From professional translators, enterprises, web pages and freely available translation repositories.
lane design group designed the center to have a "hispanic flavor.
lane design group designed the center with a "hispanic flavor.
Last Update: 2016-03-03
Usage Frequency: 1
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== enlaces externos ==* shimadzu nariakira designed the hinomaru, japan's national flag
==external links==*shimadzu nariakira designed the hinomaru, japan's national flag
Last Update: 2016-03-03
Usage Frequency: 1
he designed the items required for production, and is credited for being the founder of industrial milk conservation in norway.
he designed the items required for production, and is credited for being the founder of industrial milk conservation in norway.
Last Update: 2016-03-03
Usage Frequency: 1
wouk designed the necessary speed controller for the kilowatt, although the controller was actually manufactured for the kilowatts by curtis instruments.
wouk designed the necessary speed controller for the kilowatt, although the controller was manufactured for the kilowatts by curtis instruments.
Last Update: 2016-03-03
Usage Frequency: 1
development was led by bob flanagan who designed the game based on what he felt made "marble madness" a success in the home console market.
development was led by bob flanagan who designed the game based on what he felt made "marble madness" a success in the home console market.
Last Update: 2016-03-03
Usage Frequency: 1
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sólo le hemos indicado algunos de los itinerarios que puede seguir en parís. los clientes del hotel pueden descubrir la capital a través del acceso gratuito a la sección members only del sitio paris eiffel tower news que recoge mucha información sobre la ciudad.
this is but a glimpse of the many places you will want to visit during your stay in paris. guests of the hotel are offered a complimentary pass to the members only section of the paris eiffel tower news website, which features a lot more information on paris.
Last Update: 2018-02-13
Usage Frequency: 1
in 1967, architect pietro belluschi designed the strikingly modern cathedral of st. mary of the assumption (san francisco), the first catholic cathedral in the united states intended to conform to vatican ii.
in 1967, architect pietro belluschi designed the strikingly modern cathedral of st. mary of the assumption (san francisco), the first catholic cathedral in the united states intended to conform to vatican ii.
Last Update: 2016-03-03
Usage Frequency: 1
gokurt weidemann was one of the most influential and important 20th-century typographers. born in pomerania (now part of poland) in 1922, kurt weidemann served on the front in the second world war and was a prisoner of war in russia. then kurt weidemann finished an apprenticeship as a typesetter in 1950. beteen 1953 and 1955 he attended the stuttgart art academy. while still a student, kurt weidemann had a practice of his own and designed writing paper, logos and advertizing for firms. in 1964 kurt weidemann became a professor at the stuttgart art academy and taught there until 1983. as a freelance graphic artist, kurt weidemann designed books for various publishers and continued to work in commercial art and as an advertizing consultant. in 1983 kurt weidemann was a founding member of the wissenschaftliche hochschule for unternehmensführung, a management college, in koblenz, where he taught verbal and visual communications until 1993. kurt weidemann created the signature look of numerous firms and institutions, including coop, deutsche bahn, merck, shell, porsche, zeiss, and aerospace. from 1987 kurt weidemann was a consultant for the daimler benz corporation, for which he designed the proprietary daimler benz a-s-e typefaces. for the deutsche bibelgesellschaft, kurt weidemann also designed biblica (1979), a typeface that was later renamed itc weidemann. kurt weidemann taught at the hochschule for gestaltung affiliated with the zentrum for kunst- und medientechnik (zkm) in karlsruhe from 1991 until 2000. ogle translator
kurt weidemann was one of the most influential and important 20th-century typographers. born in pomerania (now part of poland) in 1922, kurt weidemann served on the front in the second world war and was a prisoner of war in russia. then kurt weidemann finished an apprenticeship as a typesetter in 1950. beteen 1953 and 1955 he attended the stuttgart art academy. while still a student, kurt weidemann had a practice of his own and designed writing paper, logos and advertizing for firms. in 1964 kurt weidemann became a professor at the stuttgart art academy and taught there until 1983. as a freelance graphic artist, kurt weidemann designed books for various publishers and continued to work in commercial art and as an advertizing consultant. in 1983 kurt weidemann was a founding member of the wissenschaftliche hochschule for unternehmensführung, a management college, in koblenz, where he taught verbal and visual communications until 1993. kurt weidemann created the signature look of numerous firms and institutions, including coop, deutsche bahn, merck, shell, porsche, zeiss, and aerospace. from 1987 kurt weidemann was a consultant for the daimler benz corporation, for which he designed the proprietary daimler benz a-s-e typefaces. for the deutsche bibelgesellschaft, kurt weidemann also designed biblica (1979), a typeface that was later renamed itc weidemann. kurt weidemann taught at the hochschule for gestaltung affiliated with the zentrum for kunst- und medientechnik (zkm) in karlsruhe from 1991 until 2000.
Last Update: 2011-09-05
Usage Frequency: 1
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