From professional translators, enterprises, web pages and freely available translation repositories.
but together we can be alright.
but together we can be alright.
Last Update: 2018-02-13
Usage Frequency: 1
together, we can make a difference and go further.
together, we can make a difference and go further.
Last Update: 2018-02-13
Usage Frequency: 1
as we die, both you and i
as we die, both you and i
Last Update: 2018-02-13
Usage Frequency: 1
this may seem challenging, but by working together we can do it and we will do it.”
this may seem challenging, but by working together we can do it and we will do it.”
Last Update: 2018-02-13
Usage Frequency: 1
from asia, europe, america, and africa..etc.. for together, we indeed, can!!!
from asia, europe, america, and africa..etc.. for together, we indeed, can!!!
Last Update: 2018-02-13
Usage Frequency: 1
el proyecto "together we light the way " del canadá y trinidad: la promoción de comunidades seguras e interesadas en el bienestar ajeno por conducto de las escuelas
the "together we light the way " project in canada and trinidad: promoting safe and caring communities through schools.
Last Update: 2016-11-30
Usage Frequency: 1
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la cuarta pista, «we ride», cuenta con una guitarra suavemente acústica con la producción de stargate.
" the fourth track, "we ride," features the gently strummed acoustic guitar with the production of stargate.
Last Update: 2016-03-03
Usage Frequency: 1
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:: una campaña y plan de acción del gobierno, iniciados en junio de 2005, denominados "together we can " (juntos podemos).
a government campaign and action plan, launched in june 2005, called 'together we can'.
Last Update: 2016-11-30
Usage Frequency: 1
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a plea for a return to belief in jesus the messiah" (1984)* "what happens when we die?
a plea for a return to belief in jesus the messiah" (1984)* "what happens when we die?
Last Update: 2016-03-03
Usage Frequency: 1
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un grupo de jóvenes de 7 países que participa en el proyecto de intercambio "together we grow: youth towards an inclusive economy", financiado por la comunidad europea, ha seguido continuamente el programa.
the group of young people from 7 countries that participated in the exchange project "together we grow: youth towards an inclusive economy" funded by the european community participated all through the programme.
Last Update: 2018-02-13
Usage Frequency: 1
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" (1968 de damiano damiani con gian maria volonté, klaus kinski, martine beswick, lou castel, jaime fernández)* "django melodie in blei" (1968 * "uno más al infierno" * "campa carogna... la taglia cresce")* "" (1968)* "today we kill tomorrow we die" (1968)* "il était une fois dans l'ouest" (1968 henry fonda, claudia cardinale, charles bronson)* "lanky, l'homme a la carabine" (1968)* "cantando a la vida" (1969 de angelino fons con massiel, rolf zacher, josé calvo, erika wallner, gérard tichy "ein hoch der liebe")* "los chacales del desierto" (1969 de armando crispino con lee van cleef, jack kelly, joachim fuchsberger, giampiero albertini, gotz george "commandos" "himmelfahrts komammando et allemein")* "100 rifles" (1969 de tom gries con jim bown, raquel welch, burt reynolds, fernando lamas, dan o'herlihy "100 rifles")* "la colina de las botas" (1969 de giuseppe colizzi con bud spencer, woody strode, edward ciannelli, victor buono, lionel stander "boot hill" "trinita va tout casser" "la colline des bottes" "la collina degli stivali")* "como lobos sedientos" (1969 de romolo guerrieri con gary hudson, loredana nusciank, gianni garko, fidel gonzales, adriana ambesi "10.000 dollari per un massacro")* "una cuerda, un colt" (1969 de robert hossein con michèle mercier, robert hossein, lee burton, daniel vargas, michel lemoine "une corde, un colt")* "de mis enemigos me ocupo yo" (1969 de mario amendola con charles southwood, julián mateos, alida chelli, mirko ellis, yvano staccioli "dai nemici mi guardo io)* "los desperados" (1969 de julio buchs & lucio fulci con george hilton, ernest borgnine, alberto de mendoza, annabella incontrera, leo anchóriz "quei disperatai che puzzano di sudore e di morte")* "doce veces judas" (1969 de nando cicero con antonio sabato, klaus kinski, cristina galbó, josé calvo, emma baron)* "españa plato internacional" (1969 documental 11mn de josé lópez clemente)* "forajidos implacables" (1969 de alberto cardone con brett halsey, teresa gimpera, fernando sancho, herman lang, antonio casa "20.000 dollari sporchi di angue")* "la furia de los siete magníficos" (1969 de paul wendkos con george kennedy, james whitmore, frank silvera, reni santoni, bernie casey "guns de the magnificent seven")* "hasta la última gota de sangre" (1969 de alberto cardone con montgomery ford, wayde preston, dana ghia, fernando sancho "l'ira di dio")* "invernar en espana" (1969 documental 17mn de luis torreblanca)* "llego, veo, disparo" (1969 de enzo g. castellari con antonio sabato, john saxon, frank wolff, leo anchóriz, agata flory "i tre che sconvolsero il west-vado, vedo e saparo" )* "lo quiero muerto" (1969 de paolo bianchini con craig hill, lea massari, josé manuel martin, andrea bosic, licia calderon "lo voglio morto")* "la marca de cain" (1969 de henry levin con vince edwards, jack palance, george maharis, neville brand, sylvia sims "the desperados")* "minuto para rezar, un segundo para morir" (1969 de franco giraldi con alex cordn, nicoletta machiavelli, arthur kennedy, robert ryan "un minuto per pregare, un instante per morire")* "la muerte de un presidente" -1969 de tonino valerii con giuliano gemma, van johnson, fernando rey, warren vanders, maria cuadra "il prezzo del potere")* "la mujer del desierto" (1969 de luigi latini de marchi con claudie lange, joaquín blanco, damaso muni, aldo berti, carroll breck "gli amori di angelica")* "oro sangriento" (1969 de frank kramer con lee van cleef, wiliam berger, pedro sánchez, nick jordan, robert hundar "ehi, amico, c'é sabata... hai chiuso")* "que esperen los cuervos" (1969 de jean-pierre desagant con julián mateos, michel constantini, senta berger, hans meyer, alberto fernández "les étrangers")* "the royal hunt de the sun" (1969 de irving lerner con robert shaw, christopher plummer, nigel devenport, leonard whiting, michael craig)* "sin aliento" (1969 de fernando cerchio con peter lee lawrence, luis davila, tano cimarosa, agnès spaak, antonio gradoli "la morte sull'alta collina")* "starck el pistolero" (1969 de bruno corbucci con brain kelly, keenan wynn, erika blanc, folco lulli, fabrizio moroni "spara, gringo spara")* "susana" (1969 de mariano ozores con concha velasco, juanjo menéndez, mary francis, rafaela aparicio, florinda chico)* "tierra de gigantes" (1969 de ferdinando baldi con leonard mann, luciana paluzzi, pietro martellanza, alberto de mendoza, pilar velázquez)* "el valle de gwangi" (1969 de james o'connely con james franciscus, gila golan, richard carlson, laurence naismith, freda jackson "la vallée de gwangi")* "viaje a la andalucía musulmana" (1969 documental 31mn de juan garcía atienza)* "wanted, no soy un asesino" (1969 de giorgio ferroni con giuliano gemma, teresa gimpera, serge marquand, german cobos, daniele vargas "wanted")* "texas" (1969 * "il prezzo del potere")== década de 1970 ==* "buen funeral, amigos, paga sartana" (1970 de giuliano camimeo & anthony ascott con gianni garko, antonio vilar, daniela giordano, george wang, ivano staccioli "buon funerale, amigos!...
" (1968 of damiano damiani with gian maria volonté, klaus kinski, martine beswick, lou castel, jaime fernández)*"django melodie in blei" (1968)*"" (1968)*"today we kill tomorrow we die" (1968)*"lanky, l'homme a la carabine" (1968)*"cantando a la vida" (1969 of angelino fons with massiel, rolf zacher, josé calvo, erika wallner, gérard tichy)*"los chacales del desierto" (1969 of armando crispino with lee van cleef, jack kelly, joachim fuchsberger, giampiero albertini, götz george)*"100 rifles" (1969 of tom gries with jim bown, raquel welch, burt reynolds, fernando lamas, dan o'herlihy)*"boot hill" (1969 of giuseppe colizzi with bud spencer, woody strode, edward ciannelli, victor buono, lionel stander)*"como lobos sedientos" (1969 of romolo guerrieri with gary hudson, loredana nusciank, gianni garko, fidel gonzales, adriana ambesi)*"una cuerda, un colt" (1969 of robert hossein with michèle mercier, robert hossein, lee burton, daniel vargas, michel lemoine)*"de mis enemigos me ocupo yo" (1969 of mario amendola with charles southwood, julián mateos, alida chelli, mirko ellis, yvano staccioli)*"los desesperados" in lucainena de las torres (1969 of julio buchs & lucio fulci with george hilton, ernest borgnine, alberto de mendoza, annabella incontrera, leo anchoriz)*"doce veces judas" (1969 of nando cicero with antonio sabàto, klaus kinski, cristina galbó, josé calvo, emma baron)*"españa plato internacional" (1969 documentary 11mn of josé lopez clemente)*"forajidos implacables" (1969 of alberto cardone with brett halsey, teresa gimpera, fernando sancho, germano longo, antonio casas)*"la furia de los siete magníficos" (1969 of paul wendkos with george kennedy, james whitmore, frank silvera, reni santoni, bernie casey)*"hasta la última gota de sangre" (1969 of alberto cardone with montgomery ford, wayde preston, dana ghia, brett halsey, fernando sancho)*"invernar en españa" (1969 documentary 17mn of luis torreblanca)*"one dollar too many" (1969 of enzo g. castellari with antonio sabàto, john saxo, frank wolff, leo anchoriz, agata flory)*"lo quiero muerto" (1969 of paolo bianchini with craig hill, lea massari, josé manuel martin, andrea bosic, licia calderon)*"la marca de caín" (1969 of henry levin with vince edwards, jack palance, george maharis, neville brand, sylvia syms)*"minuto para rezar, un segundo para morir" (1969 of franco giraldi with alex cord, nicoletta machiavelli, arthur kennedy, robert ryan)*"la muerte de un presidente" (1969 of tonino valerii with giuliano gemma, van johnson, fernando rey, warren vanders, maria cuadra)*"oro sangriento" (1969 of frank kramer with lee van cleef, wiliam berger, pedro sanchez, nick jordan, robert hundar)*"que esperen los cuervos" (1969 of jean-pierre desagant with julián mateos, michel constantin, senta berger, hans meyer, alberto fernández)*"the royal hunt of the sun" (1969 of irving lerner with robert shaw, christopher plummer, nigel davenport, leonard whiting, michael craig)*"sin aliento" (1969 of fernando cerchio with peter lee lawrence, luis davila, tano cimarosa, agnès spaak, antonio gradoli)*"starck el pistolero" (1969 of bruno corbucci with kelly (actor)_[brian kelly], keenan wynn, erika blanc, folco lulli, fabrizio moroni)*"susana" (1969 of mariano ozores with concha velasco, juanjo menéndez, mary francis, rafaela aparicio, florinda chico)*"tierra de gigantes" (1969 of ferdinando baldi with leonard mann, luciana paluzzi, pietro martellanza, alberto of mendoza, pilar velázquez)*"the valley of gwangi" (1969 of james o'connely with james franciscus, gila golan, richard carlson, laurence naismith, freda jackson)*"viaje a la andalucía musulmana" (1969 documentary 31mn of juan garcia atienza)== 1970–1979 ==*"buen funeral, amigos, paga sartana" (1970 of giuliano carnimeo & anthony ascott with gianni garko, antónio vilar, daniela giordano, george wang, ivano staccioli "buon funerale, amigos!...
Last Update: 2016-03-03
Usage Frequency: 1
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