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bruttoudligningsbeloebet bestemmes for hver normaliseringskategori efter beregningsprincipperne i det bilag , der vedroerer den paagaeldende kategori .
the gross amount of compensation shall be determined for each class of normalisation by applying the principles of calculation specified in the annex for the relevant class.
Última actualización: 2014-10-23
Frecuencia de uso: 1
beloebene til finansielle udligninger for hver normaliseringskategori skal angives i en oversigt , som er vedlagt jernbanevirksomhedens aarsopgoerelse .
the amount of the compensation paid in respect of each class of normalisation shall be shown in a table annexed to the annual accounts of the railway undertaking.
Última actualización: 2014-10-23
Frecuencia de uso: 1
fremgaar det af beregningen i henhold til de i bilaget for hver normaliseringskategori anfoerte bestemmelser , at der paahviler jernbanevirksomheden en byrde , har denne krav paa den tilsvarende finansielle udligning fra det offentlige .
where the calculation made in accordance with the provisions laid down in the annexes for each class of normalisation discloses a financial burden for the railway undertaking, the latter shall be entitled to an equivalent sum by way of compensation from the public authorities.
Última actualización: 2014-10-23
Frecuencia de uso: 1
denne ansoegning skal indgives i saa god tid , at de noedvendige midler kan afsaettes paa det offentliges budget ; den skal indeholde alle formaalstjenlige begrundelser , som isaer vedroerer foelgende : a ) byrder eller fordele for hver normaliseringskategori ;
such application, which shall be made in good time to allow the public authorities to make the necessary provision in the budget, shall contain all relevant supporting information concerning in particular: (a) the financial burdens or benefits for each class of normalisation;
Última actualización: 2014-10-23
Frecuencia de uso: 1