Results for kwesikrini translation from Zulu to English

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ukuhlangana kwenhlamvu phakathi kwesikrini kanye ne khibhodi


letter association between the screen and the keyboard

Last Update: 2014-08-20
Usage Frequency: 1


hola umudlizinombolo lapho kusho khona ukuthi linganisa inombolo phezulu kwesikrini.


guide the number muncher to the expressions that equal the number at the top of the screen.

Last Update: 2014-08-20
Usage Frequency: 1


chofoza amakhoyini noma imali yamaphepha ngezansi kwesikrini ukuze ubhadale. uma ufuna ukususa ikhiyini noma iphepha, chofoza kukho endaweni engenhla kwesikrini.


click on the coins or paper money at the bottom of the screen to pay. if you want to remove a coin or note, click on it on the upper screen area.

Last Update: 2014-08-20
Usage Frequency: 1


ukuchofoza kalula nje ephawini kwenja ukuba uvule umsebenzi noma imenyu yemisebenzi. phansi kwesikrini kunendawo yolawulo lwe-gcompris. izimpawu ezilandelayo zikhonjwe kusuka esandleni sokudla kuya esendleni sobunxele. (khumbula ukuthi uphawu ngalunye lukhonjwa kuphela uma lukhona emsebenzini wamanje) ekhaya - phuma emsebenzini, ubuyele kumenyu i-thumb - kulungile. qinisela impendulo yakho i-dice - khomba izinga lamanje. chofoza ukuze ukheta kuya phezuluhe izinga elinye izindebe - phinda umbuzo umbuzi - usizo ithuluzi - imenyu yezimiso ibhanoyi lika-tux - nge-gcompris ubusuku - yeka i-gcompris izinkanyezi zikhombisa amaqembu weminyaka efanele umdlalo ngamunye: u-1, 2 no-3 izinkanyezi wezilula - kusukela eminyakeni engu-2 kuya ku-6 u-1, 2 no-3 izinkanyezi ezididene - iminyaka engu-7 kuya phezulu


a simple click on an icon brings you to an activity or a menu of activities. at the bottom of the screen is the gcompris control bar. the following icons are displayed from right to left. (note that each icon is displayed only if available in the current activity) home - exit an activity, go back to menu (ctrl-w and escape key) thumb - ok. confirm your answer arrows - display the current level. click to select another level lips - repeat the question question mark - help tool - the configuration menu tux plane - about gcompris quit - quit gcompris (ctrl-q) the stars show suitable age groups for each game: 1, 2 or 3 simple stars - from 2 to 6 years old 1, 2 or 3 complex stars - 7 years and up shortcuts: ctrl-b show or hide the control bar ctrl-f toggle full screen ctrl-m toggle mute for the background music

Last Update: 2014-08-20
Usage Frequency: 1

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