Results for menjamin keselamatan setempat translation from Malay to English

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menjamin keselamatan setempat



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menjamin keselamatan dan ketenteraman awam


combating drug symptoms

Last Update: 2023-11-01
Usage Frequency: 1


menjamin keselamatan pelayan mysql di dalam ubuntu


secure mysql in ubuntu

Last Update: 2024-07-25
Usage Frequency: 1


in malaysia, there are many agencies related to halal cosmetics because muslim consumers often face problem to ensure that the products they buy, are genuinely halal and safe as they can only rely on the certification from jakim and guidelines to manufacturer agar dapat mengeluarkan produk yang menjamin keselamatan pengguna


in malaysia, there are many agencies related to halal cosmetics because muslim consumers often face problem to ensure that the products they buy, are genuinely halal and safe as they can only rely on the certification from jakim and guidelines to manufacturer to be able to produce products that guarantee consumer safety

Last Update: 2022-01-30
Usage Frequency: 3

Reference: Anonymous


menjamin adegan jenayah responden pertama harus menjamin keselamatan semua orang di tempat kejadian dengan lebih lanjut sebagai mempertahankan integriti bukti. sebaik sahaja tiba di lokasi, responden pertama perlu bergerak ke tempat kejadian dan mewujudkan peranti, rangkaian, dan sebagainya mangsa dan menandakan pinggir.


securing the crime scene first responders should guarantee the safety of all the people at the crime scene further as defend the integrity of the proof. once inbound at the location, the first responders should move to the scene of the incident and establish the victim devices, networks, so on and mark a fringe.

Last Update: 2022-07-26
Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Anonymous


hal ini kerana pihak kerajaan telah menetapkan syarat untuk setiap pekerja jika ingin kembali bekerja seperti biasa. ia juga dapat menjamin keselamatan pelanggan dan semua yang terlibat dalam perniagaan itu. orang ramai juga dapat sedia maklum bahawa jawatan kosong itu hanya untuk yang divaksinasi. mereka yang belum mendaftar aka segera mendaftar jika ingin memohon jawatan itu.


this is because the government has set conditions for each employee if they want to return to work as usual. it can also ensure the safety of customers and everyone involved in the business. the public is also aware that the vacancy is only for the vaccinated. those who have not registered will register immediately if they want to apply for the position.

Last Update: 2021-11-29
Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Anonymous


undang undang berkaitan kosmetik amat penting di malaysia bagi menjamin keselamatan pengguna yang menggunakan produk tersebut agar produk yang mereka gunakan tidak mendatangkan kesan yang buruk dan terhindar daripada bahan yang merbahaya seperti merkuri, hydroquinone dan lain lain. selain itu, bagi mencapai keseimbangan amalan perdagangan yang sihat dan mampan melalui undang undang yang dikuatkuasakan. tambahan pula, populasi penduduk malaysia yang berbeza agama, berbilang kaum, budaya dan adat


laws related to cosmetics are very important in malaysia to ensure the safety of consumers who use the product so that the products they use do not cause adverse effects and are protected from harmful substances such as mercury, hydroquinone and others. in addition, to achieve a balance of healthy and sustainable trade practices through enforced laws. in addition, the population of malaysia is different in religion, race, culture and customs

Last Update: 2022-01-29
Usage Frequency: 2

Reference: Anonymous

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