Results for si dhab ah aan ku jeclahay malabteyda translation from Somali to English

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si dhab ah aan ku jeclahay malabteyda



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waana idin xisaabin si dhab ah insi iyo jinniyow.


anon we shall direct our selves to you, o ye two classes.

Last Update: 2014-07-03
Usage Frequency: 1


waxaa u yimid sakaraadkii geerida si dhab ah wanataas geeridaad ka cararaysay.


and (the human being will be told), "this is what you had been trying to run away from".

Last Update: 2014-07-03
Usage Frequency: 1

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waxay u dhawaaqaan ehelu jannuhu ehelu naarka waan hellay wixii eebe noo yaboohay si dhab ah ee idinku ma hesheen wuxuu idiin yahoohay eebe si dhab ah, waxayna dhahaan haa waxaana ka dhawaaqa dhexdooda mid dhawaaqa laenadda eebe ha ku dhaedo daalimiinta.


and the companions of paradise will call out to the companions of the fire, "we have already found what our lord promised us to be true. have you found what your lord promised to be true?" they will say, "yes." then an announcer will announce among them, "the curse of allah shall be upon the wrongdoers."

Last Update: 2014-07-03
Usage Frequency: 1

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isagaa abuuray samooyinka iyo dhulkaba si dhab ah, wuxuuna habeenka ku daboolaa maalinta, maalintana ku daboolaa habeenka, wuxuuuna sakhiray qorraxda iyo dayaxa, mid walbana wuxuu ku socdaa muddo magacaaban, eebana waa adkaade dambi dhaafbadan.


he created the heavens and earth in truth. he wraps the night over the day and wraps the day over the night and has subjected the sun and the moon, each running [its course] for a specified term. unquestionably, he is the exalted in might, the perpetual forgiver.

Last Update: 2014-07-03
Usage Frequency: 1


annagaa kugu soodajinay kitaabka (quraanka) dadka dartiis si dhab ah, ruuxii hanuunana wuxuu anfici naftiisa, kii dhumana wuxuu dhibi naftiisa, adiguna nabiyow kama tihid wakiil.


(muhammad), we have revealed the book to you for mankind in all truth. whoever seeks guidance does so for his own good. whosoever goes astray goes against his own soul. you are not their representative.

Last Update: 2014-07-03
Usage Frequency: 1


eebe waa u rumeeyay rasuulka riyadiisii si dhab ah, abaydna in mu'miniintu gali masjidka xurmaysan hadduu eebe doono, iyagoo aamin ah oo timaha xiiri ama gaabin (xajka iyo cumrada ka dib) iyagoon cidna ka cabsanaynin, wuxuuna eebe ogyahay waxaydaan ogayn, markaasuu yeelay galitaanka maka ka soke fatxi (xudaybiya).


allah has indeed made the truthful dream of his noble messenger, come true; indeed you will all enter the sacred mosque, if allah wills, in safety – with your heads shaven or hair cut short – without fear; so he knows what you do not know, and has therefore ordained another imminent victory before this.

Last Update: 2014-07-03
Usage Frequency: 1

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