Results for fotografu translation from Maltese to English

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din il-kwistjoni probabbilment kienet l-aktar waħda li ssemmiet mill-istati membri bħala ostaklu għall-funzjonament tas-suq uniku, partikolarment għas-servizzi transkonfinali, l-aktar bejn stati membri fejn l-attività mhijiex irregolata u stati membri fejn l-attività hija rregolata (pereżempju fotografu li jaħdem għar-rasu għandu mnejn ma jkunx jista' jieħu r-ritratti ta' avveniment f'kumpanija li jkun qed isir fi stat membru li jirriżerva din l-attività għal persuni bi kwalifiki professjonali speċifiċi fil-fotografija sakemm ma jkunx jista' jipprova li għandu minn tal-anqas sentejn esperjenza professjonali preċedenti).


this issue has probably been the one most frequently mentioned by member states as a barrier for the functioning of the single market, in particular for cross-border services, notably between member states where the activity is not regulated and member states where the activity is regulated (for instance, a self-employed photographer may not be able to photograph a corporate event happening in a member state which reserves this activity to persons with specific professional qualifications in photography unless he can prove that he has at least two years of prior professional experience).

Last Update: 2017-04-06
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