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to je 30% ispod minimuma.
it's 30% below failure even.
Last Update: 2016-10-28
Usage Frequency: 1
ali se nalazimo duboko unutar minimuma.
but we're well within the minimum.
Last Update: 2016-10-28
Usage Frequency: 1
- koliko imam vremena? minimum minimuma.
as little as possible.
Last Update: 2016-10-28
Usage Frequency: 1
pola miliona hrvata živi ispod socijalnog minimuma
half a million croats live below the social minimum
Last Update: 2016-01-20
Usage Frequency: 1
iako je 162 metara, ispod je minimuma za skok.
even at 162, you're pushing minimum height for a jump.
Last Update: 2016-10-28
Usage Frequency: 1
javite la forgeu da su štitovi ispod minimuma.
commander, advise lt la forge that shields are below minimum.
Last Update: 2016-10-28
Usage Frequency: 1
zanći, moj organizam je usporio svoj rad do minimuma...
so my vitals slowed to a crawl...
Last Update: 2016-10-28
Usage Frequency: 1
bio bi glup kad bi smanjio osoblje ispod potrebnog minimuma.
he'd be stupid to reduce his manpower more than absolutely necessary.
Last Update: 2016-10-28
Usage Frequency: 1
centar, sparta 753 je ispod minimuma, treba mu okret i uspon.
center, sparta 753 descending. needs a turn and a climb.
Last Update: 2016-10-28
Usage Frequency: 1
sinekvanon neće ići ispod minimuma emisije ugljen-dioksida koji je dozvolio pred.
no. synequanon will meet the minimum carbon emission requirements of the carrington accord.
Last Update: 2016-10-28
Usage Frequency: 1
imam rezervaciju za večeras i zovem da se raspitam oko "minimuma oblačenja".
i have a reservation tonight and i'm calling to inquire about your minimum dress code.
Last Update: 2016-10-28
Usage Frequency: 1
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ali je održavao kartice važećim otplaćivanjem traženih minimuma sa novcem dobijenim od ostalih kartica.
yes, but he was keeping the cards current by paying the required minimums with cash advances from other cards.
Last Update: 2016-10-28
Usage Frequency: 1
mnogi od tih kongresmena koji stoje iza obaveznog minimuma, ponovo su izabrani u sledećem mandatu.
many of the congressmen behind the mandatory minimums were re-elected the following term.
Last Update: 2016-10-28
Usage Frequency: 1
u trenutku udesa, kapetanov nivo alkohola je bio na 0,08 procenata dosta ispod zakonskog minimuma za robote.
at the time of the crash, the captain had an alcohol level of. 08 percent well below the legal limit for robots.
Last Update: 2016-10-28
Usage Frequency: 1
ajsun kaže da mnogi zločini nad ženama prolaze nekažnjeno ili da sudovi izriču kazne u trajanju manjem od zakonskog minimuma.
aysun says that many times crimes against women go unpunished or that authorities reduce the legally required punishments.
Last Update: 2016-01-20
Usage Frequency: 1
fokusiran na to da mi u postaju stiže kontrola i naš postotak rješenih slucajeva je ispod minimuma što naravno, uzrokuje smanjenje financija.
focused on the precinct being up for review. and our case closure rate being just under one-p-p's new mandated minimum, which, of course, doesn't take the budget cuts into consideration.
Last Update: 2016-10-28
Usage Frequency: 1
tim principom, predviđenim ohridskim mirovnim sporazumom, potvrđuje se da neki nacrti zakona zahtevaju odobrenje određenog minimuma poslanika manjinskih stranaka.
stipulated in the ohrid peace accords, the principle acknowledges that some types of bills require approval by a specified minimum of minority party lawmakers.
Last Update: 2016-01-20
Usage Frequency: 2
hrvatska i makedonija su jedine balkanske zemlje čije se vlade u potpunosti pridržavaju minimuma standarda za eliminisanje trgovine ljudima, navodi se u novom izveštaju američkog stejt departmenta.
croatia and macedonia are the only balkan countries whose governments fully comply with the minimum standards for the elimination of human trafficking, according to a new us state department report.
Last Update: 2016-01-20
Usage Frequency: 1
zbog odziva ispod propisanog minimuma od 50 % biračkog tela, srpski predsednički izbori su propali, što znači da će morati da budu ponovljeni do kraja godine.
a turnout below the required minimum of 50 per cent of eligible voters has invalidated the serbian presidential elections, meaning the entire process will have to be repeated before year's end.
Last Update: 2016-01-20
Usage Frequency: 1
akcije su ponovo izgubile vrednost... u trgovanju na skorpiji... dovodeći grejston do novog godišnjeg minimuma-- e, to je... dobar policijski posao.
stocks took yet another dive in after-hours trading on scorpia, bringing graystone to a new year lo... now, that... is good police work.
Last Update: 2016-10-28
Usage Frequency: 1