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widespread symptoms



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Chino (Simplificado)



Chino (Simplificado)

2011-2013年以英文发表的部分论著包括:3. li s x,yan s y,bao y p,lian z,qu z,wu y p,liu z m.,depression and alterations in hypothalamic- pituitary-adrenal and gypothalamic-pituitary-thyroid axis function in male abstinent methamphetamine abusers. hum psychopharmacol(2013年9月);bao yp,qiu y,yan sy,jia zj,li sx,lian z,mu y,liu z m,pattern of drug use and depressive symptoms among amphetamine-type stimulants users in beijing and guangdong province,china,plos one.(2013年4月);zhang hr,lian z,yan sy,bao yp,liu z m.,different levels in orexin concentrations and risk factors associated with higher orexin levels:comparison between detoxified opiate and methamphetamine addicts in five chinese cities,biomed research international,volume 2013;zhang hr,liu z m,the investigation of tramadol dependence with no history of substance abuse:a cross-sectional survey of spontaneously reported cases in guangzhou city,china,biomed research international,volume 2013;shi wl,zhao x,liu z m,zhang m,zhou by,pu xp,serum proteomics of methamphetamine addicts and up-regulation of complement factor h related to methamphetamine addiction,neuroscience lett(2012年9月);li d,chu p,yang y,li s,ruan y,liu z m,cao x,lu l,jia z,high prevalence of hiv,syphilis and hcv,and low methadone maintenance treatment in a migrant population in beijing,j addict med.(2012年);bao yp,liu z m,lian z,li jh,zhang rm,zhang cb,hao w,wang xy,zhao m,jiang hf,yan sy,wang ql,qu z,zhang hr,wu p,shi j,lu l,prevalence and correlates of hiv and hcv infection among amphetamine-type stimulant users in six provinces in china,j acquir immune defic syndrome(2012年);bao yp,du c,lu hy,lian z,qiu y,mu y,yan sy,liu zm,the investigation of hiv and hcv infection and risk factors among opiate drug users in beijing,china,am j drug alcohol abuse(2012年);wang ql,liu zm,characteristics of psychopathology and the relationship between routes of drug administration and psychiatric symptoms in heroin addicts,substance abuse(2012年);yan sy,lian z,sun gk,bao yp,ge y,liu zm,assessment of the chinese-version sf-36 in the chinese opiate addicts,substance use and misuse(2011年)。


selected publications in english in the period 2011-2013 include: li sx, yan sy, bao yp, lian z, qu z, wu yp, liu z m, depression and alterations in hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal and gypothalamic-pituitary-thyroid axis function in male abstinent methamphetamine abusers. hum psychopharmacol, september 2013; bao yp, qiu y, yan sy, jia zj, li sx, lian z, mu y, liu z m, pattern of drug use and depressive symptoms among amphetamine-type stimulants users in beijing and guangdong province, china, plos one.

Última actualización: 2016-12-04
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