Results for wanayoishi translation from Swahili to English

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utaratibu huu ulimpa edom taswira ya hali halisi ya maisha wanayoishi wanahabari hawa wakiwa gerezani.


this gave edom a glimpse of what these journalists’ lives looked like in prison.

Last Update: 2016-02-24
Usage Frequency: 1


mwaka 2013, mwanablogu mashuhuri na mwandishi wa habari wa zamani alianzisha kampeni ya mtandaoni ya kuwataka watumiaji wa mtandao kupiga picha za uchafuzi wa mito katika maeneo wanayoishi.


in 2013, a prominent blogger and former journalist initiated an online campaign calling for netizens to snap photos of polluted rivers in their hometown.

Last Update: 2016-02-24
Usage Frequency: 1


wakati huo huo, maafisa wa serikali walitengeneza kwa haraka ukuta wa kijani pembezoni mwa barabara ambazo msafara wa papa francis ungepita, kwa lengo la kumzuia papa na watu wengine waliokuwa kwenye msafara huo kuo mitaa wanayoishi maskini pembezoni mwa kizuizi.


meanwhile, officials erected a green wall along the pope's motorcade route, preventing him and other motorists from seeing the urban poor who live beyond the barrier.

Last Update: 2016-02-24
Usage Frequency: 1


mashirika mawili tofauti katika israel na majimbo ya palestina yanatumia zana za video ili kuwasaidia wote, vijana wa kiyahudi na wakiarabu kuuelewa mgogoro na kutengeneza daraja kati yao, kwa kutengeneza nafasi ya kukutana na kuwasiliana ambamo wanaweza wakaeleza ndoto zao, yanayowagusa na mawazo yao kuhusu hali tata wanayoishi.


two different organizations in israel and the occupied palestinian territories are using video tools to help both arabic and jewish youth to understand the conflict and bridge gaps between them, creating spaces for interaction and communication where they can share their dreams, concerns and thoughts regarding the complex situation they live in.

Last Update: 2016-02-24
Usage Frequency: 1


dai la kuwanyang’anya ardhi linakuja kutoka kwa jeshi la brazil, ambalo linakusudia kuongeza makazi kwa maafisa wake katika eneo hilo, mpakani mwa eneo la salvado na simoes filho, katika jimbo la bahia… uzao wa watu wa asili ya afrika ambao wakati wa ukoloni, walichukuliwa kutoka kwenye nchi yao kuwa watumwa nchini brazil, wa-quilmbola sasa wanajiona kwenye tishio jingine la kupoteza nyumba zao, pamoja na haki waliyonayo ya kumiliki ardhi wanayoishi inayolindwa na katiba ya nchi.


the claim for the land comes from the navy of brazil, that intends to broaden a condo for its officers in that territory, in the border area between salvador and simões filho, state of bahia... descendants of original peoples from africa who, during colonialism, were taken from their land to become slaves in brazil, the quilombolas now see themselves under threat of losing their homes again, despite their right to the land they inhabit enshrined in the constitution.

Last Update: 2016-02-24
Usage Frequency: 1

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