Vous avez cherché: we will have lots another job in the future (Anglais - Amharique)

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we will have lots another job in the future



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make my words come true in the future .


በኋለኞቹም ሕዝቦች ውስጥ ለእኔ መልካም ዝናን አድርግልኝ ፡ ፡

Dernière mise à jour : 2014-07-02
Fréquence d'utilisation : 1
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the future depends on what we do in the present



Dernière mise à jour : 2022-03-01
Fréquence d'utilisation : 1
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Référence: Anonyme


this is the day of judgement ; we will have assembled you and the former peoples .


ይህ መለያው ቀን ነው ፡ ፡ እናንተንም የፊተኞቹንም ሰብሰብናችሁ ፡ ፡

Dernière mise à jour : 2014-07-02
Fréquence d'utilisation : 1
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Référence: Anonyme


they are the ones who will have the worst of punishment , and in the hereafter they will be the greatest losers .


እነርሱ እነዚያ ክፉ ቅጣት ለእነርሱ ያላቸው ናቸው ፡ ፡ እነርሱም በመጨረሻይቱ ዓለም እነርሱ በጣም ከሳሪዎቹ ናቸው ፡ ፡

Dernière mise à jour : 2014-07-02
Fréquence d'utilisation : 1
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Référence: Anonyme


the matter is up to god , in the past , and in the future . on that day , the believers will rejoice .


በጥቂት ዓመታት ውስጥ ( ያሸንፋሉ ) ፡ ፡ ትዕዛዙ በፊትም በኋላም የአላህ ነው ፡ ፡ በዚያ ቀንም ምእመናን ይደሰታሉ ፡ ፡

Dernière mise à jour : 2014-07-02
Fréquence d'utilisation : 1
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Référence: Anonyme


these — they will have nothing but the fire in the hereafter . their deeds are in vain therein , and their works are null .


እነዚያ እነርሱ በመጨረሻይቱ ዓለም ለእነርሱ ከእሳት በቀር የሌላቸው ናቸው ፡ ፡ የሠሩትም ሥራ በርሷ ውስጥ ተበላሸ ፡ ፡ ( በቅርቢቱ ዓለም ) ይሠሩት የነበሩትም በጎ ሥራ ብልሹ ነው ፡ ፡

Dernière mise à jour : 2014-07-02
Fréquence d'utilisation : 1
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Référence: Anonyme


we hasten unto them with good things ( in this worldly life so that they will have no share of good things in the hereafter ) ? nay , but they perceive not .


በበጎ ነገሮች የምንቻኮልላቸው መኾንን ( ያስባሉን ) አይደለም ፤ ( ለማዘንጋት መኾኑን ) አያውቁም ፡ ፡

Dernière mise à jour : 2014-07-02
Fréquence d'utilisation : 1
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Référence: Anonyme


but whoever of you is obedient to allah and his apostle and acts righteously , we shall give her a twofold reward , and we will have in store for her a noble provision .


ከእናንተም ለአላህና ለመልክተኛው የምትታዘዝ መልካም ሥራንም የምትሠራ ምንዳዋን ሁለት ጊዜ እንሰጣታለን ፡ ፡ ለእርሷም የከበረን ሲሳይ አዘጋጅተንላታል ፡ ፡

Dernière mise à jour : 2014-07-02
Fréquence d'utilisation : 1
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Référence: Anonyme


as for those who fear their lord in the unseen will have forgiveness and a rich reward .


እነዚያ ጌታቸውን በሩቁ የሚፈሩ ለእነርሱ ምሕረትና ታላቅ ምንዳ አልላቸው ፡ ፡

Dernière mise à jour : 2014-07-02
Fréquence d'utilisation : 1
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Référence: Anonyme


those who sell their covenant with god and their promises for a small price will have no share in the life hereafter . god will not speak to them nor will he look at them on the day of judgment nor will he purify them .


እነዚህ በአላህ ቃል ኪዳንና በመሐላዎቻቸው ጥቂትን ዋጋ የሚለውጡ እነዚያ በመጨረሻይቱ ዓለም ምንም ዕድል የላቸውም ፡ ፡ በትንሣኤ ቀንም አላህ አያነጋግራቸውም ፡ ፡ ወደ እነርሱም አይመለከትም አያነጻቸውምም ፡ ፡ ለነሱም አሳማሚ ቅጣት አላቸው ፡ ፡

Dernière mise à jour : 2014-07-02
Fréquence d'utilisation : 1
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Référence: Anonyme


see , how we have exalted some above others in this world , and in the life to come they will have higher ranks and greater degrees of excellence over others .


ከፊላቸውን በከፊሉ ላይ እንዴት እንዳበለጥን ተመልከት ፡ ፡ የመጨረሻያቱም አገር በማዕረጎች በጣም የከበረችና በመብለጥም የተለቀች ናት ፡ ፡

Dernière mise à jour : 2014-07-02
Fréquence d'utilisation : 1
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Référence: Anonyme


and he revealed the qur 'an . indeed , those who disbelieve in the verses of allah will have a severe punishment , and allah is exalted in might , the owner of retribution .


( ከቁርኣን ) በፊት ለሰዎች መሪ አድርጎ ( አወረዳቸው ) ፡ ፡ ፉርቃንንም አወረደ ፡ ፡ እነዚያ በአላህ ተዓምራቶች የካዱ ለእነርሱ ብርቱ ቅጣት አላቸው ፡ ፡ አላህም አሸናፊ የመበቀል ባለቤት ነው ፡ ፡

Dernière mise à jour : 2014-07-02
Fréquence d'utilisation : 1
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Référence: Anonyme


and whoever turns away from my remembrance - indeed , he will have a depressed life , and we will gather him on the day of resurrection blind . "


« ከግሣጼዬም የዞረ ሰው ለእርሱ ጠባብ ኑሮ አለው ፡ ፡ በትንሣኤም ቀን ዕውር ኾኖ እንቀሰቅሰዋለን ፡ ፡

Dernière mise à jour : 2014-07-02
Fréquence d'utilisation : 1
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Référence: Anonyme
Avertissement : un formatage HTML invisible est présent


are they waiting for allah to come to them in the shadows of the clouds with the angels ! their matter will have been settled then .


አላህ ( ቅጣቱ ) ና መላእክቱ ከደመና በኾኑ ጥላዎች ውስጥ ሊመጡዋቸው እንጂ አይጠባበቁም ፡ ፡ ነገሩም ተፈጸመ ፤ ነገሮችም ሁሉ ወደ አላህ ይመለሳሉ ፡ ፡

Dernière mise à jour : 2014-07-02
Fréquence d'utilisation : 1
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Référence: Anonyme


it is neither your wealth nor your children that bring you closer to us , but it is he who believes and does good deeds . these will have a double reward for what they did ; and they will reside in the chambers , in peace and security .


ገንዘቦቻችሁና ልጆቻችሁም ያች እኛ ዘንድ መቅረብን የምታቀርባችሁ አይደለችም ፡ ፡ ያመነና መልካምን የሠራ ብቻ ሲቀር ፡ ፡ እነዚያ ለእነርሱ በሠሩት መልካም ሥራ እጥፍ ምንዳ አልላቸው ፡ ፡ እነርሱም በገነት ሰገነቶች ውስጥ ጸጥተኞች ናቸው ፡ ፡

Dernière mise à jour : 2014-07-02
Fréquence d'utilisation : 1
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Référence: Anonyme


and if you have to hold off from [ assisting ] them [ for now ] , seeking your lord s mercy ’ which you expect [ in the future ] , speak to them gentle words .


ከጌታህም የምትከጅላትን ጸጋ ለማጣት ከእነርሱ ብትዞር ለእነሱ ልዝብን ቃል ተናገራቸው ፡ ፡

Dernière mise à jour : 2014-07-02
Fréquence d'utilisation : 1
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Référence: Anonyme


and let not those grieve you who vie with one another in denying the truth : they cannot harm god in the least ; it is god 's will that they will have no share in the life to come -- a severe punishment awaits them .


እነዚያም በክህደት የሚቻኮሉት አያሳዝኑህ ፡ ፡ ከነርሱ ፈጽሞ አላህን በምንም አይጎዱምና ፡ ፡ አላህ በመጨረሻይቱ ዓለም ለእነሱ ዕድልን ላያደርግ ይሻል ፡ ፡ ለእነርሱም ታላቅ ቅጣት አላቸው ፡ ፡

Dernière mise à jour : 2014-07-02
Fréquence d'utilisation : 1
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Référence: Anonyme


" as to those who disbelieve , i will punish them with a severe torment in this world and in the hereafter , and they will have no helpers . "


« እነዚያማ የካዱትን ሰዎች በቅርቢቱ ዓለምና በመጨረሻይቱ ዓለም ብርቱን ቅጣት እቀጣቸዋለሁ ፡ ፡ ለእነርሱም ምንም ረዳቶች የሏቸውም ፡ ፡ »

Dernière mise à jour : 2014-07-02
Fréquence d'utilisation : 1
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Référence: Anonyme
Avertissement : un formatage HTML invisible est présent


remember god during the stated days ; but if a person comes away after two days , it will not be a sin ; and if one tarries , he will not transgress , if he keep away from evil . follow the law of god , and remember that you will have to gather before him in the end .


በተቆጠሩ ቀኖችም ውስጥ ( በሚና ጠጠሮችን ስትወረውሩ ) አላህን አውሱ ፡ ፡ በሁለት ቀኖችም ውስጥ ( በመኼድ ) የተቻኮለ ሰው በርሱ ላይ ኃጢኣት የለበትም ፡ ፡ የቆየም ሰው በርሱ ላይ ኃጢኣት የለበትም ፡ ፡ ( ይህም ) አላህን ለፈራ ሰው ነው ፡ ፡ አላህንም ፍሩ ፡ ፡ እናንተ ወደርሱ የምትሰበሰቡ መኾናችሁንም ዕወቁ ፡ ፡

Dernière mise à jour : 2014-07-02
Fréquence d'utilisation : 1
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Référence: Anonyme


[ then allah said ] , " it is expected , [ if you repent ] , that your lord will have mercy upon you . but if you return [ to sin ] , we will return [ to punishment ] .


( በመጽሐፉም አልን ) « ብትጸጸቱ ፡ - ጌታችሁ ሊያዝንላችሁ ይከጀላል ፡ ፡ ( ወደ ማጥፋት ) ብትመለሱም እንመለሳለን ፡ ፡ ገሀነምንም ለከሓዲዎች ማሰሪያ አደርገናል ፡ ፡

Dernière mise à jour : 2014-07-02
Fréquence d'utilisation : 1
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Référence: Anonyme
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