Vous avez cherché: elements (Anglais - Amharique)

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was he not a small seed in the seminal elements ,


የሚፈሰስ ከኾነ የፍትወት ጠብታ አልነበረምን ?

Dernière mise à jour : 2014-07-02
Fréquence d'utilisation : 1
Qualité :


even so we, when we were children, were in bondage under the elements of the world:


እንዲሁ እኛ ደግሞ ሕፃናት ሆነን ሳለን ከዓለም መጀመሪያ ትምህርት በታች ተገዝተን ባሪያዎች ነበርን፤

Dernière mise à jour : 2012-05-05
Fréquence d'utilisation : 1
Qualité :


but now, after that ye have known god, or rather are known of god, how turn ye again to the weak and beggarly elements, whereunto ye desire again to be in bondage?


አሁን ግን እግዚአብሔርን ስታውቁ ይልቅስ በእግዚአብሔር ስትታወቁ እንደ ገና ወደ ደካማ ወደሚናቅም ወደ መጀመሪያ ትምህርት እንዴት ትመለሳላችሁ? እንደ ገና ባሪያዎች ሆናችሁ ዳግመኛ ለዚያ ልትገዙ ትወዳላችሁን?

Dernière mise à jour : 2012-05-05
Fréquence d'utilisation : 1
Qualité :


i wisperformance and text discussion of the incidence of genres, and the continuity of oral and written poetry, takes as its reference point the text of oral poems: the idea that there is something that can be called 'the poem', such that one can discuss its oral or other characteristics, or how widely it and similar instances can be found throughout the world. this indeed is how the subject has commonly been approached. but the text is, of course, only one element of the essence of oral litera


i wisperformance and text discussion of the instances of the genres, and the continuly of the reference of the text of oral and written ግጥም የቃል ግጥም ፅሁፉን ይጠቅሳል። 'ግጥሙ' ተብሎ ሊጠራ የሚችል ነገር አለ የሚል ሃሳብ ነው። ለምሳሌ በቃል ወይም በሌሎች ባህሪያቱ ላይ መወያየት ይችላል፣ ወይም በመላው ዓለም ምን ያህል በስፋት እና መሰል አጋጣሚዎች ሊገኙ ይችላሉ። በእርግጥም ርዕሰ ጉዳዩ በአብዛኛው የሚቀርብበት መንገድ ይህ ነው ። ነገር ግን ጽሑፉ የቃል ሥነ ጽሑፍ ፍሬ ነገር አንዱ ብቻ ነ

Dernière mise à jour : 2022-12-12
Fréquence d'utilisation : 1
Qualité :

Référence: Anonyme

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