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Última actualización: 2014-11-21
Frecuencia de uso: 4
možne interference zaradi barve ozadja v preskusnem vzorcu se odstranijo z uporabo referenčne raztopine.
possible interference due to background colour in the test sample is eliminated by the use of this reference solution.
za biološke teste je treba opredeliti ciljne spojine, možne interference in najvišje sprejemljive slepe vrednosti.
for bioassays, the target compounds, possible interferences and maximum tolerable blank levels shall be defined.
narejene niso bile nobene študije, ki bi dokazale, da ni interference med maternalnimi protitelesi in odzivom na cepljenje.
no specific studies have been conducted to demonstrate absence of interferences from maternally derived antibodies on vaccine take.
preskusi toksičnosti ponavljajočih se odmerkov in študije toksičnosti za zarodek/plod so nepraktične zaradi indukcije protiteles in interference protiteles.
repeated-dose toxicity testing and embryo-fetal toxicity studies are impractical due to induction of, and interference with antibodies.
za preverjanje, da ni nobene interference, se ponovi določanje z 10-odstotno spremembo relativne količine metanola v mobilni fazi.
in order to check the absence of any interference, repeat the determination by changing the proportion of methanol in the mobile phase by 10 % relative.
incidenca nastanka protiteles proti tocilizumabu je lahko podcenjena zaradi interference tocilizumaba z analizo in višje koncentracije zdravila, opažene pri otrocih v primerjavi z odraslimi.
the incidence of anti-tocilizumab antibody formation might be underestimated because of interference of tocilizumab with the assay and higher drug concentration observed in children compared to adults.
po potrebi se ta poskus lahko dopolni s tekočinskim/tekočinskim postopkom ločevanja z uporabo etilacetata in vode ali diklormetana in vode, da bi odstranili morebitne interference.
this assay may be supplemented, if necessary, with liquid/liquid partition steps with ethyl acetate/water or dichloromethane/water to remove potential interferences.
posebej izdelani ali prirejeni za zmanjševanje nevarnih emanacij signalov, ki nosijo podatke v meri, večji od potrebne za zdravstvene in varnostne standarde ter standarde elektromagnetne interference;
specially designed or modified to reduce the compromising emanations of information-bearing signals beyond what is necessary for health, safety or electromagnetic interference standards;
energijski podsistem cr in železniški vozni park morata biti sposobna delovati skupaj brez problemov interference, kot so previsoka napetost in drugi pojavi, opisani v določbi 10 en50388:2005.
the cr energy subsystem and rolling stock must be able to work together without interference problems, such as over-voltages and other phenomena described in en50388:2005 clause 10.