie to children.

Last Update: 2022-02-04
Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Anonymous


defendan mengatakan bahawa, jikalau pindaan pindaan yang dicadangkan tersebut dibenarkan sekalipun (yang mana adalah dinafikan dengan sekeras kerasnya) kemasukan isu surat wakaf tersebut tetap tidak akan membenarkan pindahmilik sebahagian hartanah tersebut kepada plaintif plaintif kerana keseluruhan tuntutan plaintif plaintif adalah berasal daripada perjanjian perjanjian sewa beli tapak yang dimasuki oleh plaintif plaintif dengan defendan yang hanya membenarkan plaintif plaintif mendirik


the defendant says that, even if the proposed amendment were allowed (which is to be denied as hard as it is), the entry of the endowment letter would still not allow the transfer of part of the said property to the plaintiff because the entire claim of the plaintiff against the plaintiff was derived from the agreement of the lease agreement of the site entered into by the plaintiff with the defendant which only allowed the plaintiff to glance at the plaintiff.

Last Update: 2022-11-02
Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Anonymous


mengenai perkara di atas, saya ingin meminta maaf kerana tidak membayar ansuran bulanan saya selama berbulan-bulan. sebab saya tidak dapat membayar adalah kerana masalah kewangan keluarga saya yang teruk disebabkan oleh pandemi covid 19. namun, semalam 29 september 2021 saya telah mencuba yang terbaik dan berjaya membayar ansuran satu bulan. saya ingin memohon kepada lhdnm untuk mendapatkan potongan atas jumlah cukai yang belum dijelaskan dan pembayaran ansuran bulanan kerana saya dan keluarga saya masih menghadapi masalah kewangan yang teruk kerana


concerning the above, i would like to apologize for not paying my monthly installments for many months. the reason i couldn't pay was because of the bad financial problem in my family due to the covid 19 pandemic. however, yesterday 29 september 2021 i have tried my best and managed to pay one month installment. i would like to appeal to lhdnm for discount on the total outstanding tax amount and the monthly installment payment because iand my family are still under tight financial problem due to

Last Update: 2021-09-30
Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Anonymous

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