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možnost večje uspešnosti od izvirnika



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Last Update: 2011-10-23
Usage Frequency: 7

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vseh dejavnosti na gladini in pod njo, ki predstavljajo sočasno možnost večje nesreče;


any surface or subsea activities which introduce simultaneous major hazard potential;

Last Update: 2017-04-06
Usage Frequency: 1


razčlenjuje tudi možnosti večje uspešnosti na področju zaposlovanja in socialnih zadev v eu kot celoti.


it also analyses the potential for improving the employment and social performance of the eu as a whole.

Last Update: 2017-04-26
Usage Frequency: 1


izboljšanje delovnih pogojev v sektorju, na primer s poudarjanjem večje uspešnosti podjetij, ki zaposlujejo ženske.


improving working conditions in the sector, e.g. by highlighting the improved performance of businesses employing women.

Last Update: 2017-04-26
Usage Frequency: 1


pregled stanja na področju pravosodja v eu je informacijsko orodje za pomoč državam članicam pri doseganju večje uspešnosti pravosodja.


the eu justice scoreboard is an information tool aiming to assist member states to achieve more effective justice by providing objective, reliable and comparable data on their civil, commercial and administrative justice systems.

Last Update: 2017-04-26
Usage Frequency: 1


kljub temu pa bo imela končna odločitev pomembne posledice v smislu večje uspešnosti, učinkovitosti in skladnosti z vsemi drugimi zunanjimi instrumenti.


nonetheless, the final choice made would have important consequences in terms of increasing the efficiency, effectiveness and coherence with all other external instruments.

Last Update: 2017-04-06
Usage Frequency: 1


elektronska distribucija digitalnega denarja zagotavlja tako možnost večje učinkovitosti in, za razliko od fizičnega denarja, s sabo prinaša knjigo transakcij, ki pri fizičnem denarju ne obstaja.


the electronic distribution of digital cash offers potential efficiencies and, unlike physical cash, it brings with it a ledger of transactions that is absent from physical cash.

Last Update: 2017-04-06
Usage Frequency: 1


eu si bo zaradi večje uspešnosti prizadevala pritegniti najrazličnejše interesne skupine in jih vključiti v sedanji dialog o prednostnih nalogah evropskega leta in mehanizmih njihovega uresničevanja.


to be effective, the eu will seek to engage with a very wide range of stakeholders, inviting them to join an ongoing dialogue about the year’s priorities and delivery mechanisms.

Last Update: 2017-04-06
Usage Frequency: 1


kadar se lahko za isti namen uporabijo različni materiali, se bo pri oblikovanju meril upoštevala možnost večje uporabe obnovljivih alternativnih materialov, kjer je primerno.


where different materials can be used for the same purpose, criteria setting will take into account the possibility to increase the use of renewable substitutes where appropriate.

Last Update: 2017-04-06
Usage Frequency: 1


jasna angažiranost sveta, držav članic in komisije bi morala s pomočjo boljše izmenjave in izpopolnjevanja kompetenc na nacionalni ravni in ravni eu pripeljati do večje uspešnosti visokošolskega izobraževanja.


an explicit commitment from the council, the member states and the commission should lead to enhanced he performance through better sharing and fine-tuning of national and eu competences.

Last Update: 2017-04-06
Usage Frequency: 1


11. februarja 2005, od izvirnika razlikuje le po tem, da se odvetnikov podpis na zadnji strani nahaja na različnem mestu.


athinaÏki techniki v commission application received on 11 february 2005 differs from the original only in the pos -itioning of the lawyer’s signature on the last page.

Last Update: 2014-02-06
Usage Frequency: 1


funkcionalni bloki zračnega prostora so bistveno orodje, ki posameznim izvajalcem storitev navigacijskih služb omogoča doseganje ambicioznih ciljev glede uspešnosti od leta 2012 naprej.


the fabs are an essential tool for enabling the individual ansps to meet the ambitious performance targets from 2012 onwards.

Last Update: 2017-04-06
Usage Frequency: 1


funkcionalni bloki zračnega prostora so bistveno orodje, ki posameznim izvajalcem storitev navigacijskih služb zračnega prometa omogoča doseganje ambicioznih ciljev glede uspešnosti od leta 2012 dalje.


the fabs are an essential tool for enabling the individual ansps to meet the ambitious performance targets from 2012 onwards.

Last Update: 2017-04-06
Usage Frequency: 1


za namen spremljanja splošne uspešnosti evropske mreže za upravljanje zračnega prometa organ za oceno uspešnosti od nacionalnih nadzornih organov pridobi potrebne informacije, povezane z načrti izvedbe;


for the purpose of monitoring of the overall performance of the european atm network, the performance review body shall obtain from the national supervisory authorities the necessary information in relation to the performance plans;

Last Update: 2014-11-21
Usage Frequency: 1


Če se dva ali več medsebojno izključujočih amandmajev nanašajo na isti del besedila, ima prednost tisti amandma, ki se najbolj razlikuje od izvirnika in o njem se glasuje najprej.


if two or more mutually exclusive amendments have been tabled to the same part of a text, the amendment that departs furthest from the original text shall have priority and shall be put to the vote first.

Last Update: 2014-11-21
Usage Frequency: 1


zaradi večje uspešnosti in pragmatičnosti vključevanja tretjih držav ali ozemelj v programe sodelovanja, bi moralo biti mogoče v uradno potrjene zapisnike posvetovalnih sestankov s takimi tretjimi državami ali ozemlji ali uradno potrjene zapisnike posvetovanj v organizacijah za regionalno sodelovanje vključiti dogovore o vsebini programov sodelovanja in morebitnih prispevkih takih tretjih držav ali ozemelj.


in order to make the involvement of third countries or territories in cooperation programmes more effective and pragmatic, it should also be possible to have the agreements to the contents of the cooperation programmes and the possible contribution of the third countries or territories, expressed in the formally approved minutes of the consultation meetings with such third countries or territories, or of the deliberations of the regional cooperation organisations.

Last Update: 2014-11-18
Usage Frequency: 1


3.8 aktivne politike v podporo zaposlovanja starejših delavcev morajo v vsakem primeru upoštevati vrsto opravljenega dela: nevarna, naporna ali ponavljajoča se področja dela zahtevajo ciljno naravnano analizo, delavci pa morajo imeti možnost večje osebne izbire8.


3.8 active policies to support the employment of older workers must, in any case, take account of the type of work carried out: hazardous, strenuous or repetitive areas of work require targeted analysis and must involve a greater degree of personal choice on the part of workers8.

Last Update: 2017-04-06
Usage Frequency: 3


(15) poklica medicinskih sester in babic sta se v zadnjih treh desetletjih precej razvila: zdravstvena oskrba na domu, uporaba kompleksnejših terapij in nenehen razvoj tehnologije zagotavljajo možnost večje odgovornosti medicinskih sester in babic.


(15) the nursing and midwifery professions have significantly evolved in the last three decades: community-based healthcare, the use of more complex therapies and constantly developing technology presuppose a capacity for higher responsibilities for nurses and midwives.

Last Update: 2017-04-06
Usage Frequency: 1


glasovala sem za to poročilo, da bi podprla sporazum o prosti trgovini med eu in indijo, v prepričanju, da ta sporazum ponuja možnost večje trgovine, naložb in poslovnih priložnosti, ki izhajajo iz sporazuma o prosti trgovini, saj bo sporazum o prosti trgovini na splošno prinesel koristi obema pogodbenicama.


i voted for this report in order to approve the eu-india free trade agreement, in the belief that an fta offers future potential for an increase in investments, trade and business opportunities arising from the fta, with an agreement being, overall, a win-win situation for both sides.

Last Update: 2012-02-28
Usage Frequency: 2


za uspešnejši boj proti nezakonitemu priseljevanju in za zagotovitev večje uspešnosti tega cilja je bistvenega pomena ob prvi priložnosti upoštevati, brez poseganja v določbe direktive 95/46/es, vse tehnološke inovacije, zlasti glede vključitve in uporabe biometričnih lastnosti pri informacijah, ki naj jih posredujejo prevozniki.


in order to combat illegal immigration more effectively and in order to ensure the greater effectiveness of this objective, it is essential that, without prejudice to the provisions of directive 95/46/ec, account be taken at the earliest opportunity of any technological innovation, especially with reference to the integration and use of biometric features in the information to be provided by the carriers.

Last Update: 2014-11-21
Usage Frequency: 1

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