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Last Update: 2017-04-06
Usage Frequency: 1


también tiene un netorare (ntr) fetiche.


he also has a netorare fetish.

Last Update: 2016-03-03
Usage Frequency: 1


el canal público holandés de televisión nos/ntr emite la ceremonia en diferido a través de net3.


the ceremony is recorded by the dutch public broadcasting channel nos/ntr and broadcast through ned3.

Last Update: 2016-03-03
Usage Frequency: 1


el servicio público de radiodifusión ntr se especializa en programas de carácter educativo y tiene una obligación establecida por ley de producir ese tipo de programas.


ntr specialises in programmes of an educational nature, and indeed has a statutory duty to produce such programmes.

Last Update: 2016-11-30
Usage Frequency: 1


el diario ntr, miércoles 26 de abril de 2017 la orquesta jalisciense se presenta en uno de los escenarios más destacados, como parte del año dual ...


el diario ntr, wednesday, april 26th, 2017 the jalisco orchestra performs in one of the most noteworthy venues as part of “mexico-germany dual year”. notimex the debut ...

Last Update: 2018-02-13
Usage Frequency: 1


el programa dino show es un espectáculo de cabaret semanal que se emite en el canal de televisión de los países bajos ntr. se invita a personajes conocidos y durante el programa se representan parodias en tono de humor.


the dino show is a weekly recurring cabaret show broadcast on the dutch ntr broadcasting station.

Last Update: 2018-02-13
Usage Frequency: 1


con esta flexible interfaz, n-central incluye ahora la funcionalidad de control remoto desatendido de ntr cloud como parte de su oferta de servicios.


by leveraging this flexible interface, n-central now includes ntr cloud unattended remote control functionality as part of its overall service offering.

Last Update: 2018-02-13
Usage Frequency: 1


" - 2:01# "pasărea pistruie" - 3:44la vârsta de 5 ani (2008, segundo Álbum de estudio, duración: 32:25)# "zunea-zunea" - 2:59# "elefantul şi furnica" - 3:04# "lupul, iezii şi vizorul" - 4:17# "vino, te aştept" - 3:00# "căţeluş cu părul creţ" - 3:28# "dăruieşte" - 3:45# "gâşte-gâşte" - 2:43# "melc-melc" - 2:42# "refrenul dulcilor poveşti" - 3:00# "va veni o zi-ntr-o zi" - 3:27crăciun magic (magic christmas) (2009, tercer Álbum de estudio, duración: 43:48)# domn, domn, să-nălţăm (lord, lord be blessed) 3:10# Îngerii şoptesc (angels whisper) 3:38# steaua sus răsare (the star rises up) 2:44# deschide uşa, creştine (open the door, christian) 5:33# a venit, a venit iarna (the winter has come) 3:41# la betleem colo-n jos (down there in bethlehem) 3:02# Într-un miez de noapte (in a midnight) 3:50# leru-i doamne (oh lord) 4:19# florile dalbe (white flowers) 3:04# seara de crăciun frumos (beautiful christmas night) 4:23# astăzi s-a născut hristos (christ was born today) 2:42# maria şi iosif colindă (mary and joseph wander) 3:04melodii pentru copii (2012, cuarto Álbum de estudio)# "cand voi creste mare[//]"# "moş martin"# "mama mea e cea mai"# "vesel iepuraş"# "frăţiorul meu"# "trei buburuze"# "hopa-hop"# "ursuleţul bambulică"# "pentru noi doi"# "parcul zoologic"== referencias ==* cleopatra guinnes book== enlaces externos ==* ghita video de youtube* on stratan's first concert from* cleopatra stratan on* cleopatra stratan lyrics on


" - 2:01# "pasărea pistruie" - 3:44*la vârsta de 5 ani (2008, pop album, total length: 32:25)s# "zunea-zunea" - 2:59# "elefantul şi furnica" - 3:04# "lupul, iezii şi vizorul" - 4:17# "vino, te aştept" - 3:00# "căţeluş cu părul creţ" - 3:28# "dăruieşte" - 3:45# "gâşte-gâşte" - 2:43# "melc-melc" - 2:42# "refrenul dulcilor poveşti" - 3:00# "va veni o zi într-o zi" - 3:27*crăciun magic (magic christmas) (2009 christmas album, total length: 43:48)# domn, domn, să-nălţăm (lord, lord be blessed) 3:10# Îngerii şoptesc (angels whisper) 3:38# steaua sus răsare (the star rises up) 2:44# deschide uşa, creştine (open the door, christian) 5:33# a venit, a venit iarna (the winter has come) 3:41# la betleem colo-n jos (down there in bethlehem) 3:02# Într-un miez de noapte (in a midnight) 3:50# leru-i doamne (oh lord) 4:19# florile dalbe (white flowers) 3:04# seara de crăciun frumos (beautiful christmas night) 4:23# astăzi s-a născut hristos (christ was born today) 2:42# maria şi iosif colindă (mary and joseph wander) 3:04*melodii pentru copii (2012) (june 1, 2012)# "când voi creşte mare"# "moş martin"# "mama mea e cea mai"# "vesel iepuraş"# "frăţiorul meu"# "trei buburuze"# "hopa-hop"# "ursuleţul bambulică"# "pentru noi doi"# "parcul zoologic"==references====external links==

Last Update: 2016-03-03
Usage Frequency: 1

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