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marekani pameku watu zaidi ya milioni 330



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umaarufu wa lowassa ulionekana dhahiri pale alipodhaminiwa na watu zaidi ya milioni 1.5 .


lowassa’s popularity was clearly noted when his nomination was endorsed by 1.5 million people.

Last Update: 2016-02-24
Usage Frequency: 1


watu zaidi ya arobaini ndio waliokula njama kufanya hivyo.


and they were more than forty which had made this conspiracy.

Last Update: 2012-05-06
Usage Frequency: 1


indonesia ina watumiaji wa intaneti zaidi ya milioni 40 na imetambuliwa kama makao makuu yatwitter katika asia.


indonesia has more than 40 million internet users and it is acknowledged as the twitter capital of asia.

Last Update: 2016-02-24
Usage Frequency: 1


ifikapo tarehe 31 oktoba 2010, watanzania zaidi ya milioni 19.6 watafanya uamuzi muhimu kuhusu hatma ya nchi yao.


on 31 october 2010, more than 19.6 million tanzanians will make an important decision for the future of their country.

Last Update: 2016-02-24
Usage Frequency: 1


ni watu wanne, kati ya watu zaidi ya 400 waliojiandikisha ambao walipewa idhini rasmi na baraza la walezi kuwa wagombea.


only four men, out of more than 400 self-registered men and women, were given official approval by the guardian council for the candidacy.

Last Update: 2016-02-24
Usage Frequency: 1


serikali inakadiria kundi la watu 6,500 lakini waandalizi wa maandamano wanadai kuwa wamewandaa watu zaidi ya 30,000 mitaani.


the government estimated the crowd at 6,500 but rally organizers claimed they mobilized more than 30,000 people in the streets.

Last Update: 2016-02-24
Usage Frequency: 1


shambulio hilo lilifanyika usiku wa maneno kwenye mkahawa unaoitwa took terrasse kwenye mitaa ya bamako na watu zaidi ya kumi wamejeruhiwa vibaya.


the attack took place around midnight in a restaurant called la terrasse in downtown bamako and a dozen people are seriously injured.

Last Update: 2016-02-24
Usage Frequency: 1


ikiwa na watu zaidi ya milioni 60 wanaougua ugojwa wa kisukari na wengine wanaokadiriwa kufikia milioni 77 walio katika hatihati ya kuugua ugojwa huu, nchi ya india inajikuta katika vita kali ya kukabiliana na janga la ugonjwa wa kisukari.


with over 60 million diabetics and another estimated 77 million people being considered pre-diabetic, india is caught in the throes of a diabetes crisis.

Last Update: 2016-02-24
Usage Frequency: 1


'i paid a bribe kenya ' pia ilizindua namna ya kutumia ujumbe mfupi wa simu ili kuwawezesha wakenya zaidi ya milioni elfu ishirini na tano kuwasilisha ripoti zao.


the initiative launched the ‘i paid a bribe kenya’ integrated sms system in may this year to allow over 25 million kenyans with access to a mobile phone to report and share their bribe experiences on the site:

Last Update: 2016-02-24
Usage Frequency: 1


akiwa kijana mdogo katika kambi ya abia iliyokuwa na watu zaidi ya 40,000, kambini hapo, aliweza kuanzisha kikundi cha amani akiwa na wenzake.


as a teenager in abia camp that was home of over 40,000 people, he formed a peace club with his peers in the camp.

Last Update: 2016-02-24
Usage Frequency: 1


kufungiwa kwa mtandao wa twita, kulikoripotiwa kuathiri watu zaidi ya milioni 10 wanaotumia mtandao huo nchini uturuki, hali iliyofuatia kuchapishwa kwa nyaraka zinazosemekana 'kufunua' ufisadi wa maswahiba wa karibu wa waziri mkuu recep tayyip erdogan.


the ban on twitter, which reportedly effects some 10 million users in turkey, follows the publication of documents allegedly exposing corruption in prime minister recep tayyip erdogan's inner circle.

Last Update: 2016-02-24
Usage Frequency: 1


shirika la afya duniani linaripoti kwamba maradhi haya hatari zaidi kwenye historia ya homa inayosababishwa na virusi tayari imepoteza maisha ya watu zaidi ya 2,800 kati ya wagonjwa 5,833 kufikia tarehe 20 septemba.


the world health organization reports that the most serious epidemic in the history of this hemorrhagic fever has already killed more than 2,800 people out of 5,833 cases as of 20 september.

Last Update: 2016-02-24
Usage Frequency: 1


katika nchi yenye watu zaidi ya bilioni, uchaguzi mkuu ni wakati wa “kujenga au kuvunja” kwa makundi yenye maslahi, kwa vyama vya siasa na kwa watu wa kawaida.


in a country of more than a billion people, general election is nothing sort of a “make or break” time for many interest groups, political parties and the common folk.

Last Update: 2016-02-24
Usage Frequency: 1


waandamanaji wa amani huko bahrain wanaoishinikiza serikali kuwaachia huru wafungwa wa kisiasa na kuwaomboleza watu zaidi ya 40 waliouawa na vikosi vya usalama tangu mwezi fevruari walikabiliwa na mapambano makali na polisi, mateso ya kikatili, mabomu ya machozi na risasi za mpira.


peaceful protesters in bahrain who are pressuring the government to release political prisoners and pay tribute to the more than 40 people killed by security forces since february have been faced with police attacks, brutality, tear gas, and rubber bullets.

Last Update: 2016-02-24
Usage Frequency: 1


kikosi cha uokoaji topos méxico tlatelolco kimeanza kampeni ya kuomba michango ili kuweza kuungana na jitihada za uokoaji zinazoendelea baada ya tetemeko lenye ukubwa wa 7.8 kuitikisa nepal jumamosi iliyopita, na kukatisha maisha ya watu zaidi ya 4,000 na wengine 7,000 wakijeruhiwa.


the rescue brigade topos méxico tlatelolco has started a fundraising campaign to be able to join rescue efforts there after a 7.8 magnitude earthquake shook nepal last saturday, leaving more than 4,000 people death and 7,000 injured.

Last Update: 2016-02-24
Usage Frequency: 1


manao tarehe 14 septemba, wasanii wa tunisia hamzaoui med amine na kafon walitoa wimbo wao mpya ujulikanao kama 'houmani'. hadi sasa ukiwa na watazamaji zaidi ya milioni 3.4 katika mtandao wa youtube, wimbo huu umekuwa kama wimbo wa taifa miongoni mwa vijana nchini tunisia.


on 14 september, tunisian artists hamzaoui med amine and kafon released their newest song 'houmani'. with more than 3.4 million views on youtube so far, the song has become an anthem for tunisian youth.

Last Update: 2016-02-24
Usage Frequency: 1


goes na casaes wanatumaini kuwa kutokana na kapeni yao ya kuelimisha umma – kwenye mitandao ya kijamii ikiwemo orkut yenye watumiaji zaidi ya milioni 40, ubia na mtandao wa wenye migahawa ya intaneti, asasi zisizo za kiserikali, na vyama vya wananchi – mradi wa eleitor 2010 utafanikiwa na kubadilisha namna ambavyo maelfu ya wapiga kura hujihusisha na mchakato wa uchaguzi.


góes and casaes hope that with their awareness campaign - on social networks including orkut with over 40 million users, partnerships with networks of internet cafés, ngos, and social movements - eleitor 2010 will break through and change the way thousands of voters engage in the electoral process.

Last Update: 2016-02-24
Usage Frequency: 1


japan ilitoa msaada wa barakoa za uso milioni moja kuelekea wuhan, uturuki ilituma vifaa vya kimatibabu, urusi ilituma zaidi ya tani 13 ya zana za kimatibabu kuelekea wuhan, malaysia iltangaza msaada wa glavu za kimatibabu milioni 18 kuelekea uchina, ujerumani ilituma zana tofauti za kimatibabu zikiwemo suti za hazmat 10,000, na marekani iltoa msaada wa tani 17.8 ya zana za kimatibabu kuelekea uchina na kuahidi msaada wa kifedha ya ziada ya milioni $100 kwa nchi zilizoathirika.baada ya visa uchina vilionekana kupungua, nchi hiyo imekuwa ikituma msaada kwa nchi tofauti zilizopatwa na janga.


japan donated one million face masks to wuhan, turkey dispatched medical equipment, russia sent more than 13 tonnes of medical supplies to wuhan, malaysia announced a donation of 18 million medical gloves to china, germany delivered various medical supplies including 10,000 hazmat suits, and the united states donated 17.8 tons of medical supplies to china and promised an additional $100 million in financial support to affected countries.after cases in china seemed to stabilize, the country has been sending aid to various nations hit by the pandemic.

Last Update: 2020-08-25
Usage Frequency: 1

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