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meuse: arrondissements of bar-le-duc, commercy, verdun


meuse: okrožja bar-le-duc, commercy, verdun

Última actualización: 2014-11-06
Frecuencia de uso: 1


commercy () is a commune in the meuse department in lorraine in north-eastern france.


to so značilnosti, ki so jih našli pri analizi asteroidov družine eos.

Última actualización: 2016-03-03
Frecuencia de uso: 1


on the other hand, in case t-386/07 peek & cloppenburg v ohim — redšl (agile) (judgment of 29 october 2009, not published), the court stated that situations in which a sign whose meaning the relevant public is capable of grasping immediately has only limited distinctiveness in relation to the goods or services in question do not constitute such circumstances. it took the view that the conceptual di¥erence between the signs aygill’s and agile is not suŠcient to counteract the visual and phonetic similarities between those signs. with regard to the goods at issue, sports equipment and clothing, the word ‘agile’ has a laudatory character, which, in light of those similarities, might also be attributed by consumers to the earlier mark. also, in case t-291/07 viñedos y bodegas príncipe alfonso de hohenlohe v ohim – byass (alfonso) (judgment of 23 september 2009, not published), the court upheld ohim’s assessment that the earlier mark principe alfonso and the mark applied for alfonso are conceptually di¥erent for spanish consumers, in particular in that, in so far as the ‘principe’ element singles out one person from among all those with the same ¤rst name, the mark applied for has a clear and speci¤c meaning, so that the relevant public will be capable of grasping it immediately. as regards comparison of goods or services, in case t-316/07 commercy v ohim — easygroup ip licensing (easyhotel) (judgment of 22 january 2009), the court, having recalled that goods and services are complementary where there is a close connection between them, such that one is indispensable or important for the use of the other, stated that that de¤nition implies that those goods or services can be used together and therefore that they are intended for the same public.


splošno sodišče je v združenih zadevah melli bank proti svetu (sodba z dne 9.¥julija¥2009, t-246/08 in t-332/08, še neobjavljena, v pritožbenem postopku) in v zadevi bank melli iran proti svetu (sodba z dne 14.¥oktobra¥2009, t-390/08, še neobjavljena, v pritožbenem postopku), ki so bile končane po hitrem postopku, prvič preučilo tožbe zoper ukrepe zamrznitve sredstev, sprejete v okviru sistema omejevalnih ukrepov, uvedenega zaradi pritiska na islamsko republiko iran, da bi ustavila jedrske dejavnosti, ki pomenijo tveganje širjenja jedrskega orožja, in razvoj sistemov za dobavo jedrskega orožja.

Última actualización: 2014-02-06
Frecuencia de uso: 1

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