Vous avez cherché: doelstellings (Afrikaans - Anglais)

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dit verskaf my plesier om verslag te doen dat die regering steeds hard bly werk om te sorg dat die doelstellings van die nasie bereik word.


i am happy to report that with regard to each of these commitments, government remains hard at work to ensure that the nation’s objectives are met.

Dernière mise à jour : 2011-10-24
Fréquence d'utilisation : 1
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ek is uiteindelik oortuig dat slegs gevangenisstraf en 'n redelike tydperk van gevangenisstraf gepas is om gevolg to gee aan al die doelstellings waarna ek reeds verwys het. dit is so dat u nie weer skuldig bevind is aan misdrywe nie.


i am ultimately convinced that only imprisonment and a reasonable period of imprisonment are appropriate to give effect to all the objectives to which i have already referred. it is so that you have not been convicted of crimes again.

Dernière mise à jour : 2021-12-16
Fréquence d'utilisation : 1
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Référence: Erosennin99@gmail.com


opvoeding speel 'n baie belangrike rol om my lewe so volledig en vervullend moontlik te maak. terwyl ek op hoërskool is, is daar baie doelwitte wat ek vir myself moet stel. hierdie doelstellings is om my toekoms lonend te maak. om my doelwitte te bereik, moet ek belangrike besluite neem oor my opleiding. die besluite wat ek neem, sal my toekoms beïnvloed. daar is twee paaie waarop ek kan loop. die eerste stap sou wees om in 'n werk te werk waarvoor geen universiteitsgraad vereis word nie. ek sal minimum pa kry


education plays a very important role in making my life as complete and fulfilling as possible. while in high school there are many goals that i have to set for myself. these goals are to make my future rewarding. to achieve my goals i must make important decisions about my education. the decisions i make will affect my future.              there are two paths in which i can take. the first path would be working in a job that doesn't require any college degree. i would get minimum pa

Dernière mise à jour : 2019-11-18
Fréquence d'utilisation : 1
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Référence: Anonyme

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